Fannie Wants to Script Conclusions of Outside Analyst – Believes It Is Above the Law
[The corporation] was created by the government, is controlled by the government, and operates for the government’s benefit,” wrote Justice Anthony Kennedy in a unanimous Supreme Court ruling in 2015. He was describing passenger rail hegemon Amtrak, but he could easily have been describing government-sponsored mortgage giant Fannie Mae.
The Roberts Court held the National Railroad Passenger Corporation – known more commonly as Amtrak – was a government entity for the purposes of the Constitution’s separation of powers provisions. That may be key when it comes to Fannie and her reprobate twin brother, Freddie Mac. Both are overdue for a bolt of karmic comeuppance. Unfortunately, the public always pays.
Fannie and Freddie – both in conservatorship with the Federal Housing Finance Agency – became bullies during the Biden administration, particularly against a vulnerable class of truth-tellers uniquely engaged for their independence.
Fannie wants one such truth-teller in Upstate New York to doctor an appraisal report with exhibits of its own choosing – or else. It’s leaning on a regional bank to do the arm-twisting. Fans of old-timey notions like the First Amendment smell government-compelled speech.
A for-hire real estate appraiser, who has asked to remain anonymous, tells of having received a letter from a regional bank’s legal department. The bank had received an ultimatum from Fannie: Either the bank or the appraiser must buy back a mortgage originated by the bank and later sold to Fannie Mae. Fannie offered a third option: The appraiser could simply doctor the long-since approved appraisal by inserting a couple of comparables selected by Fannie Mae after the fact. Take your pick.
One problem: Fannie’s comparables, which were generated by an algorithm in the dank basement of its mirror-and-glass ziggurat in Plano, Texas, more than 1,600 miles away, were all wrong. They would make the appraisal misleading, jeopardizing the appraiser’s state license and his status as a disinterested and independent third-party. The redo could also open the appraiser up to liability from the borrower, and even from the bank if the loan went south.
One former Fannie Mae employee was surprised to hear about it. “This does not sound like something Fannie Mae would do,” said Brian Jarrard, a former subject-matter expert in collateral valuations at the mortgage giant. “I have no knowledge of Fannie Mae ever telling appraisers to change their comps after the fact.”
But that seems to be exactly what’s happening.
One observer speculated that the workload at the mortgage giant may have dried up to the point that its in-house analysts have little to do other than scrutinize past mortgage transactions to simply look busy, even if it means tainting an appraisal and browbeating a private individual Fannie has no direct connection to. (The appraiser’s client was always the bank, never Fannie or any other aggregator of mortgages.)
Fannie’s threats to the Upstate New York bank and its outside appraiser – explicit and implicit – have real teeth. Mortgage lenders understand Fannie can, at any time, place them on a ruinous “do not use” list. Fannie can also blacklist an appraiser, with little promise of due process or accountability. This possibility lurks in the background of all interactions with the mortgage giant.
In 2022, it was reported that Fannie was attempting to strong-arm lenders to buy back early Covid-era loans. Fannie appeared to view these loans as too risky for its portfolio – which is really saying something. As a ploy, say observers, Fannie was generating automated valuations similar to Zillow’s “Zestimates” and using them to undermine appraisals on loans it wanted to offload, with the appraiser and/or the lender the fall-guy.
Fannie’s automated system later generated unsigned boilerplate complaints and sent them to state appraiser licensing boards – a scorched-earth tactic that required appraisers in some states to spend years clearing their names after the often-baseless complaints. Fannie reportedly then cited the ongoing investigations, which Fannie itself triggered, as further evidence of the need for the lender buybacks.
The “robo-complaints” were reported to be arriving at such velocity that some state appraiser boards were in fight-or-flight mode, having to decide whether to ignore the complaints outright or staff up to deal with them. A few self-serving state bureaucracies learned to harness the complaint influx for featherbedding purposes – a full-employment program for appraiser regulators. A regulator in Ohio told one appraiser in 2022 that the Ohio state board alone was receiving about 40 new complaints monthly from the mortgage giant, each one requiring a separate investigation that could last up to one year.
In the use of Fannie’s own comparables, the public is harmed because Fannie’s algorithm is being used to override the appraiser’s local expertise, onsite inspection and interviews with the participants in the comparable transaction, said a Texas-based residential appraiser. “Fannie uses sketchy data that is unvetted. There is no legitimate review being done here,” he said.
Something similar was recently observed by the chief appraiser at a Texas regional bank.
“Fannie Mae is essentially forcing banks to repurchase any loan it wants if [the appraiser] refuses to use the comparables Fannie has selected,” said the chief appraiser, who asked to remain anonymous. “In doing so, Fannie is claiming it is more familiar with local markets than the local appraisers. It bases this on an algorithm that has not been publicly tested or disclosed.”
