It’s Just Responsible Journalism!
The local television station WWBT, NBC 12 in the Richmond market is airing a story on Thursday February 22 during the 6 pm News Broadcast, about racial bias in real estate appraisals. We know this is not a new topic and previous stories that have aired have been extremely one sided and not from the appraiser’s perspective.
VaCAP was not contacted for information, nor were any appraisers that we know. We have seen the negative impact this type of story has on our profession and we need your help in being proactive with this story. We ask you make a phone call or email to NBC 12 requesting the story not be aired unless both the homeowner and appraiser side is told. This is nothing more the responsible journalism.
Here are some talking points to discuss:
What research was done on the appraisal process that will air with the story?
Was any appraiser, Appraisal Professional Organizations, or the Virginia Real Estate Appraisal Board contacted for information?
Will the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice be discussed in the report?
Are you aware of how many racial bias claims against an appraiser have been filed with the Department of Professional Occupation Regulation, Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board? (The answer is 0)
How many racial bias claims have been filed with the Federal Agencies? How many have been proven to be false claims?
Are you aware an appraiser has filed legal action against a homeowner in Maryland for defamation after a homeowner filed a claim racial discrimination? See more about the case here.
Not reporting complete and accurate information is nothing more than irresponsible journalism!
AppraisersBlogs has many stories about appraisal bias with good points as well.
We ask that you contact WWBT, NBC 12 concerning this story. Let’s make sure appraisers are presented accurately and fairly.
The story is scheduled to air this Thursday, February 22, at 6 pm, so please do contact them soon.
Station Manager, Kym Grinnage
Email –

- The New Con: Hybrids, Waivers & AMCs Threaten Public Trust - December 16, 2024
- VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham’s Legal Fight - September 10, 2024
- It’s Just Responsible Journalism! - February 21, 2024
Selective journalism is for those who have an agenda. Did you know that Dustin Harris was fired from True Footage?
After being able to post on his site for 6 years, he suddenly doesn’t want me telling him and or the others who buy his VHS tapes the reality of what I’ve been telling them for years, “seek the truth”.
I told you so Dustin.
Since when has the media on the left or right given a damn about representing the actual truth of the matter at hand. I have more fingers and toes than there are cases involving racial bias. Of this cases, how many have been settled by the E&O because the don’t want the expense and not because the could have won at a higher cost? The media sensationalizes these cases for click bait and ignores the actual percentage of appraiser’s caught up in these cases. The percentage of this has to be astronomically low, but I don’t have time to actually research it; however my guess would be 0.00000000199% of all mortgages completed on a 2055, 1025, 1073, 1004 are being sued for racial bias. Yet somehow Miss Fudge, FNMA and other insist it systemic. I would suggest that only thing that is systemic is appraiser’s completing their task(s) as required in accordance to USPAP and FNMA/FHA/VA/USDA 99.999999999811% of the time.
lemme guess, it’s the same story from 5 years ago
Done, emailed Kym. I added that they need to know people are watching and homeowners need to know that Appraisers are fighting back against people for baseless claims. Defamation Lawsuits.
I email’d her too.
Kym is a he 😉
If everyone here gives $50 we might have a chance with this case. Shane Lanham.
Maybe $100… 😉
I am writing regarding the upcoming segment on appraiser bias. As a responsible journalist, I am hoping your research included educating yourself about the appraisal process, has opinions from both perspectives, is complete and unbiased. There are two sides to every story unless of course there is a preconceived agenda to only tell one side of the story for sensationalism and ratings. In this case the only way the truth can be told is if all research from the appraisal perspective has been exhausted, reported and provided equal consideration. If the driving force is to arrive at a predetermined outcome, then sending this has been a waste of time since it is falling on deaf ears and your report is simply an opinion piece and not responsible journalism.
I sent this in feel free to use it.
I heard back from News station see my last post. Thanks for your email to them.
Below is reply from the news director. I wrote him back and said who in the Appraisal profession did they interview and did they bother to interview the Appraiser apparently being sued in Ohio that his email says the owner and his attorney will be included in story, plus I explained the whole process (since he sent me that link about the timeline involved) with PAVE and Government, HUD, Fudge, Waters, Rice. And how the Brookings institute story was proven flawed by Tobias Peter and more about how Government has no clue on the appraisal process and only salacious stories seem to make the cut but what about what the Appraiser with boots on the ground has to say. He mentioned redlining and I said we have nothing to do with that. Lenders and Realtors steering were the problems. Plus said we are the only parties that do not stand to gain by the closing of a loan etc.etc.etc. I will let you know if he replies back.
Thank you for taking the time to write in with your questions about the story we are airing Thursday. Our commitment to viewers is to air fair reporting rooted in facts.
To address some of your concerns ahead of the story airing, we have spoken with the reporting team on this story and are happy to outline some of the work.
First, this story comes from our national investigative team and is not specifically about the Richmond or Virginia areas. The story’s scope is nationwide and particularly involves analysis of historically-redlined areas. The national team began looking into this partially because of the government’s creation of the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) and the statements by the CFPB, HUD and other agencies.
