Appraisal News and Appraisal Tips For Real Estate Appraisers - Your source for appraisal industry news, appraisers' opinions, and discussions of appraisal issues

Congratulations AppraisersBlogs - On Behalf of All the Crew at AGA! 7

Congratulations AppraisersBlogs

I just received a phone call that demonstrates AppraisersBlogs has international readership and influence. About an hour ago, I received a call from an Israeli appraisal software developer asking questions about features that appraisers like and dislike in appraisal software. Obviously, he got my views – though I tried to be reasonably objective and if he follows up with email as planned, we may all be able to offer input. My main point though, is to let the Administrators of AppraisersBlogs (AB) know just how far their influence travels. This caller follows AB because it is one of the very...

Appraiser Loft like Scam on Appraisers - AMC Owes Appraisers $750K 7

AMC Owes Appraisers $750K

Have Appraiser Loft executives screwed over appraisers again? VaCAP has been tipped off that the investors at Clarocity have uncovered some truly unbelievable facts within Clarocity Corporation. VaCAP was aware many of the Appraiser Loft Executives had landed at Clarocity and had previously shared this information with advise to be careful. According to comments on the Investor Bull Board, Clarocity has pulled off an Appraiser Loft like scam on appraisers and investors. Take a look for yourself here. By the way yesterday, Columbus Day 2018 was the 7 year anniversary of the Appraiser Loft heist! See the HousingWire article here. Clarocity is...

AI Damaging Appraisers' Livelihood - Shame on All AI National Leadership 57

AI Damaging the Livelihoods of Appraisers

Congrats AI National, you got a win and hope you can sleep at night… The Appraisal Institute succeeded pushing SB-70 into CA law without informing their own membership. Their long-term goal for all their anonymous lobbying to dismantle all appraisal licensing is to revert to a previous time before FIRREA when membership in trade groups mattered a lot more. Unfortunately, they are heavily damaging the livelihoods of appraisers in the process. Be sure to shake hands with Scott DiBiasio, Bill Garber, Jim Amorin and the rest of AI executive leadership at your next AI meeting. The background on this insanely...

AMC Financial Trouble, The AMC Model Does Not Work 6

AMCs Financial Trouble

The AMC model does not work & these companies are in serious financial trouble… Stand Your Ground: A few weeks ago VaCAP reminded everyone to pay attention to the financial and economic side of your business. The article was titled “Stand Your Ground”. Since that time, we have learned of the following: A VaCAP member shared a retro desktop appraisal request in a rural area. The AMC was paying $75. An appraiser posted on AppraisersBlogs’ repost of our article about being owed thousands of dollars by the same company. See the comment here. Also take a look at the stock...

Cap on Fees & Appraiser Politics - Appraisers Blogs 32

Appraiser Politics

I doubt that appraisers would be as excited if a cap were placed on appraisers… Recently, I noticed many appraisers were excited about a new bill that was introduced in Virginia. This bill initially sounded favorable to me, but as I examined it more closely, I quickly became concerned with the excitement that was building up around it in the appraiser community. Laws in general are typically difficult to understand, and they can look better at first glance than they actually are. It is important for us to analyze new laws carefully before we advocate for them. Senate Bill 655...

Do You Have Two Appraiser Brains? Which Brain Wins? 12

Do You Have Two Appraiser Brains?

So, do you have two brains? One appraiser brain says you must be “independent, impartial, and objective.” (USPAP) It wants to be good. It wants integrity and to sleep peacefully at night. But there’s another brain. It’s primal and wants to survive. It has other responsibilities: meet the bills, feed the family, pay the mortgage, and pay government taxes/fees. And recorded in this brain is that part of the standards which say: Do what your clients expect; do what everyone else does. As paraphrased, the sole guides to an acceptable scope of work. The two brains may not talk to each other. Each...

If It’s Not an Appraisal, What Is It? Doing Away with Reporting Type? 4

If It’s Not an Appraisal, What Is It?

…do away with specifically ‘naming’ an appraisal report as to the “type” it is… Folks, the Second Exposure Draft of proposed changes to the next USPAP was released by the Appraisal Standards Board on August 23. See embedded PDF below. The ASB is encouraging all users to review this document, and provide commentary back to them on/before October 10, 2018. One item of note is there is a proposal in the Draft to do away with specifically ‘naming’ an appraisal report as to the “type” it is. If it’s not an ‘appraisal’, what is it?? Currently we have “Appraisal Report”...

Are You a Hybrid Appraiser? Relying on Real Estate Trainees... 26

Are You a Hybrid Appraiser?

We won’t take appraiser trainees, but we’ll take real estate trainees… That’s the million dollar question. Big banking is counting on the majority of appraisers to fall in line with whatever hybrid product they decide is best. It makes for an interesting road ahead because appraisers actually have the power to make these products a success or a failure. A hybrid appraisal is still an appraisal and must have a signature from a licensed appraiser. If banks can keep whittling away at the appraiser’s scope and can get the total appraisal fee low enough, they will achieve their goal and...

AMCs Property Inspectors Denied Minimum Wage - Class Action Cases 11

Class Action Against AMCs on the Horizon

Property inspectors suing ServiceLink to obtain minimum wage… Peter Christensen wrote another article on LinkedIn about wages being paid by lenders and AMCs. This one should get your attention as it is from Independent Contractors suing an AMC. This will set a precedent and start a chain reaction. In a nut shell, property inspectors are suing ServiceLink for work performed to obtain minimum wage. Yes, you read that correctly, minimum wage. According to the article, property inspectors receive between $3 and $5 for each assignment. The article does not specify the specific service the property inspectors perform, but think bifurcated or...

Smart Exchange Not So Smart - Is Smart Exchange Really a Smart Idea? 65

Is Smart Exchange Really a Smart Idea?

Alamode recently launched Smart Exchange to its users. The idea is appraisers can see what others have stated as property characteristics and transfer that information directly into your report. The system is based on mutual sharing, so if you participate, you will share all your comparable data with everyone else that is using Smart Exchange and you can see their data. The last update from alamode installed the programming and changed the way the side by side screen looks. Now I must make a disclaimer here, I am in the over 50 category and my kids are all grown. It...

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