The Gladiator Appraiser, Pat Turner

We Need Pat Turner, The Gladiator Appraiser - Call to Action

Regulatory reform is needed in the appraisal profession and Pat Turner is the right appraiser to help move it forward!

This is a CALL TO ACTION. Please listen to Phil Crawford’s Voice of Appraisal Show released yesterday morning. He has put out a call to action to every appraiser to write a letter of recommendation for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board:

Time to stand up again! Pat Turner, “The Gladiator Appraiser”, from the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has applied for a position on the Appraisal Standards Board at The Appraisal Foundation!

Now more than ever, we need the leadership and prospective of a “working appraiser” in Washington D.C.

Regulatory reform is needed in the appraisal profession and Pat is the right appraiser to help move it forward!

It’s time to act! Let’s support Pat for this position!

Here’s what we need to do! We all need to send an email recommending and requesting Pat Turner be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board at The Appraisal Foundation.

Send your emails/letters of recommendations to:

Arika Cole
Board and Councils Program Manager
The Appraisal Foundation
202 624 3072

CALL TO ACTION! Pat Turner for the Appraisal Standards Board!!

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VaCAP Board
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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5 Responses

  1. Avatar Meandering says:

    If the ASB is protecting/promoting “public trust”

    They should also hear from “the public”

    Get your friends, relatives, neighbors, Realtor acquaintances, news outlets, and everybody you can find, to email the ASB.

    Closed door corporate money that keeps writing new AOs and FAQs, which are NOT USPAP, DO NOT INTERPRET USPAP or an Independent Appraiser who is not an AMC/client/Agent of a Lender, employee, and has to labor under the USPAP standards and comments that are only taught through “guidenace” that is not USPAP, for far too long now.

    Speak with your contacts who are also not appraisers.


  2. Emily Shawn on Facebook Emily Shawn on Facebook says:

    Email sent!! Go Pat Turner!!

  3. Finally, an applicant that knows what protecting the public trust actually means!

  4. Kathy Scheri on Facebook Kathy Scheri on Facebook says:

    I just sent my out.


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The Gladiator Appraiser, Pat Turner

by VaCAP Board time to read: 1 min