Second, the reporter on the story spoke with many sources, including in the appraisal profession and from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. For some highlights, the story includes various perspectives including from an Ohio homeowner with a pending case and his attorney, as well as an expert/writer from the American Enterprise Institute, who published this report you may be familiar with.
Again, thanks for reaching out.
Frank Jones
News Director
Office: 804-230-2509
Got it, so no appraisers or appraiser organizations.
That is my take. No Appraisers on the ground or being sued for bias. Just talking heads like the Appraisal Institute President who threw us under the bus during the congressiional hearings.
I received exactly the same reply as Mary ~ verbatim
Figures! Someone watch this story tonight and see how one sided it is and report back please!
Sent an email: An immigrant appraiser has some questions….
“Immigrant appraiser????
I also told that news director that they include a statement in the story that Appraisers are counter suing for defamation so homeowners better be sure they can prove bias or racism or they will be on the back end of a lawsuit.
We shall see.
Good for you Mary. This is beginning to take on the appearance of a grass roots movement and I hope the momentum continues. As anyone on this blog can attest, we all do a lot of complaining and whining and that is where it begins and ends. I hope your contact inspires at least one news outlet to take on the challenge of disproving the alleged “red lining” and bias is rampant. It is obvious, by his response, the required research has not been performed as he uses those words as though they are fact. If they would peel back the onion they would find the bigger story is what is going on with big banking, secondary market, investors and yes, politicians, seeking to destroy an industry for their own selfish purposes. They need to ask themselves why are all industry players “ganging up” on the appraisal industry? It is so obvious to us but jumping on the band wagon is easier for them. But, that would take real investigative journalism rather than taking the low lying fruit. Until journalists wake up and see where the real story is they will always take the low road. It takes balls and yes, time and expense, to reveal the truth and I have reservations there are any journalists out there willing to take on that challenge. Appealing to vanity, the journalist who is willing to take on that challenge may very well become the new Woodward.
Thank you. Agree! I did mention many of those things you pointed out and indicated to him that I watched the entire congressional hearing and it was quite apparent that Congress members were woefully undereducated on the appraisal process. They ignored what Tobias Peter (American Enterprise Institute) had to say which was that there was NOT systemic bias involved, it is more of a financial issue. They say they talked to an expert writer at the AEI who published the timeline of Appraisal Bias, including how it all started, The Brookings Report which Tobias Peter said had flaws. But not ONE Congressional member asked him for more clarification. No, they just asked HUD and others on the panel to back up their bias narrative. It was awful! Especially when The Appraisal Institute President threw us under the bus as he sat next to the black couple that sued that Appraiser in Marin County, what weakling he was!
I sent an email expressing my concerns with this report. I asked for a reply, let’s see if one ever comes. Thanks for making me aware this was going to air.
Watch the news report from the link Russell posted below, read the article. Don’t waste your time with fake news syndicated media people. Instead follow the prosecuting attornies advice she uses as the basis for the claim which the firms representative compensation is contingent upon; develop a refinance appraisal for a multi family rental unit in depreciated condition, and use comps of renovated single family use home sales on the same block as primary market value indicators. What the appraiser supposedly did wrong was disregarded those sales.
See what the GSE managers, originating lender review staff, and state regulatory boards have to say about the new more equitable updated appraisal development methods which readily match dissimilar use properties. Someone is going to need to rewrite four or more decades of regulatory guidance the valuation development and lending guidelines were built around. We won’t be needing those antiquated rules anyways, because now the proprietary avm systems controlled by commission based interests will dictate market values instead. Progress!
Can anyone out there help me or give me some advice or know a law firm that I can call?
Let me state the case, it involves Intentional Infliction of Emotion Distress etc… (SLAPP etc.).
This case does not involve the government (The VA or HUD which were part of it) – it is against a homeowner. This is about a fraud against me by a disgruntled homeowner. His complaints are based on: deception, a scheme, malicious persecution, lying, fraud, and deceit, which I can prove.
I appraised a home for a homeowner in a predominately black area of LA, the homeowner was a veteran, and is a “racist” against white people. He did not like the value I came in at with my appraisal and he did not get his refinance, so in retribution of that fact he filed a complaint against me that I was “White Racist Appraiser” with the Veteran’s Administration. The complaint was built on a house of cards, which I can prove. The homeowner called me every name in the book in his complaint. The VA did a year’s long investigation and found no racism or evidence of discrimination, thus a “Close Out” letter was generated.
The homeowner had two refinance appraisals done after my appraisal was performed that show his claims against me are false, riddled with dishonesty. Lender’s keep records when homeowners ask for and then get a copy of any appraisal. He filed his claim against me with the VA 9 months after my report was performed so he had two other appraisals showing the truth of the value of his home.
After the VA cleared me he then went to a second government agency, HUD and filed a second complaint for the same thing “Racism” against me and the lender Omni-Fund. He was just informed that no racism existed by the VA, so this is now a “Personal Vendetta” against me.
