Slew of Negative Reviews for Appraiser Miller

Slew of Negative Reviews for Appraiser Miller. 

Her Google & Yelp business pages have received a slew of negative reviews from people living as far away as New Zealand!

As real estate appraisers, we understand the importance of accuracy and fairness in our work. We are expected to perform valuation services competently and in a manner that is independent, impartial and objective. We also know how important it is to uphold ethical standards in order to protect ourselves and our clients from potential legal action. The recent case of Austin v Miller serves as a reminder that even when we do our best, things can still go wrong.

The Fair Housing Advocates of Northern California sued the individual appraiser, Miller, for alleged discrimination against Austin, in Marin City. The settlement reached between Austin and Miller highlights the power that well-funded politically connected organizations have over individuals when it comes to litigation costs; no matter what happens or who’s right or wrong, insurance companies will always side with those who are better funded in an effort to avoid costly lawsuits.

Although she did not admit any wrongdoing as part of the settlement agreement, unfortunately for Miller, she was found guilty in a court of public opinion. Her Google & Yelp business pages have received a slew of negative reviews from people living as far away as New Zealand! It’s easy for people on social media or even those living far away from Marin City to pass judgement without knowing any facts about the situation at hand. Yelp has temporarily disabled posting capabilities until further notice while they investigate this matter more closely and determine how best to proceed going forward with regards to this issue.

It’s sad but true: sometimes justice isn’t blind enough for everyone’s satisfaction. As real estate appraisers we must remain vigilant!

Negative reviews:

John Howlett

I am overwhelmed with joy that Miller & Perotti Real Estate were sued for racial discrimination, albeit they opting out for a settlement.

I’ll be more overjoyed to see this business blacklisted and eventually go into bankruptcy or dissolve into the ether while the name Miller & Perotti, and specifically Miller, continues to face backlash and ongoing ridicule for their repugnant behaviour.

From a white guy in New Zealand.

N Pagan

Please find some where to appraise your property that will be fair. It has been found that this company knowingly offers substantially lower appraisals to homeowners solely based on the color of their skin.


You guys willingly participate in housing discrimination, absolutely shameful. You are the reason black people are unfairly treated when it comes to real estate and many many other things. As if 400 years of free labor off the backs of our ancestors wasn’t enough! Despicable! Hope that latest law suit makes you learn your lesson! Racist!

opinion piece disclaimer
Image credit Mac Expert Guide


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45 Responses

  1. Avatar Kimberly DeFilppis says:

    The people that leave these kinds of comments are merely trolls seeking attention. I hope there is a way for the business owner to remove these kinds of negative “woke” comments from a site, although Google is probably thrilled about the negativity because it promotes their woke agenda as well. Reviews are for people who own businesses and for their customers. That ass-wipe in New Zealand has certainly never been her customer.

  2. Avatar Kenneth Tamblyn says:

    There was an episode of “The Equalizer” in which an appraiser was accused of low balling black clients.They setup a sting in which the appraiser low-balled another black owner, and got caught and fired by the owner of the appraisal business, who was waiting outside.

    In the end, they said that they only caught one, but there are many more of these types of appraisers out there that need to be caught.

  3. Avatar PJTMC says:

    Just like the rest of the “new” woke family, heaven forbid they actually take the time to educate themselves as to what they are complaining about. Dare say if it was written in Chinese with three words, “appraiser, house, undervalued”, they would have something idiotic to say. Have to laugh about the guy from New Zealand. Worry about your own homeland Scooter.

  4. Baggins Baggins says:

    Her yellow pages is redirecting to a restaurant. Oh boy, still excited about social media in a sea full of activist trolls?

