Tagged: real estate appraiser

It’s Just Responsible Journalism! 49

It’s Just Responsible Journalism!

Not reporting complete and accurate information is nothing more than irresponsible journalism!  The local television station WWBT, NBC 12 in the Richmond market is airing a story on Thursday February 22 during the 6 pm News Broadcast, about racial bias in real estate appraisals. We know this is not a new topic and previous stories that have aired have been extremely one sided and not from the appraiser’s perspective. VaCAP was not contacted for information, nor were any appraisers that we know. We have seen the negative impact this type of story has on our profession and we need your...

The Sales Agents Derailed This Deal! 4

The Sales Agents Derailed This Deal!

The lender and the AMC could have applied that veto to the sales agents, using the appraisal as proof positive that the agents derailed this deal.  What is the ROV for? The answer is the listing agents pricing strategy and the buyers agents buying strategy. The lender will go through the appraisal with a fine tooth comb and microscope, while ignoring the fact the initial BPO and CMA which led to the listed price the contract was formed around, was totally inadequate and riddled with errors. Clearly off the page in relationship to existing market value indicators. I’ve seen numerous...

False Claims of Racism Against Appraiser 41

False Claims of Racism Against Appraiser

…my career, business, and health at risk due to false claims made by a homeowner.  As a professional real estate appraiser with many years of experience, I have seen my fair share of disputes between homeowners and appraisers. However, the situation I am about to share with you is one that has left me shocked and appalled. It is a story of false claims, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and the damaging effects of a homeowner’s actions on an appraiser’s career, business, and health. It all started when I appraised a veteran’s home for a potential refinance. From the very...

Limitations for Damages Against Appraisers 0

Limitations for Damages Against Appraisers

Why would any damages against an appraiser be more than the actual fee paid to the appraiser?  House Bill 53 has been introduced into the 2024 Virginia General Assembly, directly impacting Virginia Real Estate Appraisers. The legislation introduced by R. Lee Ware places a statute of limitations for damages against appraisers and appraisal management companies at 5 years. SUMMARY AS INTRODUCED: Actions against real estate appraisers or appraisal management companies; statute of limitations. Provides that no action for damages or other relief alleging that a certified general real estate appraiser, a certified residential real estate appraiser, a licensed residential real...

Reindeer Standards As Unenforceable As Appraisal Code 8

Reindeer Standards As Unenforceable As Appraisal Code

There’s a lot to like about the bylaws of the Association of World Reindeer Herders. The code defines how herders promote professional, commercial and cultural contact in all matters related to reindeer herding. The document sets the gold standard for disseminating information world over about reindeer husbandry. The bylaws were approved at the first Congress of World Reindeer Herders on March 2, 1997. If you don’t like the 1997 version of the bylaws, there’s a 2001 version, a 2009 version and a 2013 version. Are the group’s bylaws enforceable in the United States? No. As commendable and insightful as they...

New Jersey Draconian Penalties on Appraisers 40

New Jersey Draconian Penalties on Appraisers

“Well, I guess no one will be doing appraisals in New Jersey… or maybe the standard fee is going to be $10,000?” said one appraiser. The bill proposed by New Jersey Senate lawmakers to create steep penalties for real estate appraisers who undervalue homes because of the owner or buyer’s protected characteristics has been met with both praise and criticism. Supporters of the bill are lauding its potential to combat discrimination in housing transactions, while critics worry that it could lead to unintended consequences due to its disregard for appraisers’ motives. Violators would pay $10,000 on a first offense, $25,000...

Racial Bias Complaint Filed Against Me 47

Seller Filed a Racial Bias Complaint Against Me

So what’s caused the sudden loss of income? Could it be because of the racial bias complaint filed against me by an unhappy Seller…  Fannie Mae accomplished what they set out to do in July 2011, when they initiated their Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) and the Uniform Collateral Data Portal. The goal was to collect enough property data to effectively remove appraisers from the home buying and refinancing process. It all started with Dodd-Frank Act, a several hundred pages Act signed into law by then President Obama, sold to unsuspecting Americans as a protection from the corrupt business practices of...

Agent Management Company 10

Agent Management Company, a Familiar Ring

We will call it “AGENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY”. We will ensure that the use of runners is prohibited…  Public trust. It’s a real thing. It appears that this recent lawsuit that the NAR LOST has exposed antitrust, collusion and price fixing between agents. I am thinking about creating a new AMC. We will call it an “AGENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY”. We will create a buffer per say between the buyers agent and the sellers agent thereby protecting the buyer and seller. We will have a roster of approved agents nationwide. They will be thoroughly vetted. Routinely background checked. Ensure they are fully...

Reality of Today's Appraisal Environment; Discriminatory Falsehood 10

Reality of Today’s Appraisal Environment

Proving discriminatory activity is hard, which is probably one reason HUD is dragging their collective feet in resolving the filed complaints.  The real scourge of what’s been happening to appraisers for the past 5 years (yes, it started prior to the last election) has been revealed by Mr. Isaac Peck, in this article. You really need to read it, perhaps again, if you saw it come through your email on Wednesday October 25. Isaac has allowed me to “re-broadcast” his article. Yes, it’s a ‘sales promotion’ but it contains critical information appraisers need to know about. The first paragraph, contained...

Fannie Mae Filed a Complaint Against Me 39

Fannie Mae Filed a Complaint Against Me

An appraiser shared the following with us which was posted on one of the appraisers’ groups. Fannie Mae filed a complaint against me with my state appraisal board. Here’s what happened. The Report In June of 2021, I completed an appraisal for a conventional purchase. The appraisal was ordered by an AMC on behalf of a lender. At that time, the real estate market was still being wildly affected by the COVID pandemic. Remote work was in full swing, and consumers were desperately seeking to get out of the cities. Prices for all types of residential properties were rising rapidly,...

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