Appraisers Tell Their Stories at AppraiserFest
The entire presentation was filmed and many appraisers were interviewed to tell their stories…
Wow…That About Sums it Up!
The first ever AppraiserFest has come and gone. Elliot Eisenberg, Bill Black, Jonathan Miller, Ryan Lundquist, and Maureen Sweeney all on one stage; it does not get better than that! This will be a tough act to follow.
VaCAP was represented by three Executive Board members and several other members. There were several others from Virginia as well. From as far as Alaska, appraisers came to listen, learn and participate.
The central theme of the conference was appraisers; specifically why you need to improve your skills and grow. Focus on building your business on how you see it rather than relying on others dictating how you run your business. Seek clients who appreciate your skills and talents. Educate consumers on the important role appraisers’ play in protecting the largest financial investment of their lives.
Of course with Elliott Eisenburg and Bill Black presenting, the economy and fraud were well discussed. Bill Black brought a camera crew that was working on a documentary on mortgage fraud and how it is still going on today, maybe even more so than 10 -20 years ago. The entire presentation was filmed and many appraisers were interviewed to tell their stories. No one was shy or held back. Stories of pressure from loan officers and lenders and how there is more pressure today through appraisal management companies who are desperate to please the lenders. There were even stories of fraud from the GSE’s and how appraisers were “instructed” to covered it up. This is a story that needs to be told and will be told as nothing has changed. Consumers deserve an honest valuation of the largest financial investment most will make in their lifetime.
Maureen Sweeney said it best, just say No; No to requests that do not align with your knowledge, skills and experience; No to requests harmful to consumers; No to less than desirable clients. Set your own business course and go after it. Don’t rely on one type of client or one industry. See something, say something.
Allison Sheedy, a partner with Constantine and Cannon shared some tips on ways to be safe with anti-trust issues. Currently there is a spot light on the appraisal profession and there have been cases prosecuted where innocent comments were considered anti-trust violations. The FTC goes after individuals as well, not just corporations and governing bodies.
Jonathan Miller and Ryan Lundquist shared stories on how they changed the direction of their business. Data analysis sharing, blogs and public speaking are all good options. Choose a method you are comfortable with and make the change.
Special presentations were abundant honoring those who have stepped up to serve; not only those who served our country in the armed forces, but the 11,000 appraisers who signed the letter to Congress in the early 2000’s warning of the financial crisis, only to be ignored.
See a special presentation honoring our Veteran Appraisers here.
See a special plaque honoring the 11,000 appraisers who warned of a financial crisis starting back in 1998 here.
See a photo of those who stood up then and are standing up now here.
Read an article by Bill Black posted on New Economic Perspectives telling the story of the financial crisis here.
AppraiserFest was closed on a high note. VaCAP President, Pat Turner was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. You may watch this special presentation below or here.
VaCAP would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to Phil Crawford, Lori Noble, and Mark Skapinetz. These three appraisers donated their time, energy and talents making the first ever AppraiserFest a great success.

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Appraiserfest delivered phenomenal content and provided appraisers a chance to get to know each other better. This definitely must continue next year. Thanks, Phil, Lori, and Mark.
This really sounded like quite the event. It’s awesome to see appraisers supporting appraisers. We need more of that
This was an event like no other. The bar has been raised significantly and it was all about appraisers. Well done. Phil, Lori and Mark!
I wish i could have gone!!!! Hoping something positive comes from this. AMCs need to listen! We need higher fees, less hybrid appraisals and let the appraiser determine scope. I hope to see u all next year!
***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team. Profanity is edited out because it’s inappropriate within the context of this blog.***
Sorry, but you have missed the entire point of the conference. YOU are the appraiser. YOU are the business person. YOU decide how and with whom YOU will do business. YOU do not need amcs or lenders to have a successful real estate appraisal career.
Don’t sit back and expect amcs to listen or change… It’s never going to happen. YOU need to take charge of your business and the clients you work with. By the way, if any client does not agree to my fee (lender, amc, attorney, or whomever), I decline the assignment. I am bound by state law to follow USPAP, which clearly states the appraiser (me) determines the scope of work. Do not allow others to dictate how you do business. or even what goes into your report. Take control of you own future!
id Love for you to reach out to me and give me some feedback Advocate. Don’t worry your name is safe with me. Lol.
This is bait.He’s trolling you.‘get low’? Block that posters address. Not a real name, not on the asc registry. Not all that great of trolling, but nice try. This Logan poster probably could not make it because he’s an amc employee and simply was not invited. The comment does however provide interesting insight into how amc’s perceive appraisers and what we ‘complain’ about, also demonstrating this particular individuals ignorance and lack of manners. They really don’t take the appraisal position or the legal consequences thereto seriously. Don’t play Logan.Exceeded all expectations…and then some.