Tagged: appraisal news

Total number appraisers stats 4

Certified Appraisers Up but Total Number of Appraisers Down

Certified Appraisers at All-time High but Total Number of Appraisers Continues to Decrease The percentage of appraisers with a state certification is at an all-time high but the total number of appraisers continues to decrease at a rate of about 3 percent per year, according to data released April 9 by the Appraisal Institute. Appraisal Institute has analyzed data from the Appraisal Subcommittee National Registry since 2006, and the long-term trend shows that with more than half of U.S. appraisers aged 51 to 65, the appraiser population could decrease 25 to 35 percent over the next 10 years due to age...

Fatal UAD edits 0

Fatal UAD Edits on Appraisals Coming Soon

Fatal UAD edits on Appraisals to Become Effective in June 2013 Effective June 2013, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (the GSEs) will convert several of the current Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) compliance warning edits to fatal UAD edits in the Uniform Collateral Data Portal. Warning edits for the following data fields will convert to fatal UAD edits in June 2013: Appraisal effective date Subject contract price and comparable sale price Above grade Gross Living Area (GLA) (subject and comparables) Sale type (subject and comparables) Warning edits for the following data fields will convert to fatal UAD edits in phases that...

Summary of Actions Related to Proposed USPAP Changes 0

Summary of Actions Related to Proposed USPAP Changes

Potential changes and additions to USPAP On February 1, 2013, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) adopted modifications to the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). This action was the culmination of a period of 15 months and multiple discussion drafts, requests for comments, and three exposure drafts. Written comments were received in response to each document, and oral comments were provided at each public meeting. The ASB read and carefully considered every comment, developed a work plan to address the issues brought forward, and adopted revisions for the 2014-15 edition of USPAP. 1. Revisions adopted for 2014-15 USPAP The following...

NAIHP Promotes New Appraisal Rules on Capitol Hill 4

NAIHP Promotes New Appraisal Rules on Capitol Hill

NAIHP acknowledges neither HVCC nor Appraiser Independence rules require the use of AMC’s. The conflict of interest rules contained in the “Interim Final Rule on Appraiser Independence,” were designed to establish a firewall between a loan production department ordering valuations of residential real estate and appraisers, who perform valuations. The Federal Reserve Board (FRB), who established the Interim Final Rule to replace the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) in October of 2010, recognized it was not always practical to separate these functions in small financial institutions, which is why the FRB created two sets of firewall requirements: one for...

Rental Block - Fannie Mae Form 1025 4

Rental Block

Simply dumping rents into rental grid… The Fannie Mae Form 1025 is a lame document. There. I said it. You appraisers out there all know exactly what I’m talking about. Part of what makes it lame is the goofy layout of the form and what passes for education for appraisers in how to complete it properly. Too many appraisers haven’t a clue how to compare rents in a two to four unit apartment building. In many cases they simply dump rents into rental grid and magically opine that the subject rents are supported in the  market. What market is that? Actual...

Forecasting Your Appraisal Business 0

Forecasting Your Appraisal Business

Improving your financial management through cash flow forecasting Memorize this statement: “Cash flow is the lifeblood of all businesses.  Without cash flow your business will die.” I stress this statement often when I talk to appraisers during conferences, meetings, and webinars. Why? Because you are a small business owner first… and an appraiser second! Appraisers do a remarkable job and take great pride in their appraisal work. I recommend that you also take this attitude and approach towards your appraisal business, particularly your cash flow. What Is Cash Flow Forecasting? Cash flow forecasting is defined as planning what cash will come into the business in...


Kentucky Passes Legislation Helping Appraisers Harmed by AMCs

On March 21, Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear signed into law House Bill 120, which created a new appraisal management company recovery fund to replace its current surety bond requirement. The Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board will establish procedures for making claims against the fund and will administer the funds in order to provide restitution to licensed or certified real property appraisers who have suffered pecuniary harm by an AMC. Appraisers will be able to seek

Appraisal Institute Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum 2

AI Releases Enhanced ‘Green’ Addendum

The Appraisal Institute released on March 7 an updated version of its Residential Green and Energy Efficient Addendum. The form is designed to assist in the valuation of energy-efficient home features, and it remains the first of its kind specifically intended for appraisers’ use. AI originally issued its green addendum in September 2011 as an optional form to Fannie Mae Form 1004, which is the valuation profession’s most widely used form for mortgage lending purposes. The addendum allows appraisers to identify and describe a home’s green features, from solar panels to energy-saving appliances. Form 1004 devotes limited attention to energy-efficient features,...

Orlando real estate sales and appraiser - Image courtesy of watcharakun / FreeDigitalPhotos.net 9

Orlando Real Estate Sales & Over Cautious Appraisers

Orlando Real Estate Sales Affected by Over Cautious Appraisers With the Orlando Real Estate market on the rise, appreciation has become an actual piece of the puzzle again. It’s very common these days for a property to receive several offers on it for thousands above the asking price, specifically in the more desirable neighborhoods. Unfortunately, appraisers don’t really care about offers that are submitted above asking price and will rarely appraise any Orlando property above that property’s listing price. Instead, they just go by the listing price and try and get as close as they can to it. However, this doesn’t...

ASC Refer My Appraisal Complaint website 0

ASC “Refer My Appraisal Complaint” Website

ASC “Refer My Appraisal Complaint” Website is Up and Running The ASC’s new Refer My Appraisal Complaint website and hotline are up and running.  Here is the link to the website: https://refermyappraisalcomplaint.asc.gov/ I would suggest you all take a second and read this site’s Homepage direction to consumers and maybe you will understand why the Federal Government is so deeply in debt. This is a silly attempt by the ASC to project an image of consumer protection when in essence it is nothing more than a buck passing platform to the appropriate State Licensing Agency.  It even goes so far as...

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