Appraisal News and Appraisal Tips For Real Estate Appraisers - Your source for appraisal industry news, appraisers' opinions, and discussions of appraisal issues

“Customary” & “Reasonable” Fees Exclusive Oxymorons 10

‘Customary’ & ‘Reasonable’ Fees – Oxymorons

If WE don’t set ‘reasonable’ minimums for ourselves, then others will do it for us (or to us). Fellow appraisers, Please read this draft proposal for minimum national appraiser fees. I appreciate those who believe no one other than themselves should set fees, and I concur. Except, in the real world of today someone (lenders and AMCs) are ALREADY SETTING your fees. If not directly, then through ruinous less than customary OR reasonable fee competition. I’m interested in your meaningful, constructive feedback as well as comment & discussion here. For those that insist ONLY regional fees are practical, this same system works...

FHA 4000.1 HUD Handbook FAQ - Q&A - Imagecredit Flickr - 8

FHA 4000.1 Handbook FAQ

FAQ PDF Document In June 2015, the Denver HOC conducted a webinar (or perhaps live class) training on the ‘then upcoming’ new FHA 4000.1 Handbook. Questions were submitted, and the answers were compiled into a FAQ PDF document (posted at the end of this article). Many of the questions were submitted by underwriters or other non-appraisers, but some were from appraisers. You will have to read through the 8.5 page FAQ PDF attachment to find appraisal related info. However, the one question and answer below may help alleviate the fears of some appraisers: Q. Does the appraiser have to note...

USDA FHA Confusion Getting it Right - Imagecredit Flickr - Brad Montgomery 4

USDA FHA Let’s Get it Right

USDA has it right! FHA appraisers, Thanks to TJ McCarthy, a Chicago based appraiser and current web master for the Illinois state appraiser association ICAP, for providing this interesting bit of news. What this document says is that USDA expects the Home PURCHASER (the loan applicant) to obtain a “whole house inspection” in advance of submitting their loan application. This will be effective Oct. 1, 2015. Inspection can be paid by the seller. This ‘whole house inspection’ is NOT DONE BY AN APPRAISER. It is to be done by someone licensed or certified as a home inspector, who then provides a written report...

FHA Appraisers - Important Reporting Items 27

FHA Appraisers – Important Reporting Items

Important FHA Reporting Items FHA Appraisers, The new HUD/FHA 4000.1 manual, in reality a very large BOOK, is said (by FHA) to have everything in it we need to know, and comply with when doing FHA appraisal reports. We’ve all been amped up about the FHA 4000.1 Handbook changes.  It DOES NOT have everything you need to comply with. FHA has a second BOOK – The Single Family Housing Appraisal Report and Delivery Guide. On page 117, it details how FHA wants prior sales reported for the subject and for COMPARABLES. It is a change to their current procedure –...

Ganter Brothers versus Appraisers 5

Ganter Brothers Versus Appraisers

It’s been a few months since we issued our last update on our friends (and yours) the Ganter brothers (Chris and Ben). The Ganters have suffered what for most people would be a series of embarrassing setbacks in their blatant attempts to use the legal system to pressure appraisers and/or their E&O carriers into paying off what we view as frivolous claims to save the cost of litigating the underlying dispute. For those of you who are reading this for the first time, we have issued two other alerts about this in the past 18 months. Links to the earlier...

FHA Appraiser & Property Requirements Webinar 3

FHA Appraiser & Property Requirements Webinar

Free FHA webinar for appraisers on the FHA Appraiser Roster, the appraiser and appraisal-related policy changes contained in the Single Family Housing Policy Handbook (SF Handbook; HUD Handbook 4000.1) impact how to perform and complete an appraisal for an FHA-insured property. Attend this webinar for an overview of these changes, centered on the core concepts of “Observe, Analyze, and Report”. During this webinar session, FHA subject matter experts will provide an overview of the structure, format, and changes contained in the SF Handbook’s Appraiser and Property Requirements section, effective for case numbers assigned on or after September 14, 2015. Additionally,...

An Open Letter to the Valuation Profession from the Appraisal Foundation regarding the rift with the Appraisal Institute 2

An Open Letter to the Valuation Profession

An Open Letter to the Valuation Profession from the Appraisal Foundation regarding the rift with the Appraisal Institute Value. Appraisers grapple with this concept daily as they analyze data and information to arrive at an opinion that is credible. Some information found is valid, some is tainted, and appraisers work diligently to separate the good from the bad to arrive at their conclusions – opinions that can withstand future tests. Likewise, The Appraisal Foundation (TAF; the Foundation) remains constantly attuned to what is going on in the valuation realm, conscientiously analyzing information and working to uphold the appraisal profession so its actions...

It takes a “special” type of appraiser to work with AMCs 40

“Special” Type of Appraiser

It takes a “special” type of appraiser to work with AMCs. While inspecting a property I received a cell phone call from a lender wanting to add me to their panel. I was unable to discuss the matter at that time and requested that she send the information to my email. I received nine pages of application. The invitation starts out telling me how their AMC is a LEADER in the field (I never heard of them). They strive to assist all appraisers who are looking to maximize their time and quality. Their website allows them to monitor appraiser’s efficiency...

FHA Attic Inspections - FHA appraisers - Imagecredit Flickr - Jamie Beverly 2

FHA Attic Inspections

FHA Attic Requirements FHA Appraisers, FHA has always had a requirement for appraisers to inspect ‘attics’. However, HUD/FHA does not have a real definition of ‘attic’ in their documentation. Because there is no definition of ‘attic’, assumptions have been made by FHA and appraisers that the ‘attic’ includes any space above the ceiling and below the roof inside dwellings – despite that space in modern design homes typically not having any flooring. An appraiser in WA State, not me, was concerned about this inspection requirement and sent an inquiry question to HUD/FHA. Their response is below. Be sure to read this...

Appraisers Landmark $36M Settlement with BofA 7

Appraisers Landmark $36M Settlement with BofA

Editor’s Note: Besides being a bit of good news, this ruling could have implications for all appraisers working for AMCs. Appraisers Landmark $36 million Settlement with Bank of America for Failure to Pay Overtime Settlement Covers 365 Plaintiffs Who Served as Residential Real Estate Appraisers Oakland, CA – Today, employment and civil rights attorney Bryan Schwartz announced a settlement between Landsafe Appraisal Services, Inc., a subsidiary of Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) and 365 current and former employees working as residential real estate staff appraisers. The plaintiffs had sought damages for their misclassification as exempt from overtime, which left them...

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