APB Focus Group Interested in Your Input
What is the goal of the Focus Group?
Please read the memo below from a member of the Appraisal Practices Board. The Board is meeting FEBRUARY 23, 2017 in Torrance, California. They are sincerely interested in appraisers written input. It doesn’t have to be a formal letter. Jot down some thoughts and views in your email and either send it to the APB, Mrs. Desmarais, Vice Chair of APB (lap…@comcast.net), or if you prefer send to me (m…@mfford.com) with subject line “Forward to TAF/APB” or something similar. Please try to get comments in by 02/22/2017.
The original agenda has been modified so that it is now an open format meeting.
Any and all issues that are a concern of appraisers may be brought to their attention. I encourage all to send their input. APB is absolutely interested in your opinion and is making every effort to reach out to us.
Try to be helpful in the process. (1) Identify the problem as you see it and; (2) IF you have a suggested solution please provide it.
The below memo may provide some helpful information about what they are looking for.
Please forward this to other appraisers in your area that may have expressed specific views or opinions.
Thank you all.
Mike Ford,
VP/Chairman NAPRC
MEMO: The Appraisal Practices Board’s (APB) 2017 Focus Group
Who is in the Focus Group?
The focus group consists of a small group of different appraisers who are located throughout the United States. You are one of the recognized volunteer members. And for that, we thank you.
What was the original intent of the Focus Group?
The original intent of this group was for you to independently review our published Valuation Advisories (there are 9 such publications plus one “toolkit”, for a total of ten documents) and then to provide your very general thoughts, suggestions, reactions and opinions to the APB.
What changed?
On January 26th, 2017, the Appraisal Foundation suspended the current work of The Appraisal Practices Board while they reevaluate the mission of the group and the needs of appraisers.
What is the goal of the Focus Group now?
The goal is now much more broad. We are still seeking your input and feedback, but rather than having you review our current publications, we would like you to either directly address any (or all) of the following list of questions:
- What are the current needs of needs of appraiser professionals related to guidance on recognized valuation methods and techniques?
- Are they able to meet those needs?
- What type of guidance should be available to appraisers?
- What format should it be in?
- What should The Appraisal Foundation know about how difficult it is (or is not) for appraisers to obtain guidance on recognized valuation methods and techniques when they need it?
If none of these exact questions are important to you, feel free to provide us whatever feedback you see fit for us to have. The overall goal is simply for The Appraisal Foundation to determine if guidance on recognized methods and techniques is even needed, and if it is, how to structure that guidance going forward. If you would still like a copy of the nine publications, let me know and I can forward those directly to you.
How long will the Focus Group last?
The Focus Group officially begins today: January 31rd, 2017. The last day to submit your comments will be February 22, 2017.
Why these dates?
The APB has an in-person meeting on February 23, 2017 in Torrance, California. Therefore, the timing is ideal for us. Having your comments by February 22, 2017, ensures we have the most current feedback. We will be using your comments to refer to as we discuss likely changes to both our procedures and our publications.
What format should I use to provide my comments?
Any format will do, just sent your comments via email. The emails are being collected by Lisa Desmarais at lap…@comcast.net.
Are your comments that important?
Yes. Your comments are extremely important to us. They will be very carefully considered and discussed by every member of the Board.
How will your comments be used?
To ensure complete candor, the comments you provide will be given to the APB without your name attached. Your comments are considered confidential and they will not be shared with the public (or with any other Focus Group member). Thus, any feedback you provide will be used by the APB only, as we make internal decisions. Your name will only become known to the APB once our task is complete (though, even at that point, the APB members will never know who provided which comments).
Will you need to interact with anyone else in the group?
You will not need to contact any other member in the group. Each member will work on their own, at their own pace. Your main contact will be with Lisa Desmarais, Vice-Chair of the APB. She can be contacted anytime at lap…@comcast.net or 303-642-7040. If you have any questions at all, she will be more than happy to help.
The APB is very grateful to you for volunteering your time for this very important project. Nothing matters more to us then hearing from you: the very people we are seeking to serve. We assure you any comments you provide will be very seriously contemplated. And for those comments, we will be most appreciative. Now, enjoy your task! We are all ears.

- The New & Improved Fannie Mae “FRAUDULATOR 2.0” - May 15, 2023
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Hello Mike,
Again I want to thank you for what seems to be a completely generous donation of your time and talents to the appraisal profession. My friend…you are facing an uphill battle against corporate America as they do NOT want appraisers to have a seat at the table. They have proven this over and over again! Hundreds of appraisers are dropping out of this “profession” each month.
As you and I have discussed previously (and privately)…I am nearing retirement and agree with you as to the challenges facing our occupation. The same “IDIOTS” that are seeking comments have been provided comments until their wagon is full…..Just not what they want to hear! (They never want to hear anything other than their opinion)
FNMA is a private corporation at this time in receivership by our federal government. Why in the world would any kindergarten teacher give them any interest…much less the appraisal and lender profession? These folks suck and they are a joke and need to be dropped from the federal payroll yesterday!
The appraisal profession most certainly has problems. To give money to appraisal organizations for stupid designations, or to groups for Expos, or more silly to pay for coaches….just too stupid to comment on!