    The story is bull anyways. Imagine being a buyer, and one person told you the home will cost $900k, and the next says that exact same home would cost you $1.4m. Which would you choose? Their value after a $400k renovation only went up 10% on the first appraisal for two important reasons; 1. They overpaid for a depreciated house without having competent agent representation in a for sale by owner situation, which skewed their projected market gains after remodeling. 2. They may have paid too much for renovations which could have also affected the financial alignments. When a $400k remodeling budget only gets you new flooring, a new kitchen, and a larger deck, some updated paints and perhaps a few new telephone pole stilts… Who’s still buying this?
    Doesn’t Realist public records system also detail previous mortgage refinances for any particular home, regardless of whom owned it at the time? Has anyone looked into the mortgage history of the previous fsbo seller before he passed this money pit on to the new owners?

    The twitter comments which sparked these negative hit piece reviews are rich. Please allow me to caption the magic in play by play mode; Now 96% of all appraisers are white. (Dang, the number keeps going higher.) The lower value appraisal is the equivalent a hate crime. She’s also now adorning a pointy klansman hood. She needs to be sued again. Home owners let down the black community for settling in the first place. A poster so wisely advised them to have instead relied on the state tax assessor for their refinance needs. The appraiser added a black tax. Institutionalized racism. The cost of being black in America. (I like this next one) ‘Funny, the same thing happened to me and I was the same race for both appraisals.’ That anti black company needs to go bankrupt immediately. It’s the white colonizers whom are perpetuating this violence which also includes sexual violence aimed to destroy african peoples culture religion and identity. In addition to white colonizers conspiring to ‘whiten’ the black race via impregnation. She’s a slave owner now. The subjugation genocide for all non whites, as poverty is tool of white supremacy, as the USA’s religion is white supremacy. Don’t worry, the British show ‘the equalizer’ is on the job!


    • Avatar PJTMC says:

      Great recap on the ridiculous comments…lol. I will say, it is more likely than not (based on my personal observations) there is a movement (of which our government is a party) to create a racial divide. I am glad to see more and more people are saying they have had enough of this nonsense and beginning to push back.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        It was extra ordinarily easy to find the source of the obviously coordinated complaints online for this one, lol. The gangster slash real estate investor slash rap video creator slash specialized deutche clothing mogul slash savvy online marketer, putting forth a call to action against an old white lady appraiser from a thousands of persons deep loosely collated activist network on twitter, from half a country distance away. Anyone with a twitter account could submit a complaint and get several peoples accounts suspended. I’m not a twitter pro but I believe this is against terms of service with the new management. Dude is saying everyone involved is complicit. Yet he mysteriously skipped naming any of the mortgage brokers, the for sale by owner original seller, the appraisal management company, etc. Just another stupid example of online activism taken a step to far. That is the stuff counter suits are made of. Guess who has more money to pay out a libel or harassment claims suit, that self made mogul or the old lady appraiser.

        Another day in real estate. Can appraisers buy into some form of libel insurance so when these false accusations are levied, it’s a payday for the appraiser? That would be fitting. When the richest people in society whom earn vastly more than the people they oppress, claim their abhorrent behavior and false claims are justified because; white racism. Who’s still buying this? It’s a total joke which nobody is ever fired for, except the person on the very bottom of the prosperity ladder; the appraiser. You never know though, it’s the appraisal management companies self serving models which added so much fuel to a fire that would have otherwise burned out. The way they send the majority of assignments to a disproportionate tiny fraction of possible licensed appraiser vendors. The amc industries mis management has created lucrative targets which otherwise would not have existed without the amc’s presence in the first place. The appraisers whom actually signed indemnity agreements become virtually powerless to defend themselves, because the cost of the amc’s defense and possibly also of the lender also falls on the individual appraisers shoulders. I wonder how a person like Mr Braggz would feel paying for three different legal defense teams based on a single false complaint which dragged on through the higher level courts for years upon years. People should be careful what they wish for in the call to activism.

        That’s it, I’m going to subscribe to Dilbert.

