192 Search results

For the term "hybrid".
ANSI Measuring Standard Required by FNMA 807

ANSI Measuring Standard Required in 2022

On December 15, 2021, Fannie Mae announced that it will be adopting ANSI Measuring Standard in 2022. Appraisers will be required to use the Square Footage-Method for Calculating: ANSI® Z765-2021 (American National Standards Institute®) Measuring Standard for measuring, calculating, and reporting gross living area (GLA) and non-GLA areas of subject properties for appraisals requiring interior and exterior inspections with effective dates of April 1, 2022 or later for loans sold to Fannie Mae. For more information, watch this video and check out this fact sheet.   Here are some items for appraisers to consider when using the ANSI standard Measurements...

Is a Floor Plan in Your Future? 36

Are Floor Plans in Your Future?

A floor plan is supposed to be included in Desktop & Hybrid reports. How will that be done? Appraisers, I’ve recently been studying a ‘word change’ in various GSE documents. This change happened initially in March 2020 in the COVID era revised ‘flexibility’ Assumption and Limiting Conditions and Scope of Work attached to residential reports, and was further incorporated into TWO new appraisal forms issued in July 2020, which you might not even realize they exist! The word change was subtle, but has major implications for appraisers. The change is ‘sketch’ to “Floor Plan.” But when I inquired about this...

Desktop Reports - Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports? 11

Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports

…I’ve discovered a potential anomaly in Desktop reports (and Hybrids also) which might shock some appraisers… Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports. Or so they say. Bankrate.com has a revealing article published on Oct. 27, 2021, titled As Appraiser Shortage Delays Closings, Mortgage Giants Try Workaround | Bankrate FHFA (the GSE’s “manager”), after the administration change, under pressure from mortgage brokers and lenders, and after the experiment with the COVID era “flexibilities”, has decided to allow the GSE’s to accept a new type of appraisal for first mortgage (purchase) lending early in 2022: the Desktop report. The current line of thinking...

The Desktop Appraisals Soon to Be the New Purchase Wrinkle 10

Desktop Appraisals Soon to Be the New Purchase Wrinkle

The desktop appraisals are not necessarily more reliable, which could become an adverse issue for appraisers in the future… Appraisers, we learned about this late on Monday, Oct. 18, 2021: Sandra L. Thompson, acting director of the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) appeared before the Mortgage Bankers Association annual conference on Monday. Her remarks to that group featured this: The “flexibilities” (i.e., the desktop appraisals) put in place for appraisers after COVID-19 hit, have ended. However, FHFA has been reviewing the data gathered during their use and examined feedback from lenders and other parties. She told the MBA attendees that both...

Racial Bias in Real Estate: Is it the Property Appraisers’ Fault? 17

Racial Bias in Real Estate: Is it the Appraisers’ Fault?

In the past year, the appraisal industry has been under attack from various academics who claim “racial bias” on the part of real property appraisers providing appraisal services to lenders who provide home mortgages. These academics do not fully understand various types of valuation specialties, the appraisers who practice in these specialties, and the myriad of laws that must be followed. Help is needed to explain the appraisal industry, including the specialties and the types of reports. An understanding of the different components of the appraisal industry is necessary to assist various academics, journalists, the media, the public, and the public...

You are on the menu 7

You’re on the Menu

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are on the menu…” Would it be misleading to disclose you performed a personal inspection of a property done with significant appraisal assistance in which you relied on supported demographics? Well maybe… The Appraisal Foundation has issued a discussion draft to answer this question and others similar to it and wants your opinion. Now we understand that some of you will comment about what’s the point and some will state they don’t have time to participate; others will simply ignore it all together. Someone once said “If you don’t have a seat...

We Should Be the Only One to Determine Any Modernization 2

Modernization Should Only Be Determined by the Appraisal Profession

The appraisal professions should be the only ones to determine any modernization; whatever that is… When Things Don’t Go as Expected Like so many others, I have learned the hard way not to accept any assignment without a little due diligent research first. Make no mistake I do not shy away from difficult assignments. I am under the firm belief the more difficult, the better. I actually enjoy the challenge. I recently accepted a private assignment over the phone for a lot in the City. I was driving and did not have access to MLS or locality records. I knew...

FHFA to Screw Up Appraisals - Creating More Loopholes to Be Exploited 8

FHFA to Screw Up Appraisals

The FHFA is looking for comments on how they can better screw up the appraisal process. So if you’ve got a hankerin’ to help out with that you can find a comments section somewhere on the world wide web to do so. What are your thoughts on this appraisal idea from the FHFA? They have identified a problem where they said one didn’t exist, and they identified what the solution is, and it is going to be through comments from you… They are going to modernize the appraisal process. They have already drawn their own conclusions. Now all they have...

Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23 - Time to Quit the Constant Changes 11

Pending Future Changes in USPAP 2022-23

The Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board have released the 4th Exposure Draft to the FUTURE version (2022-23) of USPAP. I, like so many other ‘stakeholders’ and appraisers, have grown weary of the incessant Exposure Drafts and updates to our mandated PROTOCOL MANUAL, which for many years has been massaged and modified in various ways every 2 years. Largely because new members cycle onto the ASB every year or two. The constant updates has resulted into a continuing cash cow for the Appraisal Foundation / Appraisal Standards Board. But in actual use, that should not happen because USPAP is codified...

Radian Ending & Replacing Traditional Appraisals with Artificial Intelligence 14

Radian Ending Traditional Appraisals

In the news release, Radian, an AMC licensed in most US States says they will help their clients ‘transition’ away from traditional appraisals… This news release was circulated yesterday, October 29, 2020, by the Radian Group Inc. Radian Group (NYSE:RDN) will wind down its traditional appraisal business, which offers residential real estate appraisal services through a panel of independent contractor appraisers, to focus on core mortgage and real estate businesses driven by digital products and services. This news is so fresh that their very attractively designed web site and associated pages still glowingly highlight how wonderful their ‘traditional appraisals’ are… at least...

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