702 Search results

For the term "class Valuation".
Purpose of the Appraisal Report 41

Purpose of the Appraisal Report

We have lost track of the purpose of the appraisal process This is an open letter to anyone who may have an interest in the residential real estate market. This includes buyers & sellers, homeowners, mortgage companies & brokers, real estate brokers & agent, loan officers, FHA/HUD, Fannie, Freddie and others. We have lost track of the purpose of the appraisal process. The purpose of the appraisal process is to provide an opinion of the estimated value of the property. The appraiser is hired to provide his/her opinion of the estimated value of the property usually by the intended mortgagee....

Expert Witness AMC Order Blast & Appraiser's Response 5

Expert Witness AMC Order Blast & Appraiser’s Response

AMC’s order blast for Expert Witness Appraisal Services Before I can offer ANY bid, you folks need to decide whether you want a FNMA 1004 form, a 1073 form or a 1025 form. If the latter is sought, then a 1004MC would not appear to be relevant. I am expert witness qualified in Los Angeles County Superior Court. In addition to the base fee (due in advance) which starts at a minimum of $1,500 for SFR, $2,000 for a condo and $2,500 for a 2 to 4 unit rent controlled property in Los Angeles, I charge $350 an hour for...

Evaluation vs appraisal - a lesser product for even lesser money? 7

To Eval or Not to Eval

An evaluation, when performed by an individual acting as an appraiser, is an appraisal… Recently, a document entitled, The Interagency Advisory on Use of Evaluations in Real Estate-Related Financial Transactions was released. Many in the lending and appraisal professions see this as a federal permission slip for evaluations to be completed by Illinois Certified Appraisers. The document reiterates what we already know about evaluations: Under the appraisal regulations, the following transaction types do not require an appraisal, but do require an evaluation: Transactions in which the “transaction value” (generally the loan amount) is $250,000 or less; Certain renewals, refinances, or other transactions involving...

AQB Experience Requirements and College Degree Requirements Changes 24

AQB Proposes Alternative to College Degree Requirement

In a long-awaited and highly anticipated announcement, the Appraisers Qualifications Board (AQB) has just released an Exposure Draft (May 18) that indicates it intends to walk back the bachelor’s degree requirement for Certified Residential appraisers and more. The AQB also is proposing significant changes to appraiser experience requirements. An AQB Exposure Draft is issued in anticipation of implementing changes to the Real Property Appraiser Qualification Criteria (Criteria), which is the set of education, experience, and examination requirements for appraisers to achieve a state license or certification. The AQB always sets a comment deadline and is committed to reading and considering...

AMC Exposed inflate values 37

AMC Exposed… Getting the Value Needed

Are AMC appraisers pressured to inflate property values? We stumbled upon this article yesterday from WSB Atlanta and thought it was worth sharing. Jim Stickland, a Channel 2 Consumer Investigator with Atlanta TV News, covers the story of a lender colluding with an AMC to inflate property values. Stickland reports that John Laymac, a new homeowner was denied a mortgage on his $390,000 home when the appraisal came at $365,000. Consequently, the builder, SR Homes, had Laymac apply with its preferred lender, Brand Mortgage, claiming that they will get the value needed to close the deal. In an email to...

Standardized Data & Death of Residential Appraiser 30

The Death of the Residential Appraiser

Standardized data & the death of the residential appraiser (as we know it today)… Those that know me on a personal level and that have worked with me over the years have had to hear me talk endlessly about the pending death of the residential appraiser. The other day I eluded to it at the end of another long post. I figured it’s time to share the thoughts with everyone. First off, I come from a long career in corporate America and spend 20 years working in everything from manufacturing, order administration, marketing, sales, and engineering. One thing always held...

Requests from Lenders with Specific Statements 4

Requests from Lenders with Specific Statements

Lenders’ Requests, C&R Fees, Email Blasts, SOW, Unlicensed AMCs and more… What is the best way to ensure you receive a customary and reasonable fee for an appraisal? Answer: Only accept assignments with a customary and reasonable fee! That being said, here is a reminder of a USPAP requirement to consider before you respond to that email or text blast…. Scope of Work Rule Identify the problem to be solved. Determine and perform the scope of work necessary to develop credible assignment results. Disclose the scope of work in the report. Comment: Scope of work includes, but is not limited...

USPAP permitted assignments 2

Can You Do a Particular Assignment per USPAP??

Yes, I can Accept That Assignment! Types of assignments… Folks, The Appraisal Foundation, via John Brenan, has released the following, showing which portions of USPAP apply to particular assignments. This involves the applicable Standards and Rules. You may want to print the PDF posted below and keep it under your pillow, or at least with your copy of USPAP! Yes, I can Accept That Assignment! USPAP Flexibility at a Glance Some appraisers may not be aware of the inherent flexibility built into the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Because USPAP is a set of standards that is built...

The 1004D for Disaster Inspections 8

The 1004D for Disaster Inspections – Advice

When Disaster Happens… Appraisers, The phrase “disasters happen” is, unfortunately, all too common. Fires, floods, vehicle accidents, wind storms, hurricanes, tornadoes are all factors that can affect real property. When a local disaster happens, and is officially declared, lenders often ask appraisers to observe the current condition of their mortgaged properties. The assignment date may be days, weeks or months after the declared disaster. The hiccups, hang-ups and head scratching occurs when the lender or AMC asks for a ‘Disaster Inspection Condition Report’ to be done on the wonderful 1004D form. Something it is not designed to do. And this...

Real, Real Estate Reform Needed 5

Real, Real Estate Reform Needed

What a crazy system we have grown into since Dodd-Frank. All this talk about “Big Data” and “Standardization” makes me want to scream! Enough is enough. Before we get to the appraisal process discussion, let’s talk about how real estate is priced all across this country. Realtors® price homes, period. No Big Data, no thoughts of mortgage risk, accuracy, consistency, transparency, and no one is looking over their shoulders asking “why” on every choice they make. No regression analysis, no quality or condition ratings, not too much of anything that resembles an appraisal these days. Yet, they are quick to...

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