Now HUD after another year of investigation of me demanded of the homeowner those two past appraisals after mine was done, he did not provide those two appraisals to HUD so he is hiding evidence that will show that he purposefully lied in order to slander me to two “Two Government Agencies” and try to ruin my career, business and health. The second complaint file with HUD shows this is an Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, personal injure etc… His actions will follow me for the rest of my career and will black-mail from every lender list because I was once under investigation by two government agencies as a “White Racist”.
This has now been over 3 years that this has been going on. I have been appraising for 35 years so I know a few things about this situation. Because of these facts I went into therapy have had to undergo therapy and a medical doctor’s care because of two government agencies after me. I just started therapy so the statue of limitations just started.
Anyone out there know the answer to this? I have a question in regards to the VA racist compliant and then the HUD racist compliant filed against me early this year.
Question: I asked the HUD investigator by email if I can contact the homeowner who file the racist complaint against me, and that I was thinking of filing a lawsuit against him in the future. I wrote my facts of the case and what I could possibly file for and a possible outcome and asked him to go into arbitration with him.
Now the HUD investigator has file additional charges against me that I am harassing the homeowner after she said it was OK that I contact him. I have 10 days to respond to the new complaint. Don’t I have the legal right to contact him and try to go to arbitration? How can this be harassment? Can you give me some advice?
This is the link to the story
I will post my emails and replies to and from the station later.
Protect consumers. Educate appraisers. Who’s educating the consumers?
They forgot to mention the few biased reporting blurbs FHFA scraped from a decades worth of appraisals taken from the entire CU repository, were statistically less than one in a million. These people are not experts. They are advocates for commission based agency. Price is not the same thing as value. They day has finally come, as American consumers lament they’re not paying enough, demanding cost increases, rather than cost decreases. Everyone knows economic prosperity means paying more, not less. Sounds legit. Checks out.
As the last independent check and balance in the entire lending process falls (the independent appraiser), commission based agencies celebrate their pending victory and subsequent ability to drive an entire nations worth of residential housing consumers into excessive debt, higher taxation, and consequence free repeat origination to infinity, at whatever their proprietary secret avm models say a home is worth. Everyone’s home will now be their personal atm machine. All losses will be covered by taxpayers and write downs against an ever expanding fiat money supply. As institutional investors real property portfolios balloon up with increased holdings, as regular citizens will no longer be able to compete to buy or hold those same properties for economic reasons. Speculators; Rejoice! Equity!
This is so distubing on so many levels. They talked to Tobias Peter but completely minimized his statements about it not being bias and other factors are involved and honed in on stories that fit their narrarative. How dare that attorney say we are appraising the homeowner and not the home. She is defaming us right there. She should know better. Then the last gut in the report saying having more minorities in the profession would help! HOW DOES that help! I hate that thinking and statement which everyone in Congress is also saying. That is completely BIASED and RACIST right there. Does that mean that minority Appraisers will appraise minority homes higher and white homeowners homes lower! That certainly would be the inference just as the say white Appraisers are lowballing Black homeowners properties.
We are not REDLINING minority homeowners homes. This defamation has to stop. I look forward to seeing your email and IF they reply back to you. Maybe write that Attorney also, she has made huge ASSUMPTIONS and where are her facts to support what she is saying about our profession.
It just bothers the heck out of me that a preponderence of racial complaints come from refinances, not sales. It’s as if “I don’t get what I want I’m going to stomp my feet and yell bias”. If the gentlemen is a sseasoned real estate investor as he claims, it is a given he is savy and knows that you do not compare multi family investment properties to single family dwellings and rooms that are walk-through with no closets are not, by definition, bedrooms for both reasons. That tells me right there he is making his case by setting up a smoke screen. These are judgements made through sound decision and industry standards by the appraiser. It’s sad that a 30 year appraiser educated decision making is for naught because an investor is trying to force his knowingly incorrect, self-serving arguments to try and destroy the appraisers reputation. The points the appraiser has made is a reason for pause and reconsideration of the complaint given, if accurate, the reason for his value estimate and why the borrower is wrong. In addition, the article makes good use of the sympathy card by using the excuse he is providing housing for low income individuals thereby blaming the appraiser for him not being able to do that with the inference those people will be homeless. This sounds like another case that is ripe for a defimation law suit by the appraiser. I would hope the government agencies will look at this with an educated eye, understand the USPAP conformity and understand they are being used for an individuals gain. Where are the other two appraisals by the way? They would be an interesting read, if they even exist. I wonder if the reporter asked to see those? Lot of smoke and mirrors here that tends to be biased in favor of the real estate investor who, if he is worth his salt, is claiming he doesn’t understand the appraisal process by the mere fact he is hanging his hat on single families, bedrooms and inaccurate gla as explained by the appraiser. And equally important, why were the borrowers reasons for his complaint not questioned given the reporter was made aware of the appraiser explanations that are correct and easily verifiable? Yea, there is an agenda here.
