Tagged: appraisal software

GLA Adjustment Process: - Adjusting the Full Difference vs. a Threshold Amount 79

GLA Adjustment: Adjusting Full Difference vs a Threshold Amount

Appraisers, on Thursday, before the Memorial Day holiday, I circulated across the US an email asking for response to a simple two question survey about how you “adjust” the GLA square footage between the Subject and Comparables. The questions: adjust 100% of the square foot difference, or adjust the difference after a ‘threshold’ square foot amount (meaning not the full 100% difference). I received a respectable number of responses compared to emails sent out, and also posted to 3 different web forums, nearly 200 replies. So that’s enough to validate the percentage of both responses, and report the trends. As...

New URAR Redesign Spec Released 73

New URAR Redesign Spec Released

The Appraisal Forms & UAD Redesign Spec has been released and the current forms are being retired. This means that appraisers will no longer be using individual forms for each property type, but instead will have to use a single dataset with output varying based on property characteristics. If you want to get an idea of what this looks like, take a look at Appendix D-1 of the spec document. The new URAR form is going to be used for all types of properties as well as hybrid & traditional appraisals. It is important to note that this redesign requires...

Sketch or Floor Plan? 13

Sketch or Floor Plan?

The FLOOR PLAN has all the elements of a SKETCH… Appraisers, I was given some ‘inside info’ about DESKTOP assignment reports being submitted to the GSE’s – incorrectly. The FLOOR PLAN exhibit in these DESKTOP reports, in some cases, is not being done correctly. Let’s examine what is actually required as a diagram showing the dwelling: First, when the appraiser certified that they, or their trainee, have/has made an on-site personal visit to the property and has measured the dwelling, only a SKETCH is required – unless interior design problems are noted, in which case the SKETCH must be upgraded to...

Is a Floor Plan in Your Future? 36

Are Floor Plans in Your Future?

A floor plan is supposed to be included in Desktop & Hybrid reports. How will that be done? Appraisers, I’ve recently been studying a ‘word change’ in various GSE documents. This change happened initially in March 2020 in the COVID era revised ‘flexibility’ Assumption and Limiting Conditions and Scope of Work attached to residential reports, and was further incorporated into TWO new appraisal forms issued in July 2020, which you might not even realize they exist! The word change was subtle, but has major implications for appraisers. The change is ‘sketch’ to “Floor Plan.” But when I inquired about this...

Why is Price Indexing Important. Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction? 1

Opinion, Estimate, or Prediction?

Join George Dell & Craig Gilbert for a free 2-hour webinar on Market Price Indexing: For Peaking Prices… Price indexing is also known by other words, such as time adjustments or market conditions adjustments or trend analysis. A number of techniques have been recommended over the years. Most are flawed. Oddly, the algorithm mechanics of calculating are fairly simple and intuitive. Best of all, once done correctly, the payoff is really high: You effectively increase the data available for comparison. For example, a very similar property is perfect, but is say 20 months ago, it becomes your best comp. It makes other adjustments easier to...

Forms Redesign Extended Into 2023-24 8

Forms Redesign Extended Into 2023-24

What once was a ‘three year’ project to redesign and implement revised appraisal forms has morphed into one taking far longer. Actual implementation and use of ‘new forms’ are not scheduled to happen until (presumably) early in 2024, but could be extended even further. By 2024, the currently used ‘forms’ will be 19 years old, and the current UAD overlay entering ‘teenage hood’ at 13. For context, the current Planet Mars Perseverance Rover mission to successfully plan and land scientific instruments took only 9 years! Details for the ‘forms redesign extension’ are based on the announcement from Fannie Mae (and Freddie...

SFREP Doesn't Do Data Collection - Software by Appraisers for Appraisers 23

SFREP Does Not Collect Your Data

What Exactly Can SFREP Software Offer for Real Estate Appraisers? Are you working as efficiently as possible? In this day and age, appraisers need to be quick on their feet and utilize every tool under the sun to help streamline the process. That’s where SFREP comes in. This company is creating software designed to make the appraisal process digital while keeping it as fast, accurate, and straightforward as possible. But how exactly does SFREP work, and can it really make your job easier? For many real estate appraisers, the answer is a resounding yes. Software by Appraisers, for Appraisers SFREP...

Multi-Display Efficiency on One Curved Monitor During Report Production 9

Multi-Display on One Large Curved Monitor

Hi folks and Happy Thanksgiving! If you’ve been considering replacing multiple individual computer monitors with ONE large screen monitor, you may want to have software which allows individual ‘monitors’ showing different screens to be displayed on the one monitor. As most of us know, multiple monitors allows us to be more efficient during report production, reducing or eliminating the need to switch back and forth between various web sites we need to use. I first learned about this technology from Brandon, at SPARK, i.e., www.choicevaluation.com, who moved from 4 individual monitors to one large screen high def TV used as...

ACI Software Users - Hold Harmless Agreement & Digital Signature 22

ACI Software Users

I just received a message from another appraiser that I believe uses ACI software. He received a request from ACI to sign a “Digital Signature Application” along with a few other forms. This appears to me to be in connection with a new form of an appraisal product which they have developed. The first paragraph of this “Digital Signature Application” read as follows 1.1 Signature Using BLACK INK, sign within the box below. Signature must remain within the confines of the box (see sample). All signature cards are destroyed after they are scanned, tested, and delivered. Passwords are not kept...

Cyber Threats Are Real Risks to Appraisal Firms. Corelogic's Data Hacked 17

Cyber Attacks on Corelogic

Recent Cyber Attacks on CoreLogic and a Large Appraisal Firm Expose a Real Business Risk to Valuation Firms and Companies. As two recent attacks show, cyber crimes pose a real risk – legally and economically – to appraisal firms, management companies and other businesses involved in property analytics. If an operation like CoreLogic can be victimized by criminal hackers seeking property information, as it was in an attack earlier this month, any valuation firm or property analytics company is at risk. And, more seriously, the losses suffered by an appraisal firm in the separate cyber attack discussed below demonstrate how...

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