Tagged: webinar

Racial Targeting Under the Heading of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion 22

Racial Targeting Under the Heading of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

This time around, the racial targeting is masked as a virtue under the heading “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” or “DEI.” Valuation Jiu-Jitsu Will Lead to Future Addie Polks Addie Polk was a 91-year-old African-American widow who shot herself in the chest in 2008 during a Fannie Mae-initiated eviction in Akron, Ohio. It marked the low point in Fannie’s embrace of toxic mortgages. Fannie, now in federal conservatorship, bought or guaranteed subprime loans made to vulnerable borrowers in the years leading up to the 2007-2008 financial crisis. There are now signs of new abuses. Under the banner “equity and inclusion,” some...

Protect Yourself, Ins & Out of Bias & Discrimination Webinar & Forum 5

Protect Yourself Against Racial Bias Claims

Free webinar on how to protect yourself against discrimination claims on 6/30/22, and today there will be a forum on “Racial Bias in the Home Appraisal Process”… OREP is sponsoring a free webinar on how to protect yourself and your business against discrimination claims. Leading trial attorney Craig Capilla has handled nearly 1,000 appraiser cases in his career and has been on the frontlines defending appraisers from lawsuits, state board complaints, and now, HUD Fair Housing (Discrimination) complaints. Capilla began his legal career working for Illinois’ professional regulation agency as a real estate prosecutor and since then has become one...

Suspicion of a Discriminatory Appraisal... New Suspicious Law in CA 18

New Suspicious Law in CA

…any suspicion of a discriminatory appraisal by the holder of a real estate appraiser license… Folks in the Golden State, here’s something you’d better keep a very keen eyeball on: Appraiser Discrimination – AB 948 (Holden) Signed by Gov. Newsom This law requires a purchase agreement in a real estate transaction to inform a seller and buyer of the opportunity to report, through the Department of Consumer Affairs’ internet website or telephone number, any suspicion of a discriminatory appraisal by the holder of a real estate appraiser license. Furthermore, it would require such a notice to be provided by a...

Why is Price Indexing Important. Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction? 1

Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction?

Join George Dell & Craig Gilbert for a free 2-hour webinar on Market Price Indexing: For Peaking Prices… Price indexing is also known by other words, such as time adjustments or market conditions adjustments or trend analysis. A number of techniques have been recommended over the years. Most are flawed. Oddly, the algorithm mechanics of calculating are fairly simple and intuitive. Best of all, once done correctly, the payoff is really high: You effectively increase the data available for comparison. For example, a very similar property is perfect, but is say 20 months ago, it becomes your best comp. It makes other adjustments easier to...

Dear HUD... the Word Extortion Comes to Mind. What's Your End Game? 7

DEAR HUD… What’s Your End Game?

Dear HUD, recently, within the past year or so, you have been on a crusade to prove discrimination and racism in the appraisal process. Your actions haven’t gone unnoticed by many within the appraisal profession as well as outside it. It’s become clear that you are the go to organization for complaints. Ok. Please read this in its entirety and see my thoughts at the end before making a judgement. The reason I am writing you this letter is for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, I am writing this letter to ask you what your TRUE intentions are...

FHA Appraisal - Commonly Noted Deficiencies 3

Commonly Noted Deficiencies

Completing Today’s FHA Appraisal – Commonly Noted Deficiencies The last one ‘sold out’ quickly. Register today if you want to take this training: August 12, 2021 | 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Mountain) This training covers FHA appraisal requirements, including FHA appraisal protocol and policy as outlined in FHA’s Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1, the Appraisal Report and Data Delivery Guide (ARDDG), and relevant Mortgagee Letters. The training addresses common deficiencies noted in appraisal reviews performed by HUD staff appraisers for FHA forward mortgages, Home Equity Conversion Mortgages (HECM) and Real Estate Owned (REO) properties to determine areas of...

Time Adjustment Methods... How Do You Time Adjust? - Appraisers Blogs 2

How Do You Time Adjust?

I was able to sort time adjustment methods by data source used (mostly compiled, published reports) and by the analytic used… Time adjustments is a timely topic. Recent ski-jump rises in prices have been ramp-ant in many places. Valuemetrics.info provided a free, two-hour webinar on the topic, and we had almost exactly 1000 appraisers sign up. (Although many did not show – free, you know.) Prior to the webinar, I asked some reviewers about how appraisers were handling the price changes. Also, my friend Steve Smith raised the question on his National Appraisers Forum (NAF) to see what sources they are using to support time...

You are on the menu 7

You’re on the Menu

“If you don’t have a seat at the table, you are on the menu…” Would it be misleading to disclose you performed a personal inspection of a property done with significant appraisal assistance in which you relied on supported demographics? Well maybe… The Appraisal Foundation has issued a discussion draft to answer this question and others similar to it and wants your opinion. Now we understand that some of you will comment about what’s the point and some will state they don’t have time to participate; others will simply ignore it all together. Someone once said “If you don’t have a seat...

Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias 6

Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias

We encourage everyone to sign up for the “Special Briefing on Appraiser Racial Bias”. American Enterprise Institute (AEI) analyzed actual data to see if there was any racial bias in appraisals and published their findings in a study titled “How Common Is Appraiser Racial Bias? An Analysis Using Big Data to Determine Whether It Is Common or Uncommon that an Appraiser’s Knowledge of an Applicant’s Race Results in Valuation Bias“ AEI Special Briefing on the Presence of Appraiser Racial Bias: Join AEI’s Housing Center director Ed Pinto and director of research Tobias Peter for a special briefing on the presence...

Appraisal Modernization - UAD and "forms" redesign - Appraisers Blogs 56

UAD and Forms Redesign

Last year the hot topic was Appraisal Modernization – mostly bifurcate appraisals and UAD changes. In late 2019, FHFA decided to not do much more on bifurcated. However, the GSEs have been working on UAD fields. There is an active work group of appraisers advising the GSEs on UAD changes. There has been a sample of what is being worked on floating about the internet. Per Danny Wiley, Senior Director of Single Family Valuation at Freddie Mac since 10-19, in a Facebook post, this a very preliminary UAD list and is not to be relied on as representing what will...

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