California AB 5 – Legal For Appraisers

California AB 5 - Legal For AppraisersMore than 375 California appraisers registered for the AB 5 webinar – I hope you didn’t miss it. I’ll be hosting my next free webinar for appraisers on January 31, 2020 – it’s the “California Legal Update just for Appraisers!”

In this free video webinar, I’ll cover:

  • New 2020 laws relevant to California appraisers and appraisal firms (other than AB 5), including the California Consumer Privacy Act, and
  • The very most important thing that appraisers can do in 2020 in every appraisal report of every type (whether residential, commercial, lending or non-lending) to avoid liability.

The webinar will last approximately 45 minutes and end with live electronic Q&A. Registration is free.

If you are a California appraiser, please be sure to check out the special legal resource “Appraiser Law” that I have crafted for California appraisers. The concept is to bring first-class legal counsel to California appraisers at a very affordable cost. It enables appraisers to get legal counsel from me for a long list of legal issues related to appraisal work and operating small appraisal firms. Please read about it on and find out how you can say “Peter Christensen is my lawyer.”

Thank you, Peter Christensen

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Peter Christensen
Image credit flickr - Jason Rosenberg
Peter Christensen

Peter Christensen

Peter Christensen is an attorney, licensed in California and Washington. His legal practice primarily serves the real estate valuation community - Valuation Legal. He's the author of Risk Management for Real Estate Appraisers and Appraisal Firms, published by the Appraisal Institute.

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1 Response

  1. P.C. is a nationally respected attorney. Most often associated with Liability Insurance Administrators (LIA). He frequently authors helpful appraisal articles. Im looking forward to his views on A.B. 5. I’ve been skeptical that many AMC new requirements are legally mandated. It will be nice to hear a trusted experts perspective.


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California AB 5 – Legal For Appraisers

by Peter Christensen time to read: 1 min