Category: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Appraisal Complaint Hotline Usage 2

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Proposes Rule to Improve Consumer Access to Appraisal Reports

Rule would give consumers additional rights to information on how a home value is determined WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a proposed rule that would require mortgage lenders to provide home loan applicants with copies of written appraisals and other home value estimates developed in connection with the application. The rule would ensure that consumers receive information prior to closing about how the property’s value was determined. “When looking to buy a home or refinance a mortgage, consumers need the best available facts and data,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray. “This rule would guarantee...

REVAA FAIR appraisal fees 18

REVAA and FAIR Approach for Appraisal Fees

REVAA and FAIR Call for Market-Driven Approach for Appraisal Fees Washington, DC (PRWEB) July 14, 2011, Donald Kelly, executive director, Real Estate Valuation Advocacy Association (REVAA), appeared today before the House Financial Services Committee, Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing, and Community Opportunity to testify on behalf of REVAA and the Coalition to Facilitate Appraisal Integrity Reform (FAIR) on Mortgage Origination: The Impact of Recent Changes on Homeowners and Businesses. The testimony comes just prior to the Federal Reserve Board transitioning its rulemaking authority to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB). Members of REVAA and FAIR advocate that the Federal Reserve Board,...

Lenders May Still Profit Most from Appraisal Fees 3

Revealing AMC Fees Optional Under Proposed Disclosure Forms

On July 9, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau released its proposed rule for mortgage disclosure forms designed to help consumers shopping for a home loan. The CFPB also showed the latest versions of its loan estimate form and its closing form. Part of the CFPB’s “Know Before You Owe” mortgage project, the proposed rule includes two forms that borrowers will receive after applying for a mortgage but before closing on their homes. The Appraisal Institute previously had expressed its support for the new forms, but asked that the CFPB separate the appraisal fee from the appraisal management company fee to...


Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight

Fed Report Scrutinizes Appraisal Processes The Government Accountability Office released a report June 28 that scrutinized real estate valuations in the wake of the recent mortgage crisis. The report, Residential Appraisals — Regulators Should Take Actions to Strengthen Appraisal Oversight, was produced using data from Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and five of the biggest mortgage lenders. The report revealed that valuations received through broker price opinions and automated valuation models take less time and are less costly than traditional appraisal reports, but traditional appraisal reports are still mandated for almost all first-lien residential loan originations due to their greater reliability....

AGA Statement to House Financial Services Committee Hearing 3

AGA Statement to House Financial Services Committee Hearing

The American Guild of Appraisers Statement to House Financial Services Committee Hearing Madam Chairman and Members of the Committee, on behalf of the American Guild of Appraisers/OPEIU Guild 44 (AGA) thank you for the opportunity to submit this statement in connection with today’s hearing on the real estate appraisal profession and the regulation of appraisers and appraisal practice. The AGA is a membership organization that seeks to represent the interests of appraisers related to federal and state regulation of appraisal practice and to industry practices that impact on appraisers and appraisals. In addition, working closely with other like-minded organizations including...

Appraisal Institute Continues to Support Separation of Fees 1

AI Continues to Support Separation of Fees

The Appraisal Institute and the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers reiterated their support of separating appraisal and appraisal management company fees on mortgage disclosure forms June 20 in Congressional testimony. The organizations originally voiced support when drafts of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s proposed Consumer Disclosure Form were released in February. AI and ASFMRA again expressed their support in written testimony on “Mortgage Disclosures: How Do We Cut Red Tape for Consumers and Small Businesses” before the House Committee on Financial Services’ Subcommittee on Insurance, Housing and Community Opportunity. The organizations expressed support of clear disclosure of...


Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards

My testimony today will focus on issues that are particularly relevant to state regulatory officials. Challenges Facing State Appraisal Boards Enforcement States established appraiser licensing and certification programs as a result of the Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) of 1989. These agencies issue appraiser licenses and certifications to those individuals who possess the education and experience requirements promulgated by the Appraiser Qualifications Board of The Appraisal Foundation. The agencies also oversee compliance by appraisers with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP), state law and agency rules. These programs have been set up in a variety...


20 Reasons Appraisers Should Get Paid Full Fee

JIM THORPE, Pa., May 24, 2012 /PRNewswire/ — Rick Grant of RGA Public Relations and Jeff Schurman of Leading Causes have released an industry white paper entitled “The Appraisal Management Company Full-Fee Hypothesis.” This is the first paper in a series the two plan to write in 2012, while also working with a number of mortgage technology thought leaders to produce other papers. “I’m very proud of the work we’ve done on this paper,” said Grant. “While the conclusions we have reached are bound to stir up controversy, this is an issue the industry needs to start taking very seriously....


Questions & Comments RE Customary and Reasonable Fees

Where To Direct Questions and Comments Regarding Customary and Reasonable Fees The appropriate agency to receive your concern about a creditor’s compliance with the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), including the requirement for the creditor or the creditor’s agent (including an AMC) to pay an appraiser a customary and reasonable fee, is the agency that enforces TILA with respect to the creditor. With respect to insured depository institutions of more than $10 billion and their affiliates, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is the appropriate agency. For other non-depository institutions, the appropriate agency to receive the complaint is the CFPB...

HVCC & Interim Rules Unintended Consequences 7

NAIHP Letter Regarding Appraiser Independence Regulations

An outline exposing the unintended consequences created by HVCC and the Interim Rule February 23, 2012, Hon. Richard Cordray, Director, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Re: Appraiser Independence Regulations Dear Director Cordray: Thank you for taking the time to meet with NAIHP on January 26, 2012. We always appreciate the opportunity to meet with the CFPB and discuss issues of concern that affect consumers and small business housing professionals. Although, our meeting covered a broad range of issues, my comments today are limited to the ongoing problems associated with “Appraiser Independence.” Today’s interim Rule on Appraiser Independence, was built on the...

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