Category: Trending

The Appraisal Management Company Business Model, Deceitful Little Lies 29

Deceitful Little Lies

At some point, appraisers need to take a stand against the appraisal management company business model. There are simply no benefits to appraisal management companies and there is no accountability for their actions. Haven’t we all been abused enough? Do the lenders really understand they are responsible for every action of the appraisal management company? Do the lenders really know the questionable ethics of the appraisal management companies? Are the appraisal management companies lying to the lenders? Deceitful, liars, bait and switch, trickery, fee shoppers, bottom feeders, empty promises and illegal activity are some of the nicer terms used to...

The FDIC Says NO to Appraisals - Appraiser Connections AMC Folds 10

FDIC Says NO to Appraisals

The FDIC voted to increase the minimum appraisal threshold to $400,000 for residential appraisals, despite the overwhelming opposition. The vote was quietly supported by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Maxine Waters and The Appraisal Foundation condemn the actions of the FDIC. See The Appraisal Foundations response below. (Washington, DC) August 20, 2019 – The Appraisal Foundation President David Bunton issued the following statement after the final rule exempting residential real estate transaction of $400,000 or less from appraisal requirements was approved by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. “When the proposed rule was announced in November 2018, The Appraisal Foundation...

ACI Software Users - Hold Harmless Agreement & Digital Signature 22

ACI Software Users

I just received a message from another appraiser that I believe uses ACI software. He received a request from ACI to sign a “Digital Signature Application” along with a few other forms. This appears to me to be in connection with a new form of an appraisal product which they have developed. The first paragraph of this “Digital Signature Application” read as follows 1.1 Signature Using BLACK INK, sign within the box below. Signature must remain within the confines of the box (see sample). All signature cards are destroyed after they are scanned, tested, and delivered. Passwords are not kept...

Stupid Appraiser Scenarios - An Appraiser is Asked to Value 29

Stupid Appraiser Scenarios

A business appraiser is asked to value a company, but the appraiser may not inspect the audited financial statements of the company. Instead, the company provides the appraiser with a summary of the company’s financial condition that was prepared by their in-house bookkeeper. An appraiser of timber is asked to value a 100-acre tract of woodland, but the appraiser is instructed not enter the woodland to conduct any quantity surveys or maturity tests of the stand. Instead, the appraiser is given an undated aerial photograph of the property. An appraiser who is a member of the Gemological Institute of America...

Bifurcated Appraisal Fans Can Claim SOW Till They're Blue in the Face 50

Hybrids vs USPAP Scope of Work Rule

Supporters of the bifurcated appraisal can claim scope of work till they are blue in the face… Appraisal Buzz published an article written by Joshua Walit on July 31, 2019 titled Nothing New Under the Sun: The Varied Face of Appraisal. The article brings up some good points, however; it does not take into account the reality of the market and the control of the lenders and appraisal management companies in the process. The mere fact that the appraiser does not have control over the person completing the inspection and in most cases, no way to even know who is providing the...

Where is the Invoice? AMCs Hiding Fees from Consumers & Appraisers 30

Where Is the Invoice?

Typically when you sell a service, you include an invoice to the buyer or consumer for the services you provided. This invoice lays out the products sold, the quantities, and services provided as well as the price or fee charged. The invoice is a vital part of any business. It is an official document that businesses use to show the terms of the agreement, it specifies the buyer of the product or services, and it documents the terms of payment. An invoice allows businesses to keep track of payments made or outstanding payments due. Some business will even tack on...

Coester Risen from Ashes? - Homeowners to Provide Data for Evaluation 26

Coester Risen from Ashes?

Has Coester risen from the ashes? Apparently, per a message on Twitter on July 9, 2019, Mr. Brian Coester is now in the real estate sales biz. The photo image used on the big T is the same one he used to use on his defunct AMC website. More information here for re-posts of articles not written by him. Meanwhile, there appears to be a new twist in Evaluation appraisals. This is the first I’ve seen about an AMC or any other company using ‘the homeowner’ to supply interior photos which will be used in a bank evaluation. See this...

Didja Know... Zillow is Better than Eyes! - Discern Quality Using Photos 33

Didja Know… Zillow is Better than Eyes!

How in the heck is Zillow supposed to discern QUALITY of these homes, and then magically produce a presumed value, when there is no actual data upon which to base a decision? Maybe it’s done with smoke and mirrors, rather than eyes? Appraisers, I was busy churning out reports, and didn’t have time to send out this bit of news about Zillow earlier: Zillow is watching: New algorithm uses photos of your home to check quality and curb appeal. Zillow is now claiming “it” can discern QUALITY of a home, just by looking at various photos they obtain from various sources! They...

Is Race Baked into Big Data? Who's Regulating Big Data When It Errs? 18

Is Race Baked into Big Data?

Chicago appraiser and friend (even though she calls me “fancy pants”) writes a stellar explanation of what an appraiser actual does – and what one of the panel experts got completely wrong because he didn’t understand our role in the mortgage process: Greetings Congresswoman Waters, Chairman Clay, Ranking Member Duffy, Ranking Member Gooden, and the Members of the Housing Subcommittee: My name is Maureen Sweeney, and I am a real estate appraiser. I grew up in a real estate family and lived through the savings and loan crisis of the 1980’s, which had a profound impact on my life. I...

Race Never Considered... Emerging Narrative of Appraisers Being Racists 75

Appraisers Don’t Use Race

Appraisers don’t use race… Race is NEVER considered during a valuation Last week in a congressional hearing on the future of the appraisal profession, some research was used to suggest appraisers are showing racial bias and essentially undervaluing black neighborhoods. I was not expecting the conversation to go that way during the hearing and I’ll admit I’m deeply concerned about the emerging narrative of appraisers being racists… In the congressional hearing a panelist talked about a study that shows black neighborhoods are devalued by $48,000 compared to otherwise similar white neighborhoods. That’s alarming and society needs to have some serious...

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