Appraisers Are NOT Invited!

Expert Witnesses Don't Include Appraisers - You Are NOT Invited!

“No room” for any additional expert witnesses representing appraisers’ interests…

Who are the Valuation Professionals?

Appraisers are unbiased and impartial in determining the market value of a property. We have the most training, both in the class room and in the field. We continually improve our skills and knowledge. We are the first to see market trends and continually monitor our coverage areas for triggers of market change. We are held to the highest standards. Appraisers are the valuation professionals that protect the consumer.

If the above statement is correct, someone please provide some insight into why not one appraiser is on the panel for the US House of Representatives, Committee of Financial Services, Modernizing Appraisal: A Regulatory Review and the Future of the Industry. Congressional Subcommittee on Housing & Insurance is meeting this Wednesday in what is essentially a closed hearing. Closed in the sense that their panel of “expert witnesses” is already set and “there is no room” for any additional expert witnesses according to subcommittee staffers.

Current scheduled witnesses include:

  • Mr. James R. Park, Executive Director, Appraisal Subcommittee
  • Mr. David S. Bunton, President, The Appraisal Foundation
  • Ms. Joan N. Trice, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Clearbox
  • Mr. Bill Garber, Director of Government and External Relations, Appraisal Institute
  • Mr. Ed Brady, Chairman of the Board, National Association of Home Builders
  • Ms. Jennifer S. Wagner, Managing Attorney, Mountain State Justice, Inc.

Do you want the above panel to determine your future? Get involved! Contact your Senator and Representatives and go on record as objecting to any type of public hearing as important as this that excludes broad representation for appraisers’ interests.

See entire memo below.

VaCAP Board
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VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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13 Responses

  1. Joy Smith on Facebook Joy Smith on Facebook says:


  2. Avatar Robert Burkley says:

    Wow ! I am so glad you are working so hard and paying attention to this issue. Change is coming and appraisers need to be involved. Thank you.

  3. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Never Fear…Trice Is Here!

    Joan was invited.  Read the last sentence of her recent article:

    This should give you an idea of the meeting’s true intention.

  4. Avatar Seneca says:

    Sent a response to my Rep and to Jeb & Maxine. I am sure it will fall on deaf ears.

  5. Avatar Diana N. says:

    Because they want to set the rules to benefit them and the big money, certainly not us or the public. The more I read, the sicker I get.

  6. Joyce Jenkins Potts on Facebook Joyce Jenkins Potts on Facebook says:

    It’s over for many.

  7. Avatar koma says:

    Why the surprise? I know I’m new (10yrs) to the game, but is this not what usually happens to us? Sit at the kids table and be quiet.

    • Avatar Wayne Courtney says:

      koma….It is not a surprise!
      Appraisers pay their hard earned money to receive this type of results. The old saying “Money talks and bullshit walks” is still true. Keep on paying your dues to all of the various appraisal organizations. Keep on paying for the newsletters, attend the Expos ….hire the coaches! Take the educational courses that support companies such as Core Logic... REALLY you guys/gals are paying your money for this result just sit back and enjoy! Or you could get your head out of your arse and keep your money in your account. These “FOLKS” are not doing this on my dime….must be you footing the bill! Please stop!

    • Avatar Wayne Courtney says:

      koma….It is not a surprise! Appraisers pay their hard earned money to receive this type of results. The old saying “Money talks and bullshit walks” is still true. Keep on paying your dues to all of the various appraisal organizations. Keep on paying for the newsletters, attend the Expos ….hire the coaches! Take the educational courses that support companies such as Core Logic... REALLY? you guys/gals are paying your money for this result just sit back and enjoy! Or you could get your head out of your arse and keep your money in your account. These “FOLKS” are not doing this on my dime….must be you footing the bill! Please stop!