Yes and they just glossed over the Appraisers comments about how his appraisal is correct, etc. They went right into saying NOPE there is problems of this type across the Country. This just makes me sick! The reporter and the station should be called out on the carpet.
Yea, calling out will not happen given it had a predetermined outcome for the sake of sensationalism and ratings. This is nothing more than an opinion piece and not credible investigative reporting. The department it is published through, something to the effect we are on your side, pretty much sums up the lack of objectivity. Probably a first year journalist (and that is used loosely).
One of the many things that are interesting to me is how in some cases the complaint is that the appraiser didn’t consider houses in other parts of the neighborhood, or even other neighborhoods, and stayed too close to home when choosing comps. In this case, even though the SFR’s clearly are not comps, they want to argue that there were sales on the same street that weren’t used. It’s ALMOST as if the argument for location (which we all know is key) depends on whether or not it benefits the owner. If the houses on the street support a higher value, they should’ve been used. If recent sales on the same street point to a lower value, the appraiser should’ve have gone out further and considered other properties. Does location matter to these people or not? I guess it depends. Us appraisers and the prosecutors of these bias/discrimination cases are not playing by the same rules.
I digress to the National Association of Realtors mantra since the beginning of memory has been “location, location, location”. Your honor, I rest my case. However, if the appraiser does need to expand the research area and needs to use sales from outside the subject defined market area a thorough and complete analysis must be performed to determine if those areas offer the same, inferior or superior appeal and if the latter a market derived adjustment must be applied if warranted. This is another concept the arguing parties just don’t get. If an appraiser uses a sale from a neighborhood that is determined to have a higher predominant value, a market derived negative adjustment may be warranted resulting in the same or similar value results derived by sales within the subject defined area. Their uneducated reasoning is no adjustment is warranted and it remains the status quo. I am hoping someone that does not understand the appraisal process reads this and gets this one facet of what an appraiser needs to consider. Keep in mind, if all appraisers are accused of biases then Realtors and Assessors should also be included in that group given they too utilize location, list and anticipated (as applicable) sale price using the same criteria.
A big amen to that!!!
Funny, I was thinking that same thing when that Attorney said they did not even use sales on the same street, yet the Marin County case revolved around the fact that she DID use sales in the same neighborhood and she was in essence perpetuating bias from years ago that caused this area to be lower in value than nearby white neighborhoods. You have to be blind to not see the irony….but we all know all those who want to keep this bias narrative going are blind as bats!
I did write to that news director again….about how 1 sided this story was an how it was filled with falacies and unfounded truths that they want to claim. I told him I would just ONCE love to see the Appraiser being defamed on the news to support his or her conclusions but of course the reporters don’t want that, does not make for a good salacious story.
I told him I was tired of the media being our judge, jury and executioners on this issue. We are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty.
That is why I hope that counter suit against that homeowner that Shane is bringing is successful!
The best advice I can give that man featured in the article is that if he is managing investment properties in a studious manner, and holding out adequate maintenance and repair reserves, he would not need to appeal to a lender for a refinance to keep his rental properties up to speed for maximal rental value and adequate maintenance expenditure.
The key consideration here is not the end point appraised value. What is likely more influential is the accumulated depreciation and unresolved maintenance needs which drove increased cost estimates which resulted in lower effective income estimates. Which in turn, via lenders own guidelines on income valuation analysis sound methods, decreased his end point market value opinion of a rental property.
The attorney featured may not have a proper understanding of these principals if she believes there can be straight forward market value comparisons for a single family home vs a multi family rental, looking only at end point sales pricing. Dissimilar use properties do not have equivalent market value relationships simply because they are in close proximity or may be similar in size.
This is the point of appraisers being required to match only similar use properties. Single family properties have proportionally less needs for operational reserves. A duplex has twice the reserve needs costs, a triplex three times, etc, etc. Subsequently rentals with more units accumulate depreciated maintenance at a swifter rate. More units; more reserves are needed, more wear and tear routinely happens. This is why rentals are totally different types of properties from a lending perspective, from an investment perspective, and from an ownership perspective, compared to single family homes. Long term rental holdings always come with eventual increases and decreases in both worth and income capacity.
FYI; The ‘American Dream’ of home ownership is for single family ownership, and there is nothing in any historical document or government document anywhere which points to holding more than one property to keep as a rental, as being part of the ‘American Dream’. Such an idea is contradictory to the idea that each and every American citizen should be able to enjoy enough economic prosperity, that if they choose to be out from under the yolk and burden of rental requirements, they could be able to buy and own a single family property for themselves.
Nobody is denying this guy anything, he’s choosing to make sacrifices in order to have rental income, instead of the alternative which would be splitting up the units to sell individually, or downgrading to something more within his economic means like a townhome or a condo.
Inadequately managed rental properties is one of the reasons HUD’s Fair Housing division was formed, to stop landlords from taking advantage of tenants whom could not afford to pursue the ‘American Dream’ of home ownership themselves. It is why lenders require the below operational reserves form, which deducts operational costs from effective income, to assure lenders are not complicit in accelerating holding capacity of landlords whom place profits ahead of the well being of tenants.
