Tagged: voice of appraisal

Data Cancer Infecting the Real Estate Market 65

Data Cancer Infecting the Real Estate Market

They have created the phenomenon known as “data cancer” which reduces an appraisal to a rubber stamp that contaminates the comps used for future sales.  The ability to do an appraisal for Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac is getting rarer these days now that the GSEs are waiving appraisals on the majority of transactions. Despite drones being everywhere and the GSEs being in receivership, the latter is desperate for higher loan volumes to feed their origination infrastructure. Higher mortgage rates have crushed refinance loan volume and slowed sales volume. What can the GSEs do to increase mortgage volume? Remove appraisals...

Recap of the 4th Appraisal Bias Hearing 11

Recap of the 4th ASC Appraisal Bias Hearing

On February 13th, 2024, the fourth ASC appraisal bias hearing took place. For those who were unable to attend, the video of the hearing has been included below. The hearing was a crucial event for the appraisal industry, and it is important for all appraisers to be aware of the discussions and topics addressed. The panel of witnesses included: David Bunton, President, The Appraisal Foundation E.C. Neelly IV, Executive Director, Mississippi Real Estate Appraisal Board Maureen Sweeney, Principal, Maureen Sweeney, Real Estate Appraiser Ltd. Melissa Tran, Director, Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board Jillian White, Chief Executive Officer, Appraisal Insights...

Let's All Build the Gallows Together 61

Let’s All Build the Gallows Together

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have issued a clarion call to all appraisers to pitch in and help build the gallows from which they will hang us all in 2025. The mission is to “modernize” the appraisal profession into a skeleton crew of compliant zombies who will be rubber stamping appraisal reports for $25 each (Source: Voice of Appraisal) from the dark confines of their private offices. “Grab some nails, get your hammer, pick up that saw and let’s build a new gallows… I mean model, that gives lenders everything they want and need to inflate the housing market into...

Beware of Bifurcated Appraisals 11

Beware of Bifurcated Appraisals

The entire concept of bifurcated appraisals represents a fundamental misunderstanding of the appraisal process. To have an individual inspect a property and then convey that information to an appraiser to complete the valuation is tragically flawed because: Inspections and qualifications of an inspector are not standardized, not insured, not licensed (a convicted felon was caught doing one of these) An immense part of understanding the value of property occurs while walking through it (like observing the occupancy of 50 feral cats) It is generally more expensive (but I think its cheaper) to parse the functions out Places the consumer at...

Woke 'Bounty' Bill Will Chill Speech of New York Appraisers 8

Woke ‘Bounty’ Bill Will Chill Speech of New York Appraisers

A bill being crafted by the New York state Senate’s Finance Committee would, in effect, place a $2,000 bounty on the head of any heretical real estate appraiser in the Empire State who dares conclude a value that fails to satisfy a seller, serial refinancer or commissioned broker in a deal. Vulnerable buyers, who could be paying off inflated loans based on coerced values, would simply have to live with it. If enacted, the bill would authorize fines to be levied on appraisers for a new category of thoughtcrime – something called “appraisal discrimination.” Half the proceeds from the fines...

Fannie Mae Bullies Lenders, Ensnares Appraisers in Farcical Probes 15

FNMA Ensnares Appraisers in Farcical Probes

You feel like Fannie Mae is simply trying to get rid of appraisers. A lot of appraisers feel that way… “Even amidst tragedy there is sometimes farce,” wrote author Daniel Prokop. Unleashing tragedy and farce in equal measure, mortgage giant Fannie Mae is using its muscle to coerce lenders to repurchase early COVID-era loans. Fannie apparently deems them now too risky for its portfolio. As a ploy, say observers, Fannie is generating automated appraisals similar to Zillow’s “Zestimates” and using them to undermine appraised values in loans it wants to offload. Fannie’s automated system then sends unsigned boilerplate complaints to...

COVID-19 Issues Addressed & Interior Inspections Liabilities 29

COVID-19 & Interior Inspections Liabilities

Pay attention to Phil Crawford’s comments on interior inspections and the liability that goes with them… Fannie and Freddie have come out with updated guidelines for appraisals. There is much confusion on what is and what is not required. The below matrix simplified what is allowed by Fannie Mae. Additional questions and answers can be found on Lender Letter LL-2020-04. The unknown to the appraiser is the ownership of the loan. Appraisers must rely on the lender or amc for that determination. VaCAP wants to remind each and every one of you that regardless of what an amc or lender...

PS - Never Quit! - Appraisers Are Fighting Back all Over the County! 4

PS – Never Quit!

Here we are over 3 and a half years after the article titled “I Do Not Quit, Not Ever!“. No one has quit yet. AGA™ is now a tax-exempt 501(c)(6). We have successfully renegotiated our affiliation agreement with OPEIU and AFL-CIO. The articles of incorporation revised our previous articles of association. In the past two years Jan Bellas and the National Appraiser Peer Review Committee have helped in excess of 185 appraisers get off blacklists; be reinstated with lenders and assisted those wrongfully accused in defending themselves before state regulatory agencies. Anyone that’s dealt with Jan Bellas KNOWS she doesn’t...

Lenders Want to Eliminate DTI Cap! What Could Go Wrong? 20

Lenders Want to Eliminate DTI Cap!

No DTI CAPS – What could go wrong? Well, the insanity continues. HousingWire is reporting that a coalition of lenders and trade groups are calling on the CFPB to eliminate the debt to income cap on all qualified mortgages. Yes, you read that right. Lenders want to eliminate the debt to income cap to allow more loans to be originated. They claim by using alternative factors to determine risks, more low income borrowers can obtain a mortgage. Mortgage Bankers Association President and CEO Robert Broeksmit stated: With respect to the 43% DTI threshold, it makes little sense to commit to a rigid requirement...

We Need Pat Turner, The Gladiator Appraiser - Call to Action 5

The Gladiator Appraiser, Pat Turner

Regulatory reform is needed in the appraisal profession and Pat Turner is the right appraiser to help move it forward! This is a CALL TO ACTION. Please listen to Phil Crawford’s Voice of Appraisal Show released yesterday morning. He has put out a call to action to every appraiser to write a letter of recommendation for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board: Time to stand up again! Pat Turner, “The Gladiator Appraiser”, from the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has applied for a position on the Appraisal Standards Board at The Appraisal Foundation! Now more...

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