Category: Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice

Fundamental Risks in Doing Hybrids 7

Fundamental Risks in Doing Hybrids

…the intent is to caution all appraisers about the fundamental risks in doing these… Hybrids – As if another reason for not doing them was required! Regular AppraisersBlogs readers are well aware of the controversy associated with doing bifurcated hybrids. Extensive information as well as disinformation has been spread by the hucksters that promote them, and those few management or owner-appraisers of such firms that benefit from them. This article is not to debate whether they should be done, or even if they could theoretically be done in anything resembling a USPAP compliant manner. Instead, the intent is to caution...

State Appraisal Board Disciplinary Cases Against Hybrid Appraisers 13

Disciplinary Cases Against Hybrid Appraisers

Rumor has it there are several Virginia Real Estate State Appraisal Board disciplinary cases against appraisers revolving around hybrid appraisals… Some are for and some are opposed. It is a business decision on which types of assignments you choose to accept. If you choose to complete a hybrid or bifurcated appraisal, you need to pay attention and ask yourself a few questions. Is the fee I am receiving for completing this assignment reasonable for the scope of work I must perform? Notice the term customary was not used as these products are new and there is no customary fee YET....

Independent Appraisers or Employees & CA AB5 Law - Appraisers Blogs 8

AB5 – Employee or Independent Contractor?

Most independent appraisers are paid ‘by the job’ and are issued 1099’s for the payments made. Appraisers who are ‘staff appraisers’ for specific clients are considered EMPLOYEES, and are issued a W-2 for income paid to them. Independent appraisers should not create an EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP until and unless that is specifically what is desired… I’ve been having a respectful discussion with a California appraiser, who believes (as do others) that just because a particular client requests a certain kind of appraisal report be completed using an online web based report form, then that action constitutes establishing an EMPLOYEE relationship with that...

The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes - Appraisers Blogs 11

The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes

The most beneficial part of participating in live CE classes is what you learn from other professional appraisers attending… The Best Decision You Will Make in 2020! What was the one thing your parents answered your “Why” questions with that made you angry every time? You have probably said it to your own kids as well. “Because I said so” would get you every time. You knew you were never going to win that argument, whatever it was about. VaCAP is not going to tell you “Because I Said So”. But we are going to explain to you why you...

Are Appraisers Really Professional? - Stand Your Ground as an Appraiser! 10

Are Appraisers Really Professional?

2019 is winding down with just one more day remaining. As we reflect on the past, the changes we have seen and the growth we have endured, our hearts are warmed with the accomplishments we have obtained. Appraisers are no longer sitting back and letting others dictate our future. Have we won every battle, no; but our voices are being heard and our regulators are taking notice. Legislators, consumer groups and even Realtors are speaking up in favor of the licensed professional appraiser. This begs the question, are appraisers really professional? According to Webster’s Third International Dictionary a profession is...

Is That an Arm’s-Length Transaction? The Necessary Analysis 14

Is That an Arm’s-Length Transaction?

USPAP does not define the term arm’s-length transaction. Fannie Mae also lacks such a definition. Yet, both of them call for the appraiser to use only arm’s-length transactions as comparable sales… How often do we appraisers get into the mode where we think we know it all? Occasionally, do we need to step back and look at the way we do things, just to make sure we are not missing something? Is what we know to be true and correct really true and correct? I raise this issue relative to the concept of what an arm’s-length transaction is. Are we...

AMCs Appraisal Report Reviews - Validox Appraisal Review Document 20

AMCs Appraisal Report Reviews

AMCs are legally required to do appraisal report reviews… Appraisers, an appraiser shared AMC appraisal report review documents with me, which the appraiser was given. I have not seen these before. See the PDF embedded below for an example. Per state laws in the various states, AMCs are legally required to do appraisal report reviews per provisions of their state AMC license on up to 5% of the reports they process. AMCs must keep the results of those appraisal report reviews on file for a specified time period, and of course, send the review document to the client lender pertaining to the...

Think It's Okay to Do Bifurcated Hybrids? Georgia Fines Hybrid Appraiser! 101

Georgia Fines Clear Value Hybrid Appraiser

So, do you think it’s ok to do bifurcated hybrids? On January 31, 2018, what appeared to be egregiously deficient Clear Capital “Clear Value” bifurcated hybrids were exposed in AppraisersBlogs. See What IS a “ClearVal Appraisal”? The properties were in Georgia. The appraisals were performed on a desktop basis by an appraiser in Indiana. Total fee was $250. Out of that $250, AMC Fee was $225, and the Indiana desktop appraiser was paid $25.00. Keep that fee in mind as you read through the attachments. Two complaints were filed by AGA™. One with the State of Indiana, and one with...

Request Changes by AMC Reviewers & Withholding Appraisers Payment 21

AMC Reviews of Appraisals

Only the lender’s Underwriter should be able to request changes to the report and the lender should be the one that pays the appraiser… An appraiser associate was having a discussion with one of the head review appraisers at HUD and the reviewer noticed that the Plat Map in the report did not correspond with the site size reported in the URAR form 1004. The appraiser stated that the public record and the Plat map did not agree with each other and that he chose the figure shown in public records. The reviewer questioned why he would choose the public...

Veterans Administration on Hybrid Appraisals - Protecting Veterans 8

Veterans Administration on Hybrid Appraisals

See the announcement by the Veterans Administration basically telling lenders and appraisal management companies we are going to protect our Veterans with sound appraisal practice. …the person providing property information to the appraiser must have entered into an agreement with the appraiser to do so. …the person who provides to the VA fee panel appraiser information must sign the appraisal report in the “Appraiser” section of the left side of the appraisal report. Assisted Appraisal Processing Program (AAPP) This section authorizes the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Secretary to issue guidance explaining the conditions under which VA permits VA fee...

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