The landlord owner person likely pocketed the reserves he should have been with holding for future maintenance needs, presuming he’d one day borrow all that back instead to keep the show going. Then some hapless appraiser shows up for a $700 refinance order and suddenly decades of property and budgetary mismanagement are all the appraisers fault? Who’s actually buying this? That was yet another uniquely entertaining fake news piece. Bravo.
Someone send these people a copy of the selling guide. Becha a pepsi that attorney lady never read it.
Bravo, but you know, you just make too much sense for any of these under-educated reporters and attorneys to figure out. Their eyes would be crossing just reading your post as they have no clue about how such properties are appraised! I would love to see an Appraiser make these reporters look like idiots on air….and now I just realized why they NEVER have an Appraiser on the air and certainly never do they have the Appraiser being skewered on the air to refute all their ridiculous allegations.
I disagree with you on your first paragraph and your last paragraph about the homeowner. They are conjectures because we do not know if this is true. If it is true that may affect the subject condition however; we do not know what reserves he has to maintain his property.
He dd not say he was getting a loan “to keep his rental properties up to speed for maximal rental value and adequate maintenance expenditure”. He stated he wanted to take advantage of the lower interest rates at that time.
The rest of your comments are spot on.
Historically low interest rates were out there for three or more years. People whom wanted to take advantage of that had adequate time. We’ve all dealt with unusual difficult to qualify situations, and have seen borrowers move mountains to qualify and finally refinance the debt. Claiming racism does not cut it. You know what the secret to mortgage lending is; The originator will string borrowers along forever, and will refuse to offer simple advice that the originator across the street offers a program that will work better for them with easier qualification situations based on their qualification needs. Every one of these stories is incomplete, because the supposed researchers mentioned absolutely nothing about the comparative mortgage programs available from the lender the people tried to go with vs the competition. Smart shoppers bounce to another lender and make the problem go away within a week. Does not compute.
What happened to the desire for “Affordable Housing”??? You can’t have it both ways can you? Everybody be happy until they get the bill for the mortgage payment, insurance, taxes etc. PITI
Does anyone have a link to the clip? I tried searching for it an only found one from 02/09/2024
Kenneth Mullinix & Associates
Real Estate Appraisal Company
Mail- PO Box 2564 Newport Beach, Calif. 92659
Date: 02/25/2024
Ref: Possible case legal representation?
To: Appraiser/ can you help me find a law firm!
Let me state the case, it involves Intentional Infliction of Emotion Distress by a homeowner who did not get a refinance (I am an appraiser) and how HUD is harassing me. His and HUD’s complaints are based on: deception, malicious persecution, lying, fraud, and deceit, which I can prove through the evidence (written documentation).
I had a claim filed against me with the VA for racism. I won that complaint, now the homeowner filed the same type of claim against me for racism with HUD. The HUD investigator lied and mislead me during her investigation, which I physical proof of. I have the VA backing me saying no racism existed yet HUD now for over a year have perused me and interrogated me, and threatened me with subpoena etc. unless I cooperate with them. I have all of the paperwork on this.
I appraised a home for a homeowner in a predominately black area of LA, the homeowner was a veteran, and is a “racist” against white people. He did not like the value I came in at with my appraisal and he did not get his refinance, so in retribution of that fact he filed a complaint against me that I was “White Racist Appraiser” with the Veteran’s Administration. The complaint was built on a house of cards, which I can prove. The homeowner called me every name in the book in his complaint. The VA did a year’s long investigation and found no racism or evidence of discrimination, thus a “Close Out” letter was generated.
The homeowner had two refinance appraisals done after my appraisal was performed that show his claims against me are false, riddled with dishonesty. Lender’s keep records when homeowners ask for and then get a copy of any appraisal. He filed his claim against me with the VA 9 months after my report was performed so he had two other appraisals done after mine that would show the truth of the value of his home.
After the VA cleared me he then went to a second government agency, HUD and filed a second complaint for the same thing “Racism” against me and the lender Omni-Fund. He was just informed that no racism existed by the VA, so this is now a “Personal Vendetta” against me.
Now HUD after another year of investigation of me demanded of the homeowner those two past appraisals after mine was done, he did not provide those two appraisals to HUD so he is hiding evidence that will show that he purposefully lied in order to slander me to two “Two Government Agencies” and try to ruin my career, business and health. The second complaint file with HUD shows this is an Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress, personal injury etc…His actions will follow me for the rest of my career and will black-mail from every lender list because I was once under investigation by two government agencies as a “White Racist”.
This has now been over 3 years that this has been going on. I have been appraising for 35 years so I know a few things about this situation. Because of these facts I went into therapy have had to undergo therapy and a medical doctor’s care because of two government agencies after me. I just started therapy so the statue of limitations just started.
Question: I asked the HUD investigator by email if I can contact the homeowner who file the racist complaint against me, and that I was thinking of filing a lawsuit against him in the future. I wrote my facts of the case and what I could possibly file for and a possible outcome and asked him to go into arbitration with him.