  5. Avatar Will says:

    As a 45-year long appraiser, I do not believe these completely unsupported nor professionally reviewed accusations against appraiser Miller. Why you ask? Common sense dictates that if there really was a racially biased appraiser out there then that appraiser would have been weeded out of the profession by the lenders long, long ago. That racially biased appraiser would have been fired during the training process and never would have made it to licensing. Lets see those original appraisal reports from both appraisers which have never, ever been produced. Lots of fake racial bias claims out there that never turned out to be true. Just ask Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Shame on those that believe these stories without investigating them first.

    • Avatar Frank Wilson says:

      I don’t believe it because the complaint is thet Miller didn’t use enough comps from a higher priced “white” area and that is why she is biased. The complaint is basically that appraisers are racist for using comps within the same neighborhood as the subject.

      • Avatar Realist says:

        Miller probably did not use comps from a LOWER priced area either. If there are enough reasonably similar comps in the subjects neighborhood, there is no justifiable reason to geographically expand the search. In this type of situation, using comps outside of the subject’s neighborhood makes it at least look like you are being an advocate for a party to the transaction instead of only being an advocate for the value type defined in the appraisal – which USPAP standards demand. All the appraiser/appraisal is doing is to demonstrate how market participants act and react toward any specific property. Even if you did use comps from a higher priced neighbor, if proper adjustments are made, these out of neighborhood comps would not change the value conclusion significantly. The amount of ignorance by government and other woke entities is baffling. So, appraisers finding themselves in the crosshairs of INGNORANCE WITH AN EVIL AGENDA are guilty of doing their appraisal jobs correctly. Appraisers now have to re-train themselves in the new and growing prevailing evil ways by learning that what was right is now wrong and vice a versa.

        Another observation is that the show “The Equalizer” is supposed to show how the star assists those needing help from evil situations. Just like most of the so called press, they obviously did not do their homework. So instead, of a story line based on a lie, how about an episode where The Equalizer helps the lowly appraiser who is accused of and being destroyed with vicious accusations with no basis is truth. The accuser(s) is a government and/or other woke entity that has incredible financial resources and influence over a largely corrupt press to sway an easily swayed public at large. The Equalizer would help the powerless lowly appraiser with no financial means for much of a defense, and no real way to get the message/truth out. How about we appraisers develop a script to be submitted to the TV/Movie industry. It might have to be a streaming mini-series to properly convey the truth, and even than – the oppressor’s are probably too demented to comprehend the truth.

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          At least a portion of the black community whom are posting online are not as swayed as the headlines may indicate. I read feeds for several hours the other day to track down the leads and such, some of the commentary was interesting. One guy was like; speak for yourself, we don’t want to pay those higher housing prices or pay the higher tax. Inconvenient sentiments of the common man.

          Only pay for what you need. The new TAF email update really drives home their position that the appraisal groups representative organizations are either completely unaware of how most appraisers feel, or they simply do not give a damn. We call for a vote of no confidence in Emperor Bunton! Going to photoshop his image under a sith lord cape, he’s checking all the boxes as a sinister villain at this point. They’re currently writing up the avm regulation. Bunton is the ultimate lender advocate, unrestrained by licensing.

  6. Baggins Baggins says:
    Somewhere near Georgia? Sort of far away and completely detached from what’s happening across the nation in west coast California, but whatever.

    It’s actually kind of disconcerting for the appraiser being trolled this way by this particular person. They guy whom initiated the dox effort has quite the online profile. I sort of like some of his positions though, defending 2nd amendment, standing up against institutionalized conglomerates, defending the nuclear family and being fully independent. Mike you’re on the wrong side of the issue here with real estate appraisers, stop consuming propaganda just because there is a racial tone.

    Perhaps this could be sorted out if TAF leadership went back to Brookings and watched some more completely fabricated online documentary videos. The sad part is just because some hack fake news for sale journalist puts pen to paper or captures someones opinion on film, this becomes inconvertible fact.

