702 Search results

For the term "class Valuation".
When an Appraisal is Not Required - Appraisals & Evaluations Regs 8

Appraisals NOT Required

…is not required to obtain an appraisal under other law… The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) issued a Financial Institution Letter to US banks on 10/16/18, which incorporates Appraisal and Evaluation regulations and guidelines. This consolidates previously issued regs and guidelines into one document: Letter  FIL-62-2018 Part 323 – Appraisals Appraisal and Evaluation Guidelines 2000 – Rules and Regulations PART 323—APPRAISALS § 323.3 Appraisals required; transactions requiring a state certified or licensed appraiser. (a) Appraisals required. An appraisal performed by a state certified or licensed appraiser is required for all real estate-related financial transactions except those in which: (1) The transaction value is $250,000 or less;...

A Real Estate Agent is Not an Appraiser - Who Are You Going to Call? 10

Who Are You Going to Call?

Is a real estate agent the right individual to state what adds value on a home appraisal? …Ghost Busters! (no, actually an appraiser) Social media can be rife with misinformation, even when the information presented is well intentioned, but of a national scope. National studies are not local studies, and blanket statements presented as fact are potentially misleading. Real estate agents are professionals who are involved in selling houses on a daily basis and know their markets — as well as what drives interest with the buyers and sellers they are working with. Their job is difficult; often rewarding, and...

Deal Falls Through & Everyone Blames the Appraiser - AppraisersBlogs 17

Blaming Appraisers

…deal falls through and everyone involved is convinced the appraiser ruined everything… We hear all about low appraisals, but we never seem to hear about homes that are flat-out over priced, often by an agent who wants to prove they are smarter than everyone else and will take advantage of any unusual feature or circumstance to push the value beyond any other homes in the local market. For example: A buyer finds a house in need of some updating. Medium sized market and things are selling between 90-120 days on average. The neighborhood is good and the house has a...

CoreLogic’s a la mode is Pulling a Facebook Privacy Play 21

a la mode Pulling a Facebook Privacy Play

One of the tactics of Facebook has long been to “cross the line and apologize” rather than “ask permission.” Now that “A la mode has been acquired, by CoreLogic” the company with a 50% market share of the industry seems to be employing this tactic. We have been A La Mode users for a decade. Heck, I even appeared on their homepage and in their marketing materials to attest to our firm’s belief in the product. But that was before Dave Biggers sold the company and our belief in the product was replaced with suspicion. Rightly so. In a routine update to...

Valuing Properties in 5 to 15 minutes Using Photos...Lightspeed Appraisals 22

Fast, Faster and Really Fast…

Appraiser must be comfortable valuing a property in 5-15 minutes using pictures… Fast, Faster and Really Fast… Take a look at the ad for an in-house appraiser in the Atlanta area. How many of your are good enough to apply for this job? Job description We are looking for Real Estate Appraisers (licensed in GA) to work remotely on an independent contractor basis.. Appraiser will primarily be responsible for valuing properties which are on foreclosure list. Appraiser must be comfortable valuing a property in 5-15 minutes using pictures from field report. The ideal candidate will have experience with valuing distressed...

AI Damaging Appraisers' Livelihood - Shame on All AI National Leadership 57

AI Damaging the Livelihoods of Appraisers

Congrats AI National, you got a win and hope you can sleep at night… The Appraisal Institute succeeded pushing SB-70 into CA law without informing their own membership. Their long-term goal for all their anonymous lobbying to dismantle all appraisal licensing is to revert to a previous time before FIRREA when membership in trade groups mattered a lot more. Unfortunately, they are heavily damaging the livelihoods of appraisers in the process. Be sure to shake hands with Scott DiBiasio, Bill Garber, Jim Amorin and the rest of AI executive leadership at your next AI meeting. The background on this insanely...

Do You Have Two Appraiser Brains? Which Brain Wins? 12

Do You Have Two Appraiser Brains?

So, do you have two brains? One appraiser brain says you must be “independent, impartial, and objective.” (USPAP) It wants to be good. It wants integrity and to sleep peacefully at night. But there’s another brain. It’s primal and wants to survive. It has other responsibilities: meet the bills, feed the family, pay the mortgage, and pay government taxes/fees. And recorded in this brain is that part of the standards which say: Do what your clients expect; do what everyone else does. As paraphrased, the sole guides to an acceptable scope of work. The two brains may not talk to each other. Each...

Are You a Hybrid Appraiser? Relying on Real Estate Trainees... 26

Are You a Hybrid Appraiser?

We won’t take appraiser trainees, but we’ll take real estate trainees… That’s the million dollar question. Big banking is counting on the majority of appraisers to fall in line with whatever hybrid product they decide is best. It makes for an interesting road ahead because appraisers actually have the power to make these products a success or a failure. A hybrid appraisal is still an appraisal and must have a signature from a licensed appraiser. If banks can keep whittling away at the appraiser’s scope and can get the total appraisal fee low enough, they will achieve their goal and...

Commercial Appraisers Against National Firm - Overtime Class Action 3

Appraiser Overtime Lawsuits Continue

Appraiser Overtime Lawsuits Continue to Hit Banks and AMCs – and Now Commercial Appraisers Against a National Commercial Appraisal Firm In May, I wrote a short piece (posted here) about the legal threat posed to AMCs, appraisal firms and other employers of appraisers in relation to classification of appraisers as exempt from overtime. I included a warning that the threat was spreading to commercial firms. It’s time for an update. In August, another bank – U.S. Bank – was sued for unpaid overtime by a potential class of appraisers. Also named as a defendant to the class action is U.S....

Cuomo Opened the AMC Pandora’s Box... 2008 Crisis a Decade Later 5

Cuomo Opened the AMC Pandora’s Box

Over the past several weeks, there has been a slew of thought-provoking pieces on the financial crisis of ten years ago. There are so many varying views on what happened and what caused it. It was such a systemic event that ten years later, there are strong opinions on the cause and the lessons learned and not learned. I’ve always looked at it from a valuation/mortgage/credit standpoint since that has been my business orientation. I saw the events roll out from my perspective, but I only saw a sliver of what the crisis represented. Mortgage brokers I knew that thrived...

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