Tagged: certified general

Total number appraisers stats 4

Certified Appraisers Up but Total Number of Appraisers Down

Certified Appraisers at All-time High but Total Number of Appraisers Continues to Decrease The percentage of appraisers with a state certification is at an all-time high but the total number of appraisers continues to decrease at a rate of about 3 percent per year, according to data released April 9 by the Appraisal Institute. Appraisal Institute has analyzed data from the Appraisal Subcommittee National Registry since 2006, and the long-term trend shows that with more than half of U.S. appraisers aged 51 to 65, the appraiser population could decrease 25 to 35 percent over the next 10 years due to age...

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