    The appraiser lady in question is likely to have saved this black couple from having a serious detrimental over investment in their fancy CA property, and the second appraiser whom provided such poor analysis to value their property as if it was in a totally different location, could have put them a half million dollars behind with an excessive value opinion. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet. And you know he’ll read this, the trolls have already bridged the two degrees. If any of the non appraisers here want to get refreshed on actual facts, the articles on this issue on this very same website go back at least two years.

    What a total waste of everyones time, all from some activist tweet. God, learn to do actual research and employ critical analysis before jumping to conclusions. Some people.

  7. Avatar Sued for Insurance Money says:

    Appraisers need to be more aware of what they are writing in their reports. Things you write may be misconstrued and this pertains to OLD market data which no longer applies ‘those canned comments in your 1004MC form’ need to go. That’s what the plaintiff accused Miller of because she quoted data from the 08′ downturn not thinking its a red flag and though was a prior fact, that was part of the complaint. It was used to say she’s out of touch with the market. We all understand location, location, location but borrowers always want what’s on the greener side of their fence. Have you ever met anyone who did not? Are you willing to push values just to stave off a claim or get more work? This is what is going on right now- Your peers are to blame for over valuations and you are the one taking the fall. How much does that piss you off and what are you going to do about it? When faced with an industry problem you can speak up to the right people and CYA by doing better work.

    All your reports need to have current comments about the current market with back up in your files. As they say ‘Explain it Away’ too. Knowing the current market is important. PPSF historical trends as well as land sales will show you month over month what is going on because what happened 3-6 months ago is not even current. Know who you are dealing with on all ends and know when the borrower last had their property appraised and why plus get a copy. If you believe you are being Set Up like the Fair Housing Advocates are doing in the Southern States now to perpetrate more legal cases – Walk out of the assignment or Just Don’t Go into the house. You don’t have to accept being targeted for a value discrepancy claim to get your insurance. All the E/O providers will settle because the whole drawn out legal process uses up all your claim money and the plaintiffs will never provide any proof you are wrong. Those Fair Housing Advocates are actively setting up appraisers and broadcasting to their partner agencies over private and public channels HOW TO DO THIS,.. how to catch that Bad Racist Appraiser who needs to be sued and made a public disgrace. Its the new thing, don’t you know yet? What the hell are all of you waiting for?

    Do you have unbiased practice comments into your report? Do you have ROV comments in your reports? Are those comments on the actual form that nobody can strip out of the report? Posted from Facebook Appraisers/USPAP Instructors. “Unbiased Practice-Unbiased Practice-This appraisal is unbiased and not influenced by improper or illegal considerations. The appraiser does not base the opinion of value on any of the generally recognized protected characteristics, and does not discriminate on the basis of any of the generally recognized protected characteristics per Fair Housing Act (Statutes § ‘ in your state’).

    Any Reconsideration of Value will be responded to with explanation of why the sales provided should be addressed with specific comments why they are better sales and not simply due to price searching to meet the clients needs. This explanation must accompany any ROV in writing to the appraiser. Do you have specific comments the Borrowers are Not Intended users and should not rely on the report for any reason and it should not be used as a tool or basis for any decision making in any purchase or refinance agreement because the appraisal is not for anyone other than the Lender/Client.

    Every appraiser should record their conversation on their phone which they have at the site inspection so they can prove later what they said and what they were doing. There will be more claims like this.

    The more evidence you have, the better for you and all your peers when you end up in court. Again, what are you really waiting for?

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Click and go appraising with premade templates has always been and will always be a really big mistake. If the ambulance chasers knew where the money in this industry was at, they’d be targeting appraisers whom subscribe to third party report typing services and/or works primarily with amc’s. Find an appraiser whom subscribes to both, watch out.