Now the HUD investigator has file additional charges against me that I am harassing the homeowner after she said it was OK that I contact him (I have the emails). I need a law firm to take this case on and help me!
Kenneth J. Mullinix
Calif. Real Estate Appraisal License #AR027585
(Cert Residential Appraiser – OREA)
Calif. General Building Contractor License “B-HIC” #752435 (CSLB) (expired)
Calif. Certified Home Inspector CSLB- (Contractor State License Board)
Calif. Real Estate Broker’s License #01278660 (Dept. of Real Estate) (DRE) (expired)
Calif. Association of Realtors@ Member (CAR) (expired)
Pacific West Board of Realtors Member (PWR)
KMA Real Estate Services
PLEASE NOTE: This electronic mail message contains information that is or maybe CONFIDENTIAL and PROPRIETARY IN NATURE.
Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
My fellow peers this is an attack on our profession and a malicious attack on caucasian appraisers period. It is also a way for minorities to abuse your rights. Look, I get it that many black people are upset about what has happened in this country when it comes to racism. However; this does not give anyone the right to accuse a person just because they are white and use the race card when something does not go their way. So, some blacks are doing the very thing they are accusing whites of doing. There is an old saying “two wrongs does not make it right.”
I know many of you do not think all black people use the race card. However; if I were casusain I would be very leery of appraising a minority owned property. It is enough to deal with all of the other crap we deal with but now to be faced with racism crap is a bit much.
Thaddus Dawson on the show with 10K Black Appraisers and 10K Black Appraisers Foundation website says “We empower minority appraisers to promote a more equitable real estate appraisal industry.” He also owns a GA AMC.
No one stopped black people from becoming an appraiser. Black people chose not to pursue this field just like so many other professions. So, who fault is that?
I sent three emails to the station and received one reply. I used the questions you suggested in the first email.
My First Email To Station:
Station Manager, Kym Grinnage
Dear Mr. Grinnage,
I am a black appraiser and have been appraising in GA and AL for over two decades. I have several concerns about what is going to be aired tomorrow. Firstly, there is racism in ALL industries and professions.
However, for anyone to say that racism is a rampant problem in my profession is an outright lie. Personally, I feel it is an outright attack on my profession.
I believe and many of my peers believe that when any appraiser who allows racism and biases to cloud their judgement or produce an appraisal that is false and misleading should not be in this business.
They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. As appraisers, we are not advocates for anyone. Our job is to be impartial and to give our opinion of value based on facts.
I put to you the questions and comments below:
What research was done on the appraisal process that will air with the story?
Was any appraiser, Appraisal Professional Organizations, or the Virginia Real Estate Appraisal Board contacted for information?
Will the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice be discussed in the report?
Are you aware of how many racial bias claims against an appraiser have been filed with the Department of Professional Occupation Regulation, Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board?
How many racial bias claims have been filed with the Federal Agencies?
How many have been proven to be false claims?
Are you aware an appraiser has filed legal action against a homeowner in Maryland for defamation after a homeowner filed a claim of racial discrimination?
Not reporting complete and accurate information would be nothing more than irresponsible journalism!
I am sure that you stand for truth and professional journalism.
Best Regards,
Reply From The Station
Thank you for taking the time to write in with your questions about the story we are airing tonight. Our commitment to viewers is to air fair reporting rooted in facts.
To address some of your concerns ahead of the story airing, we have spoken with the reporting team on this story and are happy to outline some of the work.
First, this story comes from our national investigative team and is not specifically about the Richmond or Virginia areas. The story’s scope is nationwide and particularly involves analysis of historically-redlined areas. The national team began looking into this partially because of the government’s creation of the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) and the statements by the CFPB, HUD and other agencies.
Second, the reporter on the story spoke with many sources, including in the appraisal profession and from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. For some highlights, the story includes various perspectives including from an Ohio homeowner with a pending case and his attorney, as well as an expert/writer from the American Enterprise Institute, who published this report you may be familiar with.
Again, thanks for reaching out
Frank Jones
News Director
Office: 804-230-2509
My Second Email To Station
Mr. Jones,
Thank you for your response. I appreciate it very much.
I am very aware of historically redlined areas, however, as an appraiser determining an opinion of value has no factor in this. Our opinion of values are based on many market factors when we use the three methods of determining values.
There are three internationally accepted methods of measuring the value of property: the sales comparison approach, the cost approach, and the income approach. Depending on the nature of the property being valued, one or more of the approaches may be used by an appraiser. USPAP rules and guidelines covers racism and biases which are prohibited. However, this does not mean all appraisers follow USPAP, and they are weeded out of the profession because their reports will reflect this.
The vast majority of us do professional and ethical work. As, appraisers, we take on a lot of risk in this industry and the consequences can be devastating to us at any time when we have made mistakes in our reports, depending on the severity of these mistakes.
Yet, there are no perfect reports because we as humans make mistakes.
