Appraisers Take Heed
Her plight is an attack on occupational licensees everywhere. The nation’s long-suffering real estate appraisers, under attack by Congress in an election year, should pay close attention to what has happened in Nashville…
Nurse’s Plight Signals Dystopian Future for Occupational Licensees; Appraisers Take Heed
To err is human, but not if you’re a licensed nurse in the Regulatory Republic of Tennessee, where “dog eat dog” has become the state’s unofficial motto.
In a first of its kind, a medical accident has resulted in both a license revocation and a criminal prosecution as a nurse was both stripped of her license and convicted of a felony for inadvertently administering the wrong drug to a patient. Despite immediately reporting her error in accordance with hospital policy, she now faces years of jail time.
Her plight is an attack on occupational licensees everywhere. The nation’s long-suffering real estate appraisers, under attack by Congress in an election year, should pay close attention to what has happened in Nashville.
In the fateful error, nurse RaDonda Vaught, 38, mistakenly administered Vecuronium, a powerful paralyzing agent, to a 75-year-old stroke victim. She believed it was Versed, a sedative. The mix-up resulted in the death of the patient. In the incident’s aftermath, Vaught followed hospital protocol and immediately reported the error to her employer, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, which, according to reports, then covered up the incident and settled secretly with the patient’s family.
When investigators discovered Vanderbilt’s cover-up of the accident, Vaught somehow became the scapegoat.
In a hearing before the Tennessee Board of Nursing last year, Vaught, who was fired by Vanderbilt, admitted she had allowed herself to become “complacent” and “distracted” while using the electronic medication cabinet and did not double-check which drug she had withdrawn despite multiple opportunities to do so and a number of red flags she should have caught. She did not shirk responsibility for the error.
The state board revoked her professional nursing license, fined her $3,000, and an additional $60,000 in investigation costs.
But in the politically charged atmosphere – one in which the state’s most prestigious hospital had egg on its face – Vaught was also criminally charged with reckless homicide and gross neglect of an impaired adult in connection with the patient’s 2017 death.
Nowhere in the court filings do prosecutors allege that she had intended to hurt the patient or was impaired by any substance when she made the mistake. Vaught’s prosecution is a rare example of a health care worker facing years in prison for a medical error.
Her trial has been closely monitored by doctors and nurses across the United States. They fear it will set a precedent of criminalizing medical mistakes. The conviction should send a chill down the spine of all occupational licensees. It ushers in a new world in which elected district attorneys might piggyback off the findings of state licensing board to enhance their political prospects.
Experts believe her criminal prosecution, on top of the license revocation, will make health care more unsafe in the long term.
“This is bad,” said Houston anesthesiologist Kristina Braly. “Let me be very clear about the consequences of naming health-care workers guilty whenever they make a mistake that results in harm or accidental death of a patient. We have a very particular set of protocols – internal processes that create a safe space for transparency – for admitting to mistakes, for reporting errors, for owning up to a mistake you made without fear of criminalization. [It] helps create a safer health-care environment for the next patient.”
Janie Harvey Garner, RN, the founder of “Show Me Your Stethoscope,” a nursing group on Facebook with more than 600,000 members, fears Vaught’s conviction will have a chilling effect on nurses disclosing their own errors or near errors, which could have a detrimental effect on the quality of patient care.
“Health care just changed forever,” she said after the verdict. “You can no longer trust people to tell the truth because they will be incriminating themselves.”
In the wake of the verdict, the American Nurses Association issued a statement expressing similar concerns about Vaught’s conviction, saying it sets a “dangerous precedent” of “criminalizing the honest reporting of mistakes.” Some medical errors are “inevitable,” the statement said, and there are more “effective and just mechanisms” to address them than criminal prosecution.
Testimony from a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation agent seemed to support defense arguments that Vaught’s fatal error was made possible by systemic failures at Vanderbilt. Vaught’s attorney, Peter Strianse, has described his client as a “disposable person” who was scapegoated to protect the invaluable reputation of the most prestigious hospital in Tennessee.
Vanderbilt has, of yet, received no punishment for the fatal drug error or its alleged cover-up of the incident.
Vaught was convicted of gross neglect of an impaired adult and negligent homicide after a three-day trial. Vaught, with no prior convictions, now faces sentencing in mid-May. Her future likely holds a prison sentence of three to six years for neglect and one to two years for negligent homicide, according to the state’s sentencing guidelines.
Chad Jackson, the assistant district attorney who gave the state’s closing argument, compared Vaught’s actions to those of someone driving with their eyes closed. Her defense attorney differed.
“RaDonda Vaught is like the scapegoat in the Old Testament,” said her defense attorney in closing arguments.

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Why does it appear that the southern states are actively trying to destroy America?
Hmmm, Californication and NY are in the South?? I think you owe Florida and Texas an apology for saving our ass for the last few years.
Eric….taking away women rights, taking away LGBQT rights, burning books, restricting free speech, Deciding what our children are NOT taught, helping killing their un and under educated people, lieing about statistics of Covid deaths, masks, vaccines take away your fredums ? 985,000 dead American when we have a vaccine for the 12 months….hmmmm
Florida and Texas are going BLUE in 22′.