      The clock is reset. This is day 4 of the new reality. The operational standards appraisers enjoyed for the past 12-15 years are now just swept away with the tide. Now comes bank runs, illiquidity, more bail outs, forensic reviews, the need for someone whom has insurance apart from the coordinated networks to blame. Anyone whom thinks the financial unraveling and the timing of FNMA moving to third party inspectors and new forms is just a coincidence… Like a train coming down the tracks, many people have seen this coming miles away. We tried to warn you all this was a very real possibility. It’s playing out exactly as was predicted; Those in the know pay their bonuses, divest in the nick of time, then lock the doors and phone the fed.

      This image clip was from nearly two and a half years ago. That printing press has been red hot ever since. I miss the Bernanke vs Ron days… When I print 4 trillion dollars, I like to buy mortgage backed securities! Truly the description of those buying the ‘appraisers are racist’ narrative is that of the very poorly informed citizen. The federal reserve has personally ripped all of us off, and our children, and grandchildren, etc. They’ve siphoned something like 50 trillion from market equity in the past decade, or, er, the number is obscured and it’s impossible to know for sure. What we know is just the tip of the iceberg.

      ‘Low rates, negative rates, unlimited growth. I know it’s hard to understand but the federal reserves program of pursing prosperity through debt, just leaves us all busted.’ Joe Jaquint, Patriot Trading Group.

    • Avatar Frank Wilson says:

      Its always nice to have better reports, but it will not stop this from happening if the homeowner is a “protected class” and someone else appraises it much higher. They don’t care about the credibility of the report and that won’t save you from a lawsuit.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        What do you call it when literally every single person except you is a protected class?

        • Avatar jaydee says:

          White privilege.

          • Avatar James Anderson says:

            If it’s such a privilege to be white why does Elizabeth Warren pretend to be Native American and Rachel Dolezal pretend to be black?

            • Avatar jaydee says:

              Do you understand “Sarcasm”? Read the proceeding comment this time SLOWLY.

              • Avatar James Anderson says:

                I got the sarcasm, apparently you missed mine.

                • Baggins Baggins says:

                  Was looking for the normal non woke term. It’s actually discrimination plain and simple. Everyone except straight white people, why can’t they just be honest about the bias?

                  This just in from the TAF email update; ‘Removing the requirement that a majority of The Appraisal Foundation’s trustees be appraisers,’ Why can’t they say that everyone except appraisers is who we want to direct the appraisal valuation industry?

                  And just like that, the integrity of appraisal licensing falls apart. Skip all future debates and just ram through whatever new program and whatever new policy the lenders and/or the activist welfare seeking crowd wants.

                  We’ve come a long way from the televised sit down sessions where professional appraisers debated Coester regarding valuation principals, arguing against the need for inadequately non licensed middle management in the first place. The non licensed middle management has been such a raging success, let’s stack the deck even further with an even broader array of non licensed upper management. The evolved beltway organism strikes again.

  8. Avatar BDF says:

    Just an FYI
    You can contact yelp to review any negative reviews

    Recently I got one taken off … the review was from an angry divorce comment.

  9. Avatar Older & Wiser says:

    WOKE: a state of awareness only achieved by those dumb enough to find injustice in everything except their own behavior.

  10. Avatar James Anderson says:

    I wonder if borrowers, lenders, realtors, etc. will ever get it through their head that there is no such thing as a low appraisal? There are well supported appraisals and poorly supported appraisals. Saying appraisals are low suggests that there is some undisputable source of appraisal values.

    Let me answer my question. Never.

