Your Daily Dose of Real Estate News

Broker Products; Legal Thoughts on Dual Licensing;… New"Abandon all hope ye who enter here." (Dante’s words, not Disney’s.) That could be the slogan of Times Square, but for those who just spent days at the Secondary conference in Times Square, trying to avoid everything in Times Square, you can look forward to the same event at the same place in the same hotel next year, May 18-21, 2025. Manhattan has so, so much more to offer. In a year, will groups still be discussing Attorney Opinion Letters, offering a savings on refis and new construction for Agency loans? What about LOs coming real estate agents, and vice…
Broker Products; Legal Thoughts on Dual Licensing;… New"Abandon all hope ye who enter here." (Dante’s words, not Disney’s.) That could be the slogan of Times Square, but for those who just spent days at the Secondary conference in Times Square, trying to avoid everything in Times Square, you can look forward to the same event at the same place in the same hotel next year, May 18-21, 2025. Manhattan has so, so much more to offer. In a year, will groups still be discussing Attorney Opinion Letters, offering a savings on refis and new construction for Agency loans? What about LOs coming real estate agents, and vice…
Hedging, TPO, ROV, Fee Collection Tools; STRATMOR… NewSome people say, “You’re crazy to stay in residential lending in this environment, and it’s not going to improve dramatically in the near future.” No, this is crazy. Owners of vendors and lenders who are barely eking by, or losing money quarter after quarter, aside, there is plenty of sanity remaining. Given what I heard in Manhattan, we can expect many, many offerings of 2nd mortgage programs and HELOCs from investors and therefore the lenders that sell to them, given the amount of equity that’s out there. LOs know that these are homes, not houses, and many owners focus on…