Upcoming Events & Daily Dose News

Upcoming Events & Daily Dose of Real Estate News - Appraisers BlogsPer popular demand, we added two new tools to the website, an Events calendar and a news feed section.

The Events calendar will keep you informed about upcoming events, continuing educations, appraisal board meetings, appraisal conferences, etc. These are submitted by organizers, appraisal coalitions, appraisal boards, appraisers, and others, and can be submitted via our contact form. These events are not sponsored or affiliated with AppraisersBlogs. They are listed as a courtesy, and to offer appraisers information opportunities regarding upcoming events. To view the Events calendar click here or on the Events link in the menu above.

Your Daily Dose of Real Estate News will keep you informed about the latest real estate news, views, videos, and discussion topics by appraiser bloggers such as Ryan Lundquist, Tom Horn, Rachel Massey, Dustin Harris, and others. If you have an RSS-enabled blog and you blog at least once every couple of months, you may submit the RSS feed for your blog via our contact form for consideration to be included in the feed. Scope out the latest real estate news by clicking here or on “Your Daily Dose of Real Estate News” link in the menu above. Feeds are updated daily.

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Image credit flickr - woodleywonderworks

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5 Responses

  1. Avatar A. Brown says:

    Very useful. Bookmarked!

  2. Avatar Carl says:

    The news feed in one place is an excellent idea. I use some of these news sites in bookmarks but checking them one by one is just not as convenient. The events calendar is also pretty neat and I assume it will cover nationwide events and CE.

  3. Avatar Bill Cobb says:

    Tremendously helpful! Thank you.

  4. Avatar Eric West says:

    Quick, useful and efficient. I absolutely love the filtering option in the feed. This site continues to be #1 blog by far and you just made it my daily stop. Thank you!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      It’s tough to find any website which is not beholden to content control from sponsors and advertisers, or does not force you to turn off vital adblocking protective software. Appraisers forum is old news, adblock use denial, giant banner ads, behind a log in wall, too many fail points. Posts here got top hits with various search engines, that’s why here, our voices are heard.


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Upcoming Events & Daily Dose News

by AB Team time to read: 1 min