  8. Avatar Wayne Courtney says:

    Today I received an email from the VA telling me that if I did not send them a copy of my appraisal certification that they would drop me from the VA panel of appraisers. This request came with the USUAL threat that if I did not bark and howl at the moon as instructed that they would drop me from the panel. Each VA appraisal that I prepare includes a copy of my appraisal certification. The National Registry of the Appraisal Subcommittee has this licence/certification information at their fingertips. The threat says that if I do not bark as instructed that I will be dropped from the panel and should I wish to rejoin it will be subject to their need for appraisers in that particular area. Well…GEE…They have called me and begged me to take assignments that were in adjoining counties because they had no appraiser willing to go there. Come on…really? Why are they wasting their time and most important my time to send them a copy of a certification that they can retrieve with a keystroke? I do not know about the rest of you but I am DAMN glad to see Donald Trump elected as president. If for no other reason than to piss off these career government parasites!

    Yes..I have been on the VA panel for many years and receive about six assignments each year. Four of these are for mortgage brokers that I have to chase and chase to receive payment. The VA is zero help in collecting your fee. Yep….they can drop me as they please but I am about to retire so I do not give a hoot. Please do no misunderstand my position as I really do appreciate the six assignments each year. There are some weeks that I turn down that many assignments in a single day. I want the VA business, I just do not want the bark and bow wow requirement needed to receive it. Some of these government folks need to get with the program…who needs who?

  9. Avatar Jackson says:

    There are so many things wrong about this profession that fees are only a part of it.

  10. Avatar Rachel Massey says:

    There are many great boots on the ground appraisers who could have given testimony (thinking particularly of someone like Frank Gregoire). It is unfortunate that these BOG appraisers were not given a place at the table for discussion. Hopefully that will be rectified going forward.

  11. Avatar Wayne says:

    Sorry if my previous “rants” seem out of place in this particular thread. I think that this is the thread where this type of comments belong. How it is that a government “committee” wants to discuss problems within the appraisal industry but somehow omits the input and/or comments of the actual appraisers working daily within this industry?

    We have AMCs and others discussing the “who, what, when, where, why and how” of our industry. How can all of these parasites KNOW what the problem is if they are not preparing appraisals on a day to day basis? Their opinions do not mean crap as more and more appraisers leave this occupation. In case that my fellow appraisers have not noticed we have hundreds of appraisers leaving our ranks every month. If someone wants to know why….should they not ask appraisers? If they have their head up their ass then they ask the type of group who was invited to this meeting! The group attending this silly meeting have no answers…many of them are the problem.

    Each of us working as appraisers on a daily basis know the problems. Many of us are old and just biding our time until we can retire. Many others are seeking new occupations as fast as they become available. Let there be no doubt…there will be a shortage of appraisers unless the nitwits in charge make some very serious changes very soon.

    My previous comment (above) about the VA showed the real world situation that appraisers are subjected to. Although they have a copy of each of our certifications in every report and this information is available with a keystroke…they somehow have a NEED to harass the members of their appraisal panel. Do they do this with others working with them such as mortgage brokers, surveyors, title people, Realtors, on and on? NO….they are very friendly to these folks….but…lets give the appraisers some crap! Let’s tell the appraisers who they must accept assignments from. Lets tell the appraisers what fees they can charge. Lets tell the appraisers how long they have to complete the assignment. This is on and on…..Just adds to the many reasons that appraisers are retiring or changing careers. We get ZERO respect from any direction that we look! Yep…there is going to be a shortage in the future, wait and see! I am not picking on the VA. I no longer accept FHA assignments. I have worked with the FHA for about 30 years but they have gone too far with their bullshit rules and regulations. There is absolutely too much appraisal work available for the qualified appraiser to consider accepting FHA work!

    If your toilet is clogged….does the plumber have to deal with someone else’s opinion of customary and reasonable fees? What if your central heat goes out on a cold New Year’s eve? Tell the HVAC guy that you will only pay $XX for his services. Now a lot of these folks do not have a four year college degree but they will tell you to butt a stump in a heartbeat if you start that type of conversation. That is why the appraisal occupation is not going to survive as it currently exists. Anyone really smart enough to do this job….is too smart to do it as it stands today! Oh well, time will tell and it will be interesting to watch the future unfold! Best of luck to my appraiser buddies!


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Appraisers Are NOT Invited!

by VaCAP Board time to read: 1 min