The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes

The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes - Appraisers Blogs

The most beneficial part of participating in live CE classes is what you learn from other professional appraisers attending…

The Best Decision You Will Make in 2020!

What was the one thing your parents answered your “Why” questions with that made you angry every time? You have probably said it to your own kids as well.

“Because I said so” would get you every time. You knew you were never going to win that argument, whatever it was about. VaCAP is not going to tell you “Because I Said So”. But we are going to explain to you why you should.

VaCAP, like most state coalitions, was formed as a nonprofit organization and is operated solely by volunteers. Every penny raised, donated or collected in annual dues goes back 100% to support our members and the appraisal profession. Keeping you informed with communication about issues that impact you and the appraisal profession are sent out regularly. Coalition volunteers attend the State Board Meetings reporting back on relevant issues.

There are currently 31 state appraisal organizations that have joined together to form the Network of State Appraiser Organizations; all working on your behalf. VaCAP and other State Coalition volunteers meet with State and Federal Legislators on issues impacting the appraisal profession, defending and lobbying for positive change in the profession. There is strength in numbers.

Being part of VaCAP or any state appraisal organization presents the opportunity to meet other great professional appraisers throughout the state and country. These are real people you will meet face to face and not just a name in an online group. Your peers are great resources to have for not only appraisal issues that you encounter, but who better to understand the day to day activities of an appraiser? Many friendships and referrals have already occurred. You are missing out if you are not involved.

Here is what one VaCAP member had to say about his experience:

With being a part of a larger state coalition like VaCAP, it allows an appraiser to lean on and receive guidance to the tough appraisal questions that will arise. Fellowship among like minded professionals is important today as it ever has been with all the new rules and requirements. This also ties into the reason it is important to attend live CE classes.“

Jacob Edens

Speaking of networking and live CE classes, VaCAP and many other coalitions offer continuing education. Online education is convenient, but is it the best use of your time and money? Will you really learn anything? Now be honest, how many of you have worked on an appraisal with an online class running in the background? Has anyone really walked away from an online class and thought it was money well spent? Isn’t the most beneficial part of any class the interaction with others; the questions; the experiences; the different perspectives? How many times have you ended an online class with a tip or suggestion you learned from another appraiser? It happens all the time in a live CE class. Isn’t USPAP compliance partially about what your peers would do? What better way to learn what your peers are doing; there simply is no comparison.

Here is what a newly licensed appraiser, who by the way saw the value of VaCAP membership since she was a trainee, had to say about live CE classes:

As one that is constantly taking classes being so new to the profession, it is SO nice to be able to be in a classroom from time to time to learn from others’ questions/experiences and be able to ask my own questions. I also find that live courses tend to be a lot more affordable too.

Maribeth Lacy

Take Standards 2-2 and 2-3 for example. Have you ever reviewed an appraisal and thought the certification was lacking or just wrong? Was the wrong preprinted form used with no correction or explanation? What about those bifurcated appraisals? Disclosing real property significant assistance by an appraiser is a requirement of the certification. Many property inspectors are considered an appraiser by definition per USPAP. How many appraisers have been disciplined by the State for noncompliance of Standards 2-2 and 2-3? You won’t find that information in any online class.

We cannot speak for other appraisal organizations, but VaCAP is stepping up and bringing in dynamic educators from around the county. George Dell and his famous Stats Graphs and Data Science Classes filled every seat in the room last year in Northern Virginia. Coming the first week of February 2020, Maureen Sweeney with a 7 hour USPAP Update class in Virginia Beach and in Abingdon.

Maureen’s passion, experience and love of the profession are second to none. Anyone that knows Maureen or has heard her speak, knows these classes are going to be awesome and you don’t want to miss them. VaCAP has applied for CE credit in Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia. If you wish to attend and you reside in another state, this class is an AQB approved mandatory class and your state may issue CE credit as well. Check with your state to be sure. VaCAP welcomes anyone who wishes to attend. See the upcoming class information on VaCAP’s website.

As we stated previously, VaCAP is 100% volunteer and 100% of the profit from all continuing education goes back to supporting the profession. The most beneficial part of participating in a live CE class is what you learn from other professional appraisers attending.

Now like we said in the beginning, we are not going to tell you “Because I said so”. However, we are going to tell you being involved and supporting VaCAP or your state coalition will be the best decision you will make in 2020.

opinion piece disclaimer
VaCAP Board
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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11 Responses

  1. Avatar Advocate says:

    Every appraiser needs to support state coalitions. They are working g point r your benefit!

  2. GRM / 12 months = # of months the subject property will become profitable. Ask your instructor.

  3. Baggins Baggins says:

    Great. Is this the first step to the appraisal version of NAR? Long overdue, hopefully so.

    Now, get that onto a legitimate website because not everyone participates in facebook and that should not be a requirement to participate and communicate. There should be a legitimate website with clearly organized contact and activity information, clearly stated mantras and goals.

  4. Avatar David K Eigenbrode says:

    Why I stopped going to live CE classes…
    There is ALWAYS at least one person who thinks they know more than the instructor, and has to prove it. To be fair, I have found if it is an AI class, there ARE several people who know more than the instructor.

    The main source of my frustration with live classes is the one appraiser that has to bring up and argue about the most arcane example of a problem they had. It is always about some extremely rare circumstance that will probably never happen again but they have to harp on and on about it taking up the whole class.

    Thanks for listening…

    • Avatar Advocate says:

      Well I can not disagree, but the benefits still far out weigh the negative.

    • Avatar Milton P says:

      You’re still learning more than any online class, even if you have those odd ball situations to discuss.

    • Avatar Teresa Edmond says:

      Thank you so much for your help. I am unemployed and interested in the appraisal field. Just asking, do you know where I should start?

      • VaCAP Board VaCAP Board says:


        What state are you in?I would start with your state coalition or local chapter of a national appraisal organization.They should be able to guide you.

    • Avatar Mike says:

      Appraisers are the best resources for other appraisers. Why would you want to short change yourself?

  5. Avatar SB says:

    After AMCs rip off appraisers there isn’t a lot of money or time available to take CE classes. AMC employees if anything should be mandated to take them.

    Check out these NO RHYME/NO REASON appraisal fees

    Why does Wisconsin have the lowest fees in the nation??? or why does Kauai Hawaii have the highest fees in the nation???

    None of this makes any remote sense to me.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Wow SB, great link, another fee schedule.

      I was like, check this one out and search for direct panel application and such.

      And, looks like they use amc’s. Another example of rising consumer costs and what is surely to be decreasing appraisal payments. This is an interesting example of how lenders use amc services and Mercury systems help them do that.

      I printed that, will make a file, and set on my solicitation clip board. Same old deal though, I’ll write, call, make notes, and follow up. They’ll tell me to contact this or that amc, I’ll tell them I do not work for amc’s but please keep my contact data because I’m available if they choose to simply use the Mercury or another system directly without forcing me to share the fee with an amc.

      At what point does the intention of regulatory rules not even matter because nobody looks. Apparently sometime when Mercury decided to actively advocate for an increased amc presence in their system. I did not memorize the loan production rules but come on, that’s not separation from loan production. Mercury is apparently double dipping which finally explains the motivation. They charge the lender to send to an amc, then they get another charge for the same order when an amc distributes it down the line to another appraiser.

      More industry insights which merely validate what we already knew was happening.


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The Importance of Attending Live CE Classes

by VaCAP Board time to read: 4 min