“That Fannie Mae would coerce an appraiser to use the government-sponsored enterprise’s [own] sales selection is a stark reminder of how this independence can be compromised, leading to potential distortions in value,” said Jonathan Miller, President of Miller Samuel, Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants in New York. “Appraiser independence is essential to maintaining the integrity of property valuations.”
Said Jarrard, the former Fannie Mae employee, “The appraiser’s independence is being compromised by a party who doesn’t have geographic competency and who hasn’t had discussions with brokers about the comparable transactions. Forcing an appraiser to select sales from an algorithm eliminates the appraiser’s independence and the appraiser’s local market expertise. Dictating what is or is not comparable should be left to the local professional. Otherwise, what do you have other than a mass appraisal?”
Since the beginning of November 2023, Fannie’s twin, Freddie Mac, has been screening appraisal reports for a lengthy list of forbidden words and phrases. Offending reports have been kicked back to the appraiser through the lender. Many of the censored words and phrases bear not-so-subtle DEI and reality-masking telltales. They include “crime,” “school district” “student,” “preferred,” “up-and-coming,” “well-kept,” “desirable” “high,” “low,” and many puzzlingly innocuous phrases like “convenient to.”
The Supreme Court held Amtrak is a government entity. And what else would it be? Freddie and Fannie are spitting images. When employees of these entities violate a random analyst’s due process via blacklisting or censor the free expression of a party hired by another party or compel speech through coercion, then it’s the government violating first principles. Try dislodging any of these people at the ballot box.

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At present, there are no methods to derail this train. With the state of Maryland investigating FNMA and getting no where, perhaps local governments will wake up to what is going on and not allow them to provide said products and use of their underwriting tools. I have experienced the risk score being high on a very complex property and FNMA offering their own sales for comparison purposes. I had water frontage, detached garage with shop and studio space, bay views and 2 story in nature. FNMA offered single level dwellings with no water frontage, nor views. This was their attempt to lower the risk score so they can sell of the loan. It’s a joke.
There’s a certain element in the GSE’s – and elsewhere for that matter – that equate a sale with a comparable.
I hear every syllable you are saying, however they have agreed to adhere to USPAP and what they are doing is not USPAP compliant, not FIRREA, TILA or Dodd Frank compliant and sure there is more that Baggins and other could add.
They are robbing the bank (the American tax payers) with eye wide open and telling everyone that it’s not them, it’s us.
And equate a contract price with market value.
Article 1 Section 10. A bill of attainder placed on all appraisers by way of ex post facto. As new technology allows companies to review appraisals from a decade ago for compliance with new and updated protocols of today. Updated protocols are not clearly disclosed, as in the Maryland inquiry.
I’m not following, can you expound?
What do we do?
Appraiser Independence be damned!
“What is the purpose of the appraiser independence requirements?
Requirements are set by various State and Federal agencies to ensure, among other things, that an appraiser and the appraisal process is free from undue influence and coercion.”
Sure Spencer, no problem. Article 1 section 10. Posted in response to the final statement of the above article; ‘to compel speech through coercion.’ Show me the man. I will show you the crime.
ex post facto'ex%20post%20facto'%5D
bill of attainder, aka; pains and penalties
civil due process'due%20process'%5D
Xpert; Updated guidelines for ‘administrative review’? Appropriate time frame limitations for this activity seems logical to place; At any time prior to the report being approved and accepted by FNMA via CU database. Either the tools are valid and they work, or they do not. This activity seems like an admission the appraisal modernization efforts may not be delivering as advertised. The mother of all stips; Lender will shell out a half million on a repurchase if the appraiser does not comply and provide a revision. Defining a new assignment condition is subsequently prohibited. Pressuring appraisers works. And works very well.
From what you provided and I read, the bill of attainer was banned by the founders unanimously and without debate. So I’m not seeing how this is applicable here.
That is the aka part; pains and penalties. Have you ever answered yes to any of the standard questions pertaining to appraiser panel application inquiries? If so what was the result?
Pop quiz; Detail relevant specific instances of what was ‘banned by the founders’ that has become actual law with real world consequences today, that you agree with of course.
I don’t claim anything sounds like I’m being knowledgeable on the constitution and the legalities of the requests that FNMA makes or does not make. I’m just reading back what I read. Not claiming to be an expert on any of that. I’m just keeping my head above water with appraising as whole and even that I only know a little amount in a specific area.
Article quote: The bank had received an ultimatum from Fannie: Either the bank or the appraiser must buy back a mortgage originated by the bank and later sold to Fannie Mae. Fannie offered a third option: The appraiser could simply doctor the long-since approved appraisal by inserting a couple of comparables selected by Fannie Mae after the fact. Given the options; Your choice? Define; ‘Applicability’.
