192 Search results

For the term "hybrid".
Gaming of the System - Not With My Money Fannie & Freddie! 8

Gaming of the System

…gaming of the system is happening not only with income, (yes automated income verification has returned) but now property valuations… Appraisers have some very strong opinions on computer driven appraisals. Others are noticing the dangers as well. It is more than just automated valuation models though. In an article written by Danielle DiMartino Booth, for Bloomberg, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are specifically called out on their appraisal waivers. The author compares the dangers of the automated income verification being done in the 2000’s and how the system was easily gamed to the appraisal waivers currently being done. The author...

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession... Preserving the Public Trust 12

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession

The continued reliance of unregulated aggregators and bifurcated products continues to erode the public trust at the expense of discarding the profession specifically intended to promote the public trust. How does this protect the public?… On June 14, 2005 Steve Jobs told a class of graduates, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward” Around the same time, I was appointed as the sole residential member of the appraisal licensing board of my state. Little did I realize that this 2005 governor-appointed position would eventually lead me to sharing a stage in 2018 with...

Fast Connections AMC Fined $2.8 Million - Don't Mess With Texas 9

Fast Connections AMC Fined $2.8 Million

Fast Connections USA, Inc. & its President, Towhindul Hussain, were found guilty of hundreds of violations… Well it must be true what they say… Don’t mess with Texas! The Texas Appraisal Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) has issued a monetary fine of $2,801,500 against an appraisal management company. Fast Connections USA, Inc. and its President, Towhindul Hussain, were found guilty of hundreds of violations of Texas law and regulations. TALCB found Fast Connections contracted 274 appraisals in Texas without proper registration. These violations have a mandatory fine of $10,000 each. TALCB also found Fast Connections USA failed to pay appraisers...

Survey Says... Bifurcation is a DUD! - Appraisers Blogs 9

Survey Says… Bifurcation is a DUD!

“It’s a dud” is the unofficial results on bifurcated appraisals from the OREP / WorkingRE Magazine Appraisal Bifurcation Survey in the print edition of Working RE Magazine that is hitting your mailbox now, an overwhelming majority of appraisers want nothing to do with these products. Less than 10% of the respondents stated they were open to bifurcation products as the appraiser and only slightly more, 13.64% were open to data collection assignments. Fees, liability and a detriment to the profession were the main reasons appraisers will not consider only the data collection assignments. The survey is still ongoing, but with...

Be Part of the Solution & Stop Being Part of the Problem! 27

Be Part of the Solution & Not the Problem!

Why would a professional licensed appraiser not want to be part of the solution? The Appraisal Foundation has posted the National Real Estate Appraiser Job Analysis Study. The survey is to determine the areas that are relevant to our daily functions as appraisers. This is our profession and appraisers are the best source of information on what we do and how we do it. The results will be used to determine the criteria necessary going forward for license examinations. We all have experienced revision requests from a reviewer who does not understand the appraisal process. What about those revision requests...

Arizona Goes After CoesterVMS - GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes 1

GAO to Investigate Appraisal Loopholes

…Arizona is seeking damages and penalties against CoesterVMS… GAO has agreed to complete the study… Maxine Waters and Congressman William Lacy Clay requested a formal study/investigation into Title XI (FIRREA) and the recent dilution of its intent by the Federal Agencies. VaCAP has learned GAO has agreed to complete the study. The Network of State Coalitions has sent the following to their state members: This is the result of so many voices – the Foundation, ASA, coalitions, NAR, etc. Our Network efforts have given us an inside connection that hopefully we can continue to build on. Our meeting in DC...

FIRREA Under Attack - Protecting Homeowners from Appraisal Loopholes 25

FIRREA Under Attack!

…the federal agencies charged with implementing Title XI of FIRREA have taken steps to limit the number of transactions for which an appraisal is required… Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Congressman William Lacy Clay request a formal study/investigation into Title XI (FIRREA) and the recent dilution of its intent by the Federal Agencies. The letter to  Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General, Government Accountability Office, addresses threshold increases, regulatory exemptions, appraisal waivers, the North Dakota appraiser certification waiver and evaluations in lieu of an appraisal. It is clear the Chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee and Subcommittee Chairman on Housing, Community Development and Insurance...

Low Mortgage Rates and Plentiful Appraisal Waivers - Appraisers Blogs 9

Low Rates and Plentiful Appraisal Waivers

The graph below comes from Len Kiefer, the data guru at Freddie Mac. Are we due for even lower rates? Who knows. But they have been lower not long ago. Theoretically, appraisers should have been really busy since about November 2018 through this past year. Were you? Me, not so much, but I don’t work for many AMC’s either. The fact that the GSEs and others have diminished the value of getting an appraisal done has adversely impacted our work. Waivers are plentiful now, and the raising of the de minimus threshold to $400K for non-GSE loans has reduced the...

WRE Surveyed Appraisers Say NO to the Bifurcated Model 18

Listening to Appraisers

…appraisers believe that the bifurcated model and the use of unlicensed, untrained and unaccountable contractors for key elements of collateral assessment will adversely affect the health and welfare of the housing finance system, increase their own liability and damage the public trust… It is the goal of the Federal Financing Housing Agency (FHFA) to ensure the health and welfare of the housing finance system. FHFA oversees Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and has, for the time being, paused the testing and development of bifurcated appraisals that bypass the participation of licensed appraisers (FHFA Puts Brakes on Fannie’s Bifurcated Program). I...

SFREP Doesn't Do Data Collection - Software by Appraisers for Appraisers 23

SFREP Does Not Collect Your Data

What Exactly Can SFREP Software Offer for Real Estate Appraisers? Are you working as efficiently as possible? In this day and age, appraisers need to be quick on their feet and utilize every tool under the sun to help streamline the process. That’s where SFREP comes in. This company is creating software designed to make the appraisal process digital while keeping it as fast, accurate, and straightforward as possible. But how exactly does SFREP work, and can it really make your job easier? For many real estate appraisers, the answer is a resounding yes. Software by Appraisers, for Appraisers SFREP...

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