702 Search results

For the term "class Valuation".
ASC Blaming Appraisers For Low Home Values in Communities of Color 64

ASC Blaming Appraisers

The Appraisal Subcommittee, because they were directed to do so, has produced a report, which frankly and explicitly lays the blame for low market values of homes in ‘communities of color’ directly at the feet of independent appraisers involved with mortgage lending. You will start seeing accusatory slanted media reports about this report. ABC news already has distributed it. A TV station in San Francisco has aired a story already. Yes, the report casually mentions actual facts that GOVERNMENT policies and procedures promulgated segregated and extraordinarily unfair housing issues in the US, from the 1930’s into the early 1960’s. The...

A New Standard for ROV Requests 22

A New ‘Standard’ for ROV Requests

Since beginning using this Standard, I have had ZERO ROV requests. Appraisers, the latest ‘buzzword’ around appraising is Standard. We’ve got to have a Standard for measuring a subject dwelling, even though the comparable GLA reported figure may have been measured far differently from the new soon-to-be mandated Standard. Appraisers have no way of controlling the apples to oranges dissimilarities. But I digress… According to the Dodd-Frank law, and the HVCC before it, clients are allowed to challenge the appraiser’s value opinion by submitting what is termed in the law “appropriate” sales to be further reviewed, with the expectation that...

ALOFT = “A Lack of Freaking Talent” - Appraisers Blogs 7

ALOFT = “A Lack of Freaking Talent”

When I read the announcement that Fifth Wall funded a relatively new startup called ALOFT, I and many of my peers were confused on what the value proposition actually is. Backed by a VC, including some of the biggest… In addition to Fifth Wall, Aloft’s backers include VC firms Andreessen Horowitz and MetaProp, Zillow and Pacaso co-founder Spencer Rascoff, Built CEO Chase Gilbert and Doordash executive Gokul Rajaram. …means that this funding is very expensive for ALOFT but they are trying to disrupt a very low-margin industry. I thought of the following acronym translation, not aimed at the management team,...

An Appraiser's Analysis of Freddie Mac's "Appraisal Gaps" White Paper 8

Analysis of the “Appraisal Gap” White Paper

My critical analysis of Freddie Mac’s “appraisal gap” white paper Appraisers, this is not an easy essay to write. It is my critical analysis of an academic study put out by a GSE, which I have read. In September 2021, Freddie Mac’s Modeling, Econometrics, Data Science & Analytics; Single Family Risk Management; and Economic & Housing Research groups released a white paper (Economic & Housing Research Note) named “Racial and Ethnic Valuation Gaps in Home Purchase Appraisals.” The paper uses the term ‘appraisal gaps.’ The paper’s definition of the ‘gap’ is: the percentage difference between minority and White groups in...

The Square Footage Problem - Is ANSI for Appraisers Really the Answer? 22

Is ANSI for Appraisers Really the Answer?

The real estate industry has a square footage credibility problem. ANSI has been out since 1996 with no new pages added and very few changes. In a constantly changing industry with new home styles and designs, change is a requirement. We have to remember that ANSI was originally created to be simple enough for a teenager to understand. It’s a great basic tool but falls well short of solving the real estate industry’s square footage problems. The first problem is that mandating ANSI for all appraisers may be a good first step, but fixing the whole problem requires two additional...

USPAP Definitions of 'His' and 'Her', The New ‘Misleading’ Debacle 23

USPAP Definitions of ‘His’ and ‘Her’

The USPAP Exposure Draft Process Continues To Step Outside Their Purpose With Her / Him as the new ‘Misleading’ Debacle The general idea of definitions added to USPAP was supposed to be industry-specific nomenclature. Because ASB doesn’t have policy writers nor does legal counsel review their work, we get a lot of garbage embedded into the document. And then it often gets removed because it was never correct, to begin with. This garbage in/out process is by design. There is no incentive for the technical boards (AQB, ASB) to get it right. This way USPAP can continue to be arbitrarily...

ASC 2021 Roundtable: Building a More Equitable Appraisal System 6

Building a More Equitable Appraisal System

ASC 2021 Roundtable: Building a More Equitable Appraisal System The Appraisal Subcommittee is hosting the second in a series of roundtables to explore issues of bias and inequities facing the appraisal industry and how to chart a path forward. On November 9, 2021, the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) will convene its second ASC 2021 Roundtable: Building a More Equitable Appraisal System, to build upon the success of the first roundtable and address historical and contemporary factors that have contributed to the inequities challenging the appraisal system today. Please join us for the second event of this groundbreaking series, which will bring...

Desktop Reports - Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports? 11

Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports

…I’ve discovered a potential anomaly in Desktop reports (and Hybrids also) which might shock some appraisers… Desktop Appraisals, Panaceas for Faster Reports. Or so they say. Bankrate.com has a revealing article published on Oct. 27, 2021, titled As Appraiser Shortage Delays Closings, Mortgage Giants Try Workaround | Bankrate FHFA (the GSE’s “manager”), after the administration change, under pressure from mortgage brokers and lenders, and after the experiment with the COVID era “flexibilities”, has decided to allow the GSE’s to accept a new type of appraisal for first mortgage (purchase) lending early in 2022: the Desktop report. The current line of thinking...

Politicians Have Made Appraising Into a Nightmare, So I've Retired 39

I’ve Retired & I’m So Glad I Did

  What we got, was 30+ years of complaints from the lenders and politicians who blamed appraisers for all of the lenders and political wrong doings… I retired 2 months ago, and I am SO GLAD I did. I’ve had enough. I decided on an appraisal career because I found real estate, and especially the valuation of homes to be extremely fascinating and challenging, and although I had heard that the appraisal profession was making changes back 30+ years ago, I “assumed” it was becoming a more upstanding, professional occupation, in the eyes of the lenders, politicians and general public,...

Why is Price Indexing Important. Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction? 1

Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction?

Join George Dell & Craig Gilbert for a free 2-hour webinar on Market Price Indexing: For Peaking Prices… Price indexing is also known by other words, such as time adjustments or market conditions adjustments or trend analysis. A number of techniques have been recommended over the years. Most are flawed. Oddly, the algorithm mechanics of calculating are fairly simple and intuitive. Best of all, once done correctly, the payoff is really high: You effectively increase the data available for comparison. For example, a very similar property is perfect, but is say 20 months ago, it becomes your best comp. It makes other adjustments easier to...

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