Tagged: ROV

Low Value = Material Deficiencies? New HUD ROV Policy 39

Low Value = Material Deficiencies? New FHA ROV Policy

The implication that if the VALUE is too low, then there must be “material deficiencies” present, is deeply troubling!  Up until recently, there has never been a standardized policy for mortgage loan related Reconsideration of Value (ROV) requests after an appraisal has been submitted. Now there is, per the attached PDF HUD/FHA mortgage letter. The GSE’s have similar policies. I’m not opposed to having a standardized ROV policy. However, these policies are in keeping with the new initiatives surrounding alleged and often unproved appraisal bias and discrimination claims. But when one reads deeper into the reason for implementing these procedures,...

The Sales Agents Derailed This Deal! 4

The Sales Agents Derailed This Deal!

The lender and the AMC could have applied that veto to the sales agents, using the appraisal as proof positive that the agents derailed this deal.  What is the ROV for? The answer is the listing agents pricing strategy and the buyers agents buying strategy. The lender will go through the appraisal with a fine tooth comb and microscope, while ignoring the fact the initial BPO and CMA which led to the listed price the contract was formed around, was totally inadequate and riddled with errors. Clearly off the page in relationship to existing market value indicators. I’ve seen numerous...

Class Valuation Maximizing ROV Conversion Rates 47

Class Valuation Maximizing ROV Conversion Rates

It’s truly mind-boggling that a company would brag about their higher ROV conversion rates for the ROV process as if it’s some kind of badge of honor. Recently, Class Valuation took to social media to boast about their Reconsideration of Value’s process (ROVs), claiming higher conversion rates and urging clients to choose them for a confident closing. Any company that is touting they have the highest ROV conversion rates should raise some red flags. The process of ROVs is meant to be a last resort when there are legitimate concerns or discrepancies in an appraisal report. It should not be...

HUD ROV Process to Address Appraisal Bias 37

HUD ROV Process to Address ‘Appraisal Bias’

At a recent event at the Brookings Institute, HUD Secretary Marcia L. Fudge announced that HUD is creating a ROV process for people seeking FHA financing to request a review of their appraisal if they believe the results may have been skewed by racial bias. For example, a homeowner who is in the process of refinancing their home with an FHA-insured mortgage can take steps to ensure that their appraisal is fair. HUD 20.23-011 “HUD is committed to making the appraisal process fair nationwide. We must eliminate bias in home valuations so that everyone can equally reap the benefit of...

AMCs Constant Bid Request... It's Theft of Services! 30

It’s Theft of Services!

It’s theft of services to constantly think it’s okay to drain appraisers time and resources as if we’re advocates of the AMC; all our time and energy constantly available to AMCs so they can shop us to infinity on a per diem assignment pattern forever to increase their own profits. They condition appraisers to become advocates of the AMC or you don’t get anything. That’s not how an ethical appraiser should operate. If they returned cost savings to consumers instead of using that as a financial incentive to select the lowest priced appraiser, it would be different. But as we...

A New Standard for ROV Requests 22

A New ‘Standard’ for ROV Requests

Since beginning using this Standard, I have had ZERO ROV requests. Appraisers, the latest ‘buzzword’ around appraising is Standard. We’ve got to have a Standard for measuring a subject dwelling, even though the comparable GLA reported figure may have been measured far differently from the new soon-to-be mandated Standard. Appraisers have no way of controlling the apples to oranges dissimilarities. But I digress… According to the Dodd-Frank law, and the HVCC before it, clients are allowed to challenge the appraiser’s value opinion by submitting what is termed in the law “appropriate” sales to be further reviewed, with the expectation that...

Do Appraisers Have the Right to Refuse to Provide Service to AMCs? 18

I Reserve the Right Not to Serve You Anymore

Dude, I Reserve the Right Not to Serve You Anymore! OK, let’s face it: real estate appraisers are in the service business. We provide a service – real estate appraisals. We provide those services to anybody willing to pay for them. That’s what service providers do. To which you say, “Dustin, you have a deep grasp of the obvious.” Well, let’s go a little deeper. Part of what I do is stay in touch with local real estate brokers and appraisers. Some of us have a local restaurant we frequent. At the front door is a sign letting all patrons...

Appraisal Racism... Fact or Fiction? Where is the Actual Evidence? 10

Appraisal Racism… Fact or Fiction?

Not one single point provides any evidence to the appraiser engaging in a racist act… No appraisal reports or actual evidence of racism has been produced by the accuser… Not one single case has been presented to the appraisal state boards… The real estate community is aware of the recent onslaught of articles going around accusing real estate appraisers of racism and appraising homes for less than what the actual homeowner thinks the home is worth. It started with Abena Horton in Jacksonville, FL Additional accusations were made in Chicago, Denver, and Newark, NJ. Each article written accuses the appraiser...

Assessor's Incorrect Legal Description...Property Research is Vital! 19

Advance Property Research is Vital

‘Subject to’ obtaining a correct legal description… Appraisers, an unusual situation occurred with an appraiser buddy, who asked for advice. After reviewing the details and providing input, I decided that this would be a good ‘teaching moment’ for others. See PDF for images below. Appraiser was asked to do a ‘refi’ assignment for a home that was purchased about 6 months prior by the borrower. The report was completed and turned in. Not long afterward, the appraiser received a ROV request because the borrower felt the value was too low. In the course of this process, the prior appraisal done for the purchase...

Reconsideration of Value Requests & Undue Influence on Appraisers 21

Reconsideration of Value Requests

Open invitation for spurious reconsideration requests… No thank you. I just checked your website and glanced at your “clients” tab, Reconsideration request form. It pretty well negates all the puffed up hyperbole in your email invitation. It is people like you that are the problem, not solutions. Do you think a one of two items drop down menu is an adequate reason for asking an appraiser to reconsider their value? Do you not see a need to request a full and thorough explanation as to why your clients might be asking for a reconsideration? At a minimum didn’t you feel...

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