As a black appraiser who have appraised in GA and AL for over two decades, I have experienced racism from homeowners, Realtors and some of my peers. I have never let this distract me or cloud my judgement in doing my job.
The vast majority of consumers do not know what it takes to prepare for an appraisal to arrive at an opinion of value. My reports are typically 40 pages or more, and the vast majority of consumers never completely read them.
Basically, their concerns are if their property appraised enough for the transaction they are trying to complete. When their property appraise for enough, they are happy and go on with their lives.
When it does not appraise to their expectations because the market says it does not, they are very unhappy. This is also true when a Realtor is involved in a transaction where an appraisal is required.
Yes, we are on a battlefield every day, and we continue to brave these hurdles because we love what we do.
Regarding the government’s creation of the Interagency Task Force on Property Appraisal and Valuation Equity (PAVE) and the statements by the CFPB, HUD and other agencies. If feel, it will open the doors to more racial claims and will put more undue burdens on our profession. USPAP already covers these issues when it comes to racism and biases. Take the time to download USPAP and you will see what I am talking about.
Personally, I feel Caucasian appraisers that are appraising a minority owned property should be shaking in their boots because when a property does not hit the expected value they are potentially going to face a complaint of racism.
The other flip side of this is when we appraise certain genders properties and the expected values are not met, they will follow suit for their interests.
As a previous mortgage broker and lender branch manager and currently an appraiser, auctioneer, paralegal in real estate and civil ligation and real estate investor I have seen and know a lot about this subject.
I would not hesitate to be interviewed to give my professional opinions of 44 years on this whole matter as a follow-up after the airing of the report.
Best Regards,
My Third Email To Station:
After looking at the report four times, I wanted to make sure I got it right. In my opinion, your reporter must not have had an informative conservation of what really entails what we do. If they did have this conservation, then they were intent on misleading the public. My opinion, the report that aired was disingenuous.
The reporter glazed over the appraiser and Tobias Peter response. I paused the appraiser letter to read it. Firstly, a bank giving an estimate of value based on what facts? If the bank knows the value, why get an appraisal? The appraiser addressed several misconceptions in his letter. He physically measured the property, which most often differs from tax assessor records and the owner. There are standard appraisal practice that determines Gross Living Area (GLA) or Gross Building Area (GBA). How we measure is based on the type of subject we are appraising. I have been using the American National Standards Institute ( ANSI) standards for over two decades when it comes to appraising properties. I must admit, there were other appraisers that used other standards. Appraisers are now required by Fannie Mae to use the Square Footage-Method for Calculating: ANSI® Z765-2021.
He also discussed the bedroom discrepancies and standards. A bedroom must have ingress and egress besides a door such as a window. If not, typically the room is not counted as a bedroom. Typically, a bedroom has a closet however, depending on the age period of a home a bedroom may not have a closet. Also, we take in consideration of what market’s dictates and any applicable laws pertaining to the varying situations.
The subject is a multifamily rental property, not a single family property. The two sales referenced being overlooked are single family homes. To use these single family homes as comparables would be grossly misleading, which is prohibited by USPAP.
He also explained about subject market area. Most likely he did all three approaches to value, the cost approach, the sales comparison approach and the income approach. The income approach would most likely be the more valid approach to determine value, or a combination with the sales comparison approach.
Tobias Peter was exactly right that there is no systemic racism in the appraisal industry. Yes, there are some bad appraisers as in any profession, but this is not the norm. As to redlining we know some of it still exists, as to what extent no one really knows.
Redlining absolutely plays no role in our profession.
Sharon McGowan also, was disingenuous. What does she mean “by blacker part of town” where he picked sales? I am black, and I do not know what she is talking about. We choose comparable sales that are the closest similar properties as the subject in the same neighborhood when possible, then make necessary adjustments. If we cannot find any similar sales in the neighborhood, then we move out to similar and/or competing neighborhoods and make any adjustments if necessary. Also, there may be many different adjustments however, standards prefer fewer adjustments as possible. Just one of the main reasons to select the right comps.
There are a lot of factors we must consider when choosing comps. People like the attorney, the owner, and your reporter do not have a clue what we must do to arrive at an opinion of value. People also do not have a clue that we must adhere to USPAP Advisory Rules, Opinions and Guidelines or face fines, jail, sanctions, loss of license, lawsuits or all of these. Anyone that put their reputation and livelihood on the line because of stupidity deserves what is coming to them. So, again, I emphatically tell you that the vast majority of my peers are not racist. My profession is not riddled with so many white racists appraisers that the government needed to create a biased commission that will make matters worse.
All that owners, sellers, lenders, and Realtors care about is hitting the values they want or expect. So, if the value does not hit the mark and the subject is owned by a minority and the appraiser is white, they get accused of being a racist.
What is very hilarious to me is that I have never heard of any minority accusing a white tax assessor of being a racist for appraising their property too low.
If I were a Caucasian appraiser and was asked to apprise a minority (black) owned property, I would run away. I might even scream like my life depended upon it while doing it.