I receive about three requests each day from some AMC wanting me to “help them out” “provide services” “Partner with them”, etc. ($450.00 X 3 = $1,350.00 a day) Personally, I refuse to work with these SOB’s. There really is a problem here with this appraisal profession!
Thank GOD, that I will be retiring from this profession in the near future. Don’t keep butting your head…join me on a fishing trip somewhere and lets wish the AMC appraisers the best!
Wayne, thank you for the kind words.
Every day I tend to agree more and more with the uphill battle part. Then I remember that as a former Marine, I’m supposed to be ‘ok’ with uphill battles. We make do with what we have -not necessarily what we want or need.
Anyway, absolutely agree re ‘Corporate America’ comment. Add in most, if not all of our Congress from both Senate and House. Some isolated exceptions but most either don’t care or encourage the weaknesses in the financial system for their own gain.
There is a reason Congress has such a low approval rating among Americans from both parties and independents; THEY EARNED IT!
Right now (literally in past week) the financial regulatory system is akin to that partisan political car that was “driven into a ditch.” Yes, Congress hauled it back out and parked it on the side of the hilltop where various self interested parties have been banging and tapping away at it under the pretense of fixing it.
Last week FNMA learned that the car is still insured so IF it goes in the ditch again they are completely covered!
Immediately after learning that, FNMA decided to announce two new policies.
1. Trainees OR ‘unlicensed appraisers’ can now inspect property without supervisors (release the parking brake); even though several states do not allow trainees to inspect property; and some states do not even allow unlicensed individuals to call themselves appraisers (go ahead and slip that transmission into neutral, will ya?), and;
2. From now on any loan with a collateral risk (CU) score of 2.5 or lower is exempt from FNMA post purchase audit/default buy back requirements related to collateral (would ya mind just giving the car a little shove please…just to get it started?).
While we have all been screaming to allow qualified trainees to do the unaccompanied inspections this announcement was premature and with no time given to allow states; appraisers or even TAF/ASB/APB to offer any input. FNMA threw it out there and left the ‘system’ to fend for itself. Right repair technique for the FNMA-appraisal car, but some warning to the guys downhill would have been nice!
As for the 2.5 CU score waivers, what’s the problem FNMA? Not enough loan fraud going on under the current system? You needed to provide direct and significant inducement for loan fraud to be increased dramatically?
Read up on AMCs and their staff that are already telling loan officers HOW to manipulate the appraisal in order to obtain lower CU scores!
Congress, please…no more cash for FNMA clunkers! Cut FNMA loose from conservatorship and let them sink or swim on their own with a new law prohibiting bailing either them or their insurers and reinsurers out for any reason!
Then see if they park the damn thing on a hill with the brake off, out of gear and lean against it!
Just another comment to my appraiser friends. Have you noticed that all of these appraisal organizations are wanting you to pay dues to support a designation that you do not have? You are licensed, residential or general certified but somehow you NEED to pay them for some bullshit over and above that required by any state in the union? Really…you know that is silly! These same organizations want to join in with AMC’s and dictate your reporting requirements and fees. Are WE paying to kick our own ASS? Let’s get real…vote with your money!
How are AMC’s going to make a living without appraisers being chumps to these folks? Oh well,,,after 35 years of this I will just go fishing….Come join me!
*G* Clearly Wayne doesn’t mean AGA!
Well duh….Should I give up now that this is my third comment to this thread? I suppose that my head is splattered against the wall at this point! My first class in real estate (civil war times) said that “Under all was the land”) What is an appraisal…what is valuation….are we talking about a tract house, mineral interests, race cars, stamps, art. a wine reserve, timber, water rights, etc, etc. If we as appraisers think only FNMA, VA or FHA is our value we are as dumb as a fu88ing rock. No need to call ourselves professionals. Just losers!
Why don’t we pay our hard earned money to some pitiful “appraisal” organization to give us a designation? Gee, we could pay our money to attend an EXPO where a group of parasites want to recruit us to be their bitch! Maybe pay for a newsletter or a pitiful coach! YOU GUYS ARE JUST TOO FUC88Ing funny! I do not think that I change anything, but we can drink Tequila and enjoy the fun life! Join me and lets go fishing!
I am not sure what you call the silly “image” that was added to my post. I do know that the smart appraisers can see thru the bullshit. The others have no clue, no one is interested in them!
Gee…the Silly image was changed from my posts! DUH? Does that mean that my posts are just as silly as before or because I complained I have somehow been raised to less that silly? Whatever: “Above all is the land”. That was the first sentence in my real estate book. We all know that real estate has value…maybe below the deepest part of the Pacific or the highest mountains. It has value…what about art, historical artifacts, gold, silver, race cars, oceanic vessels,, shrimp boats, etc, etc.. I am comfortable to be amoung my large fellow of sheep! We have a government that prints money from thin air and gives it to anyone they choose. I am a chump as well as my fellow citizens as being chumps! The reason that I care is for my children and grandchildren. otherwise you can go to hell!
Mike, please bring to their attention what you discussed in your CU risk score manipulation article http://appraisersblogs.com/comparable-selection-lower-CU-risk-score