  11. Avatar jaydee says:

    We as appraisers “Stay” within the subject’s market area. UNLESS it’s a unique property and then one might go outside the subject’s market and into different counties. However, we must SERIOUSLY ASK: “WHY” is there a space for a “census tract number? The census tracts are “Red lines” that raise “red flags” in the review, re-review, under writers review process (amc, loan officer, underwriters) AND PERHAPS THEN another: a “field review”. I wonder why there is no mention of a field review for Miller. Every appraisal is “suppose to be” reviewed by someone who has geographical competency. Ah but that would add costs to the borrower (as if the lender gives a rats azz) and more time spent before a loan can be made. However, this would give the underwriter much more confidence in the asset being loaned upon. The census Tract requirement needs to be done away with. BTW, don’t you just love a “discrimination” charge? How can this really be “proven”? Can someone reading a report intuit what is in another person’s heart? After all, discrimination is a matter of the heart. NOT AN APPRAISAL PROBLEM.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      The appraisal reports data the lender requests. The lenders design and propagate the FNMA forms. Appraisers for the past several decades have simply watched this census tract data auto fill based on address verification alongside USPS databases, courtesy of the software designers. But even when appraisers did have to manually look up this data, they never paid attention to it. Because census tracts are for political meandering, for monetary allocation, for political seat representations, and should have nothing to do with market values other than the extracted coincidental data from this tract vs that tract. If people have a problem with the tracts separating this or that group of people, that’s definitely some other department within government, as the appraisers are powerless to effect that sort of data definition, reporting, or defining what tract is where. In 20 years, I’ve never once had census tract conversations with buyers, sellers, lenders, or realtors. It’s a non issue similar to talking about national median home values, completely irrelevant to the local analysis at hand.

      This broken record never ends, appraisers will have to add this to the already lengthy list of things we need to inform and uneducated public regarding what valuation service is, and what valuation service is not. It seems like just yesterday we were arguing to get vending machines out of school environments, advocating for better financial education to protect the youth. This is the end result of those activities not happening, but rather a commercialization of the youth occurred for corporate gain instead. They’re being played like fools by the pied piper, thinking they have a righteous cause, when they’re merely behaving as tools of the establishment, advocating for more corporate control over their lives and more debt stacked against the failing American Dream. The woke have a real messaging problem these days, that’s for sure, one hand is not talking to the other. O.k., one more time; Where in the hell does the actual money come from? Article 1, section X. But take heart; it will once again become fashionable to be a patriot and resist this now well established socialism in America, when the welfare and free perks are rescinded as the iron curtain falls. Peace sells, but who’s buying?
      Read the instructions. Lender requirements set forth by the government. PAVE task force probably did not even consider just rescinding the requirement, because they answer to lenders not the people. And you can bet your bottom dollar that the fat cats whom grew rich exploiting minorities won’t let it go without a fight. The appraiser is among the last body of independent professionals actually insulating the minority base from predatory lending. And they want us gone. Can’t make it up. True story.

  12. Avatar Frank Wilson says:

    Zillow is estimating their property at $1,228,200 and this is after the big boom in real estate that happened since the appraisal Miller did. So I guess Zillow is racist too.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Where is the missing thousand feet? Did the appraiser do something silly like not clearly define non credited area due to renovations or what gives.

      There are special exceptions to the jurisdictional exception rules for matters of important public interest.

      This is obviously one of those situations. Mary, Mike, Des, you’re up; How do we compel informational disclosure from the board regarding the publics urgent and clearly compelling need to see these two singular appraisals which has sparked such a national controversy? Even the DOJ has special pages on this, many local jurisdictions do too. They will provide more public data for ‘cases of special public interest and public visibility’. It’s similar to the issue of a judge calling there being cameras in the courtroom or no cameras, but is related to discovery information being made available to the public instead. God damn, you’d think a whistle blower at the EO insurer or attornies office would have leaked this already, 77,000 appraisers are being held hostage over this issue.

      • Avatar Kenneth T says:

        I think it’s down to around 50,000 appraisers or so. The other thing that gripes me is Why does the form show PPSF at all? Not alone at the top of the comp page?