Have we come down to that a white appraiser can only appraise white owned properties and a minority appraiser can only appraise minority owned properties?
I know they read my other two emails because I received a notice READ. If they answer I will post them. However, I do not think they will.
Thanks Russell. I sent a letter also but got no response. I think they heard us.
The response you received from the news director is the cut and pasted response everyone who wrote regarding this story received, including me.
Yea, I know . They probably did not read the email and most likely set it on auto reply. These people would not know real journalism if it slapped them in the face.
Nice read Russell and you are spot on. As you clearly pointed out this was a one sided presentation by the station and reporter that had a predetermined outcome. It is interesting that they interviewed and quoted only those who had a vested interest in the outcome of the opinion piece as though they are an authority on the appraisal process. The most important people who should have been interviewed were boots on the ground appraisers; but then again, that would not have fit their agenda. In addition and as an after thought, having read the article over again. The owner claims he had two additional appraisals done with one having a value of $450,000 and one at $560,000. That right there is compelling evidence of an agenda. A $110,000. value spread and no one is questioning it? The fact no one is investigating or questioning those appraisals (if they exist) is ripe for discussion and destroys the credibility of this fluff piece. If true, I’m surprised the borrower did not go after the $450,000 appraiser too. Or maybe he just refused to pay the appraiser? I don’t know but we will never know, will we?. Seems like the only correct appraisal here is the $560,000. since it supports what the borrower “needs”. It would be interesting to know if the authors of the two appraisals are black or white.That fact appears conveniently left out. If white, well I guess they are okay, really? Such a farce. Did their “national investigative” crew bother to research these other appraisals? Why didn’t they employ a reputable forensic appraiser to review all 3 reports to be fair and unbiased? From what I’ve read this station is struggling to be relative in order to keep their head above water. The lack of credible, responsible, investigative reporting shows obvious bias and racism of white appraisers. The only color I see when appraising a property is that of the dwelling, end story.
Yes, you are so right. I did not touch of the other appraisals. If we are doing our jobs properly the spread at most in my opinion would be 3%-5% at most. The spreads are just too wide. So, he kept getting an appraisal until they hit the number. I wonder what he told the other two appraisers. This really stinks.
I thank GOD I can pick what business I want. My advice to any appraiser is if you feel uneasy or conflicted about an engagement walk away and do not look back. I have never regretted turning down any offer that I feel is not to my best interest. All business is not good business. I have used this model in all of my businesses for 46 years.
I am giving this profession another year or less and I am done. In this litigious society life is just too short for this foolishness.
After re-reading the article again and reviewing the comments here I have concluded all participants mean to do the right thing, are responsible appraisers and understand the concept of the appraisal process by which we must abide. The article is purposely vague at best with inuendo, and conjecture not supported by any factual, verifiable data (Imagine if we did our job like that? Perhaps they need rules such as USPAP in their industry). The comments made by the borrower regarding his side of the story only call into question his motivations as it is filled with multiple statements that bring his credibility into question. That is not racist, it is fact. These woke individuals, wearing blinders, are cruel at heart and only concerned with their own selfish gratification and existence. This is way too complex an issue at hand without all the facts to resolve in this discussion. Me, like so many others in our profession are analytical and investigative in nature. We like to think we can bring down this incredibly biased, “fake” news reporting because we are deeply offended, but we can’t. It is fun though to see so many good insights from the best investigators on the planet, the appraiser. Appraisers know what sound judgement is, amen. If they have concrete information regarding what they discovered during their investigation supporting their conclusions, then they would have put it out there for the world to see. Obviously, they do not, only citing obscure and/or unknown sources that have no credibility that I know of. I did not see one “boots on the ground” appraiser as a source (only a quick overview of the accused), just a bunch of bureaucratic institutions that have already made up their minds that all white appraisers are racist. This white racist appraiser “band wagon” going on here is recreating what Martin Luther King sought and died for, eliminate racism. It is like reliving the past. This all seems intended on dividing and not reuniting the races and for what, the selfish desires, as we all know, of the players in the mortgage industry. It is amazing how their special interests trump that of the public in the name of the almighty dollar, but isn’t that the world we live in? For heaven’s sake, the special interest groups are reeling in our greedy, power-hungry politicians into this witch hunt, but I am not surprised. They know they are joining the “band wagon” to further their political careers. If they even care, they need to educate themselves to the fact they are being had. But then again, they are not being had if it is in their own, best political interest. Politicians for the right reasons, get educated! Appraisal Institute, do the job you get well compensated for! It took a while but people, in general, are beginning to see the disruptions taking place in so many areas and starting to speak up. Let us hope this trend continues. Knowledge is power people, and hopefully politicians (for the right reasons) in Washington will get the knowledge to realize what is really going on and not be led by the nose because it is simply popular, easier and, they believe it gets votes.
The income holding property crowd should think carefully about a back up plan or ample cushion. Because if the system unravels much further, those GRM’s and market caps are going to take a hit.
Isn’t that the truth…..