702 Search results

For the term "class Valuation".
An Extraordinary Year for Appraisers 4

An Extraordinary Year for Appraisers

Some thoughts about what we learned from 2018 to apply to 2019: We have always been our own worst enemy as evidenced by the behavior of AI National who kept thinking up initiatives for its members without asking for membership feedback – remember this when their “taking” initiative is attempted in 2019. Through Appraiserfest and a vibrant appraisal coalition network, we are learning to fend for ourselves and find we all actually like each other. State level political action was the battleground as AI National’s Scott DeBiasio continued to work hard for AI National to further devalue our profession with...

Closed for Business, Sorry Folks! Appraisal Management Company Fiasco 62

Closed for Business, Sorry Folks!

For those who are not familiar with what an AMC is, it is short for Appraisal Management Company. They are not new, but since the adoption of the Home Valuation Code of Conduct, the number and the frequency of their use have increased. They are the order manager for the lender and ensure appraiser independence. If you have not already read “What’s Not in Your Wallet” or “Round and Round!”, go get a little more familiar before reading this. AMCs manage appraisal orders. They find the appraisers to give the orders to, and are supposed to provide quality control reviews...

Comments Needed for Proposed Rule to Amend Appraisal Requirements 8

Comments Needed on Appraisal Requirement

The OCC, Board, and FDIC (collectively, the agencies) are inviting comment on a proposed rule to amend the agencies’ regulations requiring appraisals for certain real estate-related transactions. The proposed rule would increase the threshold level at or below which appraisals would not be required for residential real estate-related transactions from $250,000 to $400,000. Consistent with the requirement for other transactions that fall below applicable thresholds, regulated institutions would be required to obtain an evaluation of the real property collateral that is consistent with safe and sound banking practices. The proposed rule would make conforming changes to add transactions secured by...

What is Truth or Accuracy for Appraisers? How Do We Find Accuracy? 12

What is Truth or Accuracy for Appraisers?

Are we supposed to be paid truth-seekers? The appraiser is supposed to be accurate. What is “accurate”? Dictionary meanings say accuracy is “the condition or quality of being true, correct, or exact.” Tell the truth. Can it be? Hmmm. A search for truth. OK. So how do we come to know the truth? Are we supposed to be paid truth-seekers? Cool. I read that there are four ways to “know” truth: Tradition, Authority, Insistence, and Science. Wow! Let’s look at these briefly. This sounds serious! Let’s look at USPAP and The Appraisal of Real Estate. Appraisers have long been steeped in the...

Hybrid Committee Meeting Recap 25

Hybrid Committee Meeting Recap

The Recap The VREAB Committee meeting on hybrid appraisals met last week. The turnout was a decent one. Some traveled a great distance to attend. There were appraisers, assessors, consumers and trade group representatives in attendance. The meeting started with the Appraisal Foundation Video on Hybrid Appraisals. Public comments followed and many spoke and shared their concerns. Examples of hybrid appraisal products were submitted to the committee. Protecting the public was a key discussion and the following existing Virginia laws and regulations were discussed. 54.1-2009 Definition of appraisal- “Appraisal” means an analysis, opinion, or conclusion relating to the nature, quality,...

The Erosion of Bank Underwriting Standards. Let's Get Rid of Appraisers. 18

Let’s Get Rid of Appraisers. What Could Go Wrong?

Why would regulators fundamentally weaken bank underwriting standards? Appraisers Warned The World In The Late 1990s And No One Listened. It Is Now Time To Listen Again as History is About to Repeat Itself. There’s a proposal from the FDIC, Federal Reserve, and Treasury Department not to require appraisals for some mortgages under $400,000. The Trump Administration wants to disrupt the role of appraisers, but that’s not a good idea. This change can impact several groups in particular: 1) Consumers: Removing appraisers from transactions can mean a lot of loans get made that shouldn’t be made. Does that sound familiar? We...

Open Letter to Taxpayers... Afterall, Taxpayers Aren’t Stupid 32

Open Letter to Taxpayers

An Open Letter to Taxpayers Dear Ms; Mrs. & Mr. Taxpayer: In a recent article published by Housing Wire; authored by Ben Lane (November 20, 2018) it was reported that our federal “regulators” are at it again. “At what?” One might ask. Facilitation of increased LOAN FRAUD & consumer deception with Taxpayers yet again left holding the bag. Click here for the article Back in 1994 (actually it started in 1989-91 when FIRREA was being drafted) the Fed agreed that the loan threshold for banks when an appraisal of real estate would not be required was $250,000. That was roughly...

Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement on Home Sales of $400k or Less 50

Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement

Regulators’ Proposal to End Appraisal Requirement on Some Home Sales of $400,000 and Below… The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve released a proposal that would increase the appraisal requirement from $250,000 to $400,000, meaning that certain home sales of $400,000 and below would no longer require an appraisal. According to data provided by the FDIC, the agencies estimate that increasing the appraisal threshold from $250,000 to $400,000 would have exempted an additional 214,000 residential mortgages at regulated institutions from the agencies’ appraisal requirement in...

Is It Possible to Prove an Adjustment 5

Is It Possible to “Prove” an Adjustment?

We read articles and advertisements on how to prove an adjustment. Is this possible? How wonderful it would be. To prove an adjustment, just push a button and bam! Out comes the correct answer. How could we have we missed this? …prove an adjustment, just push a button…Of course, if such a simplistic and exact answer was possible – anyone could push that button.  An AVM run, a BPO agent, an “evaluator”, or anyone else. Who needs all that USPAP competence and integrity stuff? Even a lender-appointed hybridized “field inspector” could just push the button. The whole process could even skip working with the licensed appraiser completely!...

Appraiserfest Has Your Back 14

Appraiserfest Has Your Back

Appraiserfest movement has your back (and teeth). After an amazing Appraiserfest conference in San Antonio, I had to have an emergency root canal. So for protection, I wore my Appraiserfest t-shirt and all went well. Proof positive that the Appraiserfest movement has your back (and teeth).   What The Appraiserfest 2018 Conference Happening Meant I can’t speak for each attendee at the San Antonio happening but I can say what it meant to me: A big thanks to Phil Crawford, Mark Skapinetz and Lori Noble for making the dream happen! There was LOVE everywhere – I can’t tell you how...

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