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Went into this at length in the ansi thread. PPSF is one of your most important metrics. Market recognized agla ties into that. Which is why ansi is a fools errand in markets such as Colorado where nearly every single assessor will credit both levels of a bi level and all three levels of a tri level as agla spacing, as garden levels drive a mostly equivalent premium as any other fully above grade area, and true fully below grade basements drive less We compare the metric of agla ppsf, then total gla ppsf, but primarily the focus and majority value is going to be the agla ppsf metric. The agla indicator, the adjusted value indicators, alongside net/gross adjustment indicators, are important quick review data points to help the appraiser easily determine if they are staying in range or have perhaps missed the mark on valid estimations of extracted market reactions, etc, etc. Which is why this supposed missing thousand square feet is such a big deal for this article. Or missing 400 sq ft. Nobody knows, it’s all speculation because nobody will share the reports. Rendering the documentary video on the matter to be pure speculation, and the TAF groups capitulation and new class set to be just pure horse shit. And just like that it’s a thing, everyone is apologizing for racism that never actually happened.

          Down to 50k? Has anyone just written asb for the exact number? They have an email contact and promise to return all correspondence in a week or two or whenever the janitor is in to blow the dust of the old appraiser coffins, toss one into a wheelchair, roll them out for a viewing and quick FAQ session.

  13. Avatar Frank Wilson says:

    I can’t believe there would be a $500k difference between 2 appraisals…and zillow…

  14. Avatar hammering hank says:

    Remember this crybabies?
    Miller would have not SETTLED unless she was guilty & her appraisal was misleading garbage.
    Reminds me of decades of lying Donnie.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Did you just find a way to fit a case of lingering TDR into the conversation? Inventive. There is always the thing with the indemnity agreement with the amc, multiple legal team costs, and the EO insurer calling the final shots regardless of actual merit or evidence, a cost based analysis as many have said drives insurers ultimate decisions. Or maybe she really does wear white pointy hats to home appraisal inspections and can’t do basic math.

      There has been so much informational disclosure it’s remarkable. Can we clarify who the appraiser was that had the millions of billable assignments from an amc as everyone else rode the bench. Was that this appraiser or the one from the other lawsuit(s). I can’t keep up with all the details with this many cases and no direct correlation to completely different parts of the country.

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      You sound…….familiar.

      Anyway, you must not have read that thread you referenced.

      But kudos for weaving in some unnecessary political drivel.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        The rent free take has infinite entertainment value. Because it’s true. Many are ramping up personal preparedness routines all over again right now. It’s like a form of nihilism and sounds quite exhausting. Dude, there is a beverage over here, watch it. Not the rug man! It really tied the room together. Good times.

  15. Avatar Kenneth T says:

    Many innocent people will agree to a crime they did not commit. It is a trick by prosecutors that want to avoid court time. They offer two choices.

    1) You will be fined $1,000,000 and spend 10 years in jail
    2) Plead guilty, pay $5,000 fine

    The insurance will highly pressure you to take the plea, and plead guilty. In fact 99% of people take similar plea’s even if they did not commit the crime.

    I hate this. I do not think there should be plea bargains. If the prosecutor really thinks the person is guilty, then try them in court!

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      That’s because citizens have forgotten the power of and the solemn duty of the jury. Going to trial is risky business, be careful what you wish for. In the end the judicial is rendered as just another business, shuffling dollar signs represented as persons down the line. The best win anyone can hope for is to stay as far away as possible, or if drawn in; be there the least amount of time as possible. Actual justice is rarely able to be delivered inside the court room.

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      Most people lack the financial resources to go to trial, so they take the plea.

      It would take years being drug through the system, and the only winners are the lawyers.

      • Avatar Jim Anderson says:

        Exactly. Plus your E&O insurer usually presses you to settle. If they want to settle and you want to take it to trial, I’ll bet its on your dime.

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          O.k., new conversation thread; What additional insurance policy should appraisers be acquiring? Obviously errors and omissions is not going to be enough. Thank you Dave Bunton, the appraisal industries own super villain. He rakes three quarters of a million a year selling us all out, and we need additional insurance to protect us from the Brookings Institute lawyers whom TAF also hires for consultation purposes to set updated industry policy. Equity!


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Slew of Negative Reviews for Appraiser Miller

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 2 min