Protect Yourself Against Racial Bias Claims
Free webinar on how to protect yourself against discrimination claims on 6/30/22, and today there will be a forum on “Racial Bias in the Home Appraisal Process”…
OREP is sponsoring a free webinar on how to protect yourself and your business against discrimination claims. Leading trial attorney Craig Capilla has handled nearly 1,000 appraiser cases in his career and has been on the frontlines defending appraisers from lawsuits, state board complaints, and now, HUD Fair Housing (Discrimination) complaints.
Capilla began his legal career working for Illinois’ professional regulation agency as a real estate prosecutor and since then has become one of the nation’s foremost experts in appraiser liability and defense!
You can learn the latest on what is happening across the appraisal industry, what you should watch out for, and how to protect yourself and your business in today’s litigious environment.
In the webinar, titled “Avoiding Discrimination Claims and Protecting your Business“, you will learn:
- The ins and outs of bias and discrimination claims/complaints
- Subtle items and language that are causing problems in your reports.
- What claims look like, how to protect yourself against them, and what liability concerns are
- What to say / not to say (and why!)
- Specific phrases and buzzwords to avoid
- How to create and maintain sufficient support in your Reports/Workfiles
- How to look out for pre-populated and boilerplate language just as much as the words actively chosen by the appraiser.
This webinar will be on Thursday June 30 from 1-2 pm EDT. You can sign up here.
Forum on Racial Bias in the Home Appraisal Process:
Also, the Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB) in partnership with the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs will be holding a forum today between 12-1 pm (June 23, 2022) where appraisal bias will be discussed. To register click here.

- NFHA Funding Dries Up - March 19, 2025
- HUD Investigation Leads to Illegal Break-In & Evidence Tampering - February 26, 2025
- AMCs Deceptive Fee Skimming Exposed in Lawsuit - February 25, 2025
Signed up for both. Thanks!
The DISB forum was an absolute waste of time. They’ve already made up their minds that all appraisers are racists. They were not interested in a discussion. They didn’t want appraisers participation. So sick of this crap!!
Doesn’t surprise me that it was staged
DISB links to ASC on their website. Let’s review what’s happening lately. – Pg 55, 93k appraisers and still falling. And a million dollars to CLEAR group.
What is CLEAR?
What are they doing?
‘An introductory discussion on emerging concepts on Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) will be had along with what will be developed in the future to support DEI initiatives.’
Oh that’s nice. What a good reason for ASC to give them a million dollars. Great representation, don’t know about you guys, I feel well represented by my industries dear leaders.
CLEAR group taxes. Sure is a budgetary windfall for ASC to give them a million dollars. As they immediately adopted the talking points so many of us actually licensed people object to.
AARO taxes. Are either one of these filled out properly, lot of blank spaces? Not sure what to make of that, posted anyways. What gives with all the one hour a week people? Wish taxes were that easy for me.
O.k., when do the 90,000 appraisers left and falling get a vote what happens in our industry? The abuse of these non profits by special interest groups is just non stop. It’s good that OREP is trying to educate appraisers on the individual level, but we appear to be dealing with systemic industry wide conflicts of interests through non profit networks. What can be done about that?
Sorry, may have the numbers wrong. The grant money info available pg 11 – 13 of the ASC report.
Correction, CLEAR getting just short of a million over a two year period.