My choice would be to report both FNMA and the bank to the State Board for investigation of violating TILA, Dodd Frank and AIR, of which they have agreed they would be held to. That would be my choice. I would also contact the lenders compliance officers with said complaint and letters received by both applying needless pressure because FNMA can sell their own product to another investor.
Dare to dream. The only thing that happens when appraisers blow the whistle, is the appraisers get blacklisted from the mortgage lending and amc industry. Violations of numerous regulatory provisions are basically industry wide standard practice and occur literally every single day of the week.
Anyone have any info regarding using comparables with different high schools with the boundary being ~3 blocks away with the differing HS being a different predominate student group? FNMA initiated buyback and state complaint and are saying I used improper comps cause they are in a different HS zone despite the comps being ~0.6 miles away with a supported/documented adjustment and despite me including 3 comps in the same HS zone and all are in the same ISD. I don’t see High School zones listed in the seller guide anywhere. I answered all their questions with supporting docs and then they just filed a complaint – appearing to not provide my responses to the state that I provided to their inquiry during the 30 day buyback window. I didnt receive their suggested alternative comps from the bank initially – their response to my answers pointed out alternative comps. Once I received them, I added one of their suggested comps with supported adjustment. I didnt hear a thing until getting notified of a state complaint.
Email the site administrator for some possible networking or advisement options.
In Colorado we have school choice availability. School boundaries are relative because parents can opt out of one and use the school choice voucher program to have their children attend another. There is no way of knowing who attends where relative to where they live. And this also means property values may not experience as much value influence differential based on specific school boundaries.
The persons seeking to justify likely unreasonable complaints against appraisers are confusing the position. People were saying the appraisers unwillingness to use comparables across those types of boundaries was the problem. Not that the appraiser cross mixing from one area pool vs another was the problem.
Also illustrating the importance of the appraisers workfile documentation efforts. Every contact, communication, piece of data or evidence submitted, should be clearly identified in a chronological timeline within your workfile. Then upon authorized request to submit the workfile, all that data comes into discovery and parties acts of omission either intentional or accidental, become nullified.
Also, these issues can seem like valid argumentative points on paper. But in the real world, depending on how the school districts draw or redraw attendance maps, the point may be simple to counter. Go to your local school district in question, look at their attendance maps. Imagine trying to justify picking comps only in this boundary regardless of distance or comparative housing quality. The line literally cuts through entire large neighborhoods and is gerrymandered to no end. Image attached. The district(s) may have policies of mandatory reconsideration of the school boundaries every five to ten years, or depending on the pace of development and populace count changes. Unless you’re in a rural area, school attendance maps may be constantly changing.
Relevant counter arguments may include research if and when the boundary last changed. They are constantly redrawn by regular district employees whom volunteer for overtime to be on the redistricting committees, and often changed arbitrarily simply to balance out more or less likely student attendance numbers. The school people are likely to have considered demographic in relation to academic performance testing in their redistricting efforts as well, something appraisers are not allowed to consider.
What you’re looking at in this image is an ‘equitable redistribution of student attendance’. Focusing on academic performance data disparity compared to student demographic. They believe by way of central planning by redrawing the map in this manner, they could foster better ‘social and educational equity’ through ‘broader inclusive attendance policies.’
Including this sort of research within appraisals is a catch 22. You might use the data to defend, but the data can also incriminate. Because appraisers are specifically not allowed to consider demographic, the suggestion that appraisers should look at school district possible performance disparity is in fact; a discriminatory approach. You could possibly counter with follow up research comparing the schools over all performance ratings at a site like Great Schools.
This may possibly be of assistance.
The appraisal gap explained. / So how is this equitable appraisal approach really playing out? Appraisers are chastised if they do not comp upward in superior neighborhoods, and are subject to complaints and repurchase liability if they also may comp the other direction? FNMA may need to provide a national map indicating the acceptable direction appraisers can and can not cross comp from one neighborhood or school district to the next. If appraisers in the development phase are prohibited from looking at this data, and there is no mention in the FNMA selling guide, how can any legitimate appraisal review then incorporate this data?
This is why staying local makes sense, the appraiser can use simple ordinary assumptions of reasonable comparability based on staying within a specific local area. The core of the problem is there are rogue employees at these companies and agencies at all level of employment and management whom are not behaving professionally but rather are acting as political activists. They are pandering to those whom complain and all they have to do is say the magic word; racism. Demand the lender to use their own internal AVM tool they currently use for the majority of all origination, share and compare that report and value conclusion against yours. Bet a pepsi the lenders internal avm model picks comps across the school district boundary. Many of us did not choose to voluntarily stop completing mortgage lending requests, we were forced out through ongoing intimidation campaigns. Appraisal modernization!