Tagged: Alternative Valuation Product

The C&R Compensation Argument - Audit AMCs for C&R Payment Compliance 24

The C&R Compensation Argument

Audit amc’s for C&R payment compliance nationally… A wrongful denial of that immunity is effectively unreviewable because it subjects states and related entities to the indignity of defending sovereign action through protracted litigation. Delaying appeals or orders denying state action immunity will interfere with their regulatory freedom by distracting officials from their duties and hindering their discretionary actions. Please allow me to help with a summary of the past 10 years in the appraisal industry. Amc’s are billion dollar companies and they circumvent many long standing ethic and spirit of regulatory compliance laws in states where they operate. They shop...

Limbo Anyone? How Low Will Clarocity Stock Go? 16

Limbo Anyone? How Low Will it Go?

No, I am not really going to talk about a Limbo game. I am referring to the stock of a company promoting hybrid appraisals across the country. Representatives of this company are at every industry meeting, promoting their products, often times invited to speak. You are probably sick of hearing about hybrid appraisals by now and honestly, so am I. So I will keep any verbiage about hybrids in the context of reference only and try not to bash them too much. If you are regular reader of Appraisersblogs, you probably have seen many articles about Clarocity Corporation. A quick...

Is the Property Inspection by an Unlicensed Person Considered Assistance? 77

Is that not Significant Assistance?

Is the property inspection by an unlicensed person considered assistance? We came across an article written by fellow appraiser, George Dell. Some of you may have heard of him, read his blog, or taken one of his classes. This article “What is a Hybrid?” hits home to many of us and thought it was worthy of sharing. Those promoting hybrid appraisals have been claiming USPAP compliance. Well anyone who has ever taken a USPAP class knows no form or product is USPAP compliant. The appraiser’s actions are what make a report USPAP compliant. In George’s article he points out the discrepancies...

Are Bifurcated Appraisals Legal in Your State 95

Are Bifurcated Appraisals Legal in Your State?

Lately there has been a push for bifurcated (hybrid) appraisal products. Those promoting these questionable products claim it will reduce the amount of time to obtain an appraisal. Most appraisers are screaming foul play, and for good reason. It is because of bad players doing questionable things that licensing became mandatory in Virginia. Mandatory. Licensing of appraisers protects the public trust. We all know splitting the process will not save time, but rather create delays. The only reason for this questionable product is the profit of the amc, nothing more. And then there is the quality of the information being...

Let’s just use the Tax Assessments...Tax Values just as Accurate as AVMs? 22

Tax Values Just as Accurate as AVMs?

In a head to head contest between tax values and AVMs for use in mortgage lending, I’ll take tax assessments every time… The battles rage on to decide who will take over the automated valuation process. There are big companies lining up to take over this massive profit arena. And, make no mistake, it’s all about the money. At the end of every discussion about AVMs verses traditional appraisals, it has less to do with faster or cheaper, or better, and sadly little to do with consumer protection. It has to do with who gets the profits that will be...

Fix What is Broken before Replacing the Product 34

Fix It Before Replacing It!

Fix what is broken before replacing the product. Appraisers are talented professionals that know how to take mass amounts of data, filter through it, analyze & make sense of it all. Utilize the talents of the 70,000 plus experienced, licensed professionals & don’t short change the consumer… Yesterday was the National Association of Realtors Real Property Valuation Forum: Rethinking Real Estate Valuations: Alternatives to Traditional Appraisals. First, VaCAP was well represented with 8 members present from all over the state.  There were many of our Network colleagues there as well from all over the country. Thank you for taking the...

Trade Secrets Battles of AMCs & Lenders Relating to Valuation Technology 16

AMCs & Lenders Fighting…

…Battles over alleged misappropriation of trade secrets relating to residential valuation technology and services… AMCs and Lenders Fighting Over Next Generation Valuation Products and Technology The residential valuation business for mortgage lenders has been taking big steps lately toward wide scale replacement of the historical Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR or 1004) form used in mortgage lending. As this movement happens, some would-be providers of replacement valuation products (such as “hybrid” appraisals) and automated valuation models (AVMs) are fighting over technology turf and trade secrets. There are currently three big legal battles over alleged misappropriation of trade secrets relating to...

Alternatives to Traditional Appraisals 5

Alternatives to Traditional Appraisals

…increasing usage of alternatives to traditional in-person appraisals for valuations in real estate transactions… A California Judge has ruled Wells Fargo must pay $97 million to mortgage employees for not paying employees for the state mandated breaks.  From the article, the Judge sided with the employees and ruled compensation for breaks should include commissions, not just an hourly rate. Just think, this is one state. Don’t most states have similar laws? $97,000,000 x 50 = $4,850,000,000 See the article here. Reminder: The National Association of Realtors, Real Property Valuation Forum presents: Rethinking Real Estate Valuation: Alternatives to Traditional Appraisals The...

Do Not Get Quiet, Ever Again... As a Matter of Fact, Get LOUDER! 17

Get Louder!

We are most certainly being heard… Do not get quiet, ever again… As a matter of fact, get louder! Colleagues, As Appraisers we have witnessed a lot of changes, some good, some not so good. However, it is undeniable we are most certainly being heard. On state and national levels we are a relatively new voice. Do not get quiet, ever again. As a matter of fact, get louder! We have watched as AMCs have gained stronger and louder voices. However, they are now wary of us as Appraisers as never before. We stand toe to toe with them, and please never forget that truth...

FHFA Working Paper Credibility Questioned by AGA 10

Working Paper Credibility Questioned

NO REAL ESTATE APPRAISER IN THE COUNTRY IS ALLOWED TO MISS THE MARK BY 7.8% WITHOUT RISKING LOSS OF LICENSE! The Working Paper demonstrates more than anything else, that given an 8-hour work day the computer will take 6 full working days (1.2 working weeks) to arrive at a result that is at best 7.8% error prone. Office of the Director, Honorable Melvin Watt Federal Housing Finance Agency… Dear Sir(s) The American Guild of Appraisers is a Guild within the more than 12 1/2 million members, retirees and family members of our parent union OPEIU, AFL/CIO. In addition to representing...

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