Whats so bad about Cali and NY ? They are educated ? They cant be brainwashed? They are true American fighting for human rights, voting rights, women rights, LGBQT rights, Clean air, clean water. making Corps pay their fair share, Tax the rich their fair share?
Conservatism….I don’t care about others…I am ok….
Liberalism…..We have some issues that we need to address and correct…..
I understand…. in the Charlie Harper way. Is your last name Stelter??
Eric…typical comeback, you have made all of us dumber for having to read that. Your mentality is the white elephant in the room, no one wants to talk about or admit too these days.
You’re welcome, glad I could remind you us little people still exist out here.
I’m a woman and a feminist but no longer a democrat and I will not be voting for the party of lies.
The Democratic party used to be for women’s right. Not anymore.
When the left is unable to define what a woman is, includes and defends men who identify as women in women’s sports, comes up with the term “BIRTHING PEOPLE” instead of mothers, state that men can menstruate and give birth, when I and my girlfriends get censored on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter for voicing our concerns about losing our rights to men, when Admiral Levine, A MAN, takes the title of the first female 4-star officer from women, (I could go on and on), how can you say they are true American fighting for WOMEN rights???
The Democratic party is pushing laws & defining women as anyone who says they are one. If someone who still has their full male anatomy wants the right to enter women’s restrooms, locker rooms, or to compete against women & girls in sports, & women have no choice about that, that takes away women’s most fundamental right: the right to say NO to male-bodied people entering our spaces.
For centuries, women have been fighting for more representation & equality in society. Women fought for generations for the right to be heard & the right to say no to things that affect them. But now, women who do speak up are being violently silenced by the left!
I guess its time to stay home & do what your husband says then right?
“We may be the weaker sex, we are the weaker sex, but we are our partner’s, our husband’s wife.”
– Ms Marge “QAnonunt” Taylor Greene
Congrats – you win the dumbest comment of the day award!
Am I suppose to know who Marge QAnonunt Taylor Green is?
No wait. No need to respond. A back and forth with you would be a colossal waste of time.
Feminist…I guess you don’t know any transgendered personally. Typical these days. And how to you believe Rebubs are fighting for women’s rights….I mean really ??? So the judge didn’t say a woman has a vajaja…you are losing your mind? Really ???
I don’t agree with men in women sports…not for 1 sec. But to say the right supports women is pure lunacy…
Did I say the right supports women rights Chris??? Your party is the party of lunatics.
“How can one protect “women’s rights” without knowing what a “woman” is?”
Feminst…Why were you and friends thrown off of social media ? So you don’t know any Transgendered…typical….and you don’t care about what a person goes through having been born with a women’s mind in a boys body and vice versa…its a biological hiccup at week 9 during development……Thank god you left the party…me…I just switch to the Dems after 40 years…..I don’t like a party supporting someone who tried their best to over through a legitimate election, one with the most over site in our countries history, one that was re counted 3-5 times… so he and his mafia like family can stay out of prison. I have no doubt he was told by his lawyer….:the only way you are gonna stay out of prison is if you become president.”
Thanks for making me laugh today.
We were thrown off social media for pointing out what I stated above about men who identify as women but still have their full male anatomy and the laws being pushed by the left to protect them and take away our rights.
I’ll ask again: How can one protect “women’s rights” without knowing what a “woman” is?
And please don’t answer my question with a question. And I couldn’t care less about your hatred for the republicans or trump. My comment has nothing to do with the right, or trump, or the election.
So you’re hanging your hat on a definition of a word. Maybe that definition needs to be updated.
My advice to you dear, go out and meet some transgendered. Don’t be ignorant. And stop being all high almighty, of what a definition of a woman USED to be, if a trans man wants to play football with the boys, have at it. Like I said trans men should not be playing with the girls unless it’s a no contact sport for obvious reasons.
I think you may have leaned off topic a bit (and I have a trans child).
“maybe the definition of a woman needs to be updated”.
Your comment is pretty sexist. A man telling me, a woman, that I’m ignorant and what I need to do. Way to mansplain Chris!!
Chris agrees with the Left and thinks all the best women are men. Or, he is just a transgender militant with a chip on his shoulder. I have transgender friends and family and like and love them equally. However, they don’t get to change society because they are challenged, nor do 99% of them want to. I’m short, should we pass laws that all new houses can only be built for short people?? The TDS is strong with this one.
Eric… I do agree with the left, how many decades did it take for gays to be accepted?
When will the right stop trying to take away human rights for a women to choose to have a baby?
Or that the world does have more then 2 sex’s?
The best women are men? What in the world are you talking about?
” I have transgender friends and family and like and love them equally. However, they don’t get to change society because they are challenged, nor do 99% of them want to. I’m short, should we pass laws that all new houses can only be built for short people?? ”
Change society?? What in the world do you mean….our society changes every day and has been for thousands of years….
Or is it that you don’t want “your” society to change?
When will the right stop trying to put their GOD all mightier then thou to themselves?
Prayers to you Chris. I can suggest you try some DemoLax for that case of TDS. Jesus is alive today and teaching in the Temple of Jerusalem. Friday he will be crucified to save us all from our sins. Happy Easter
Eric…..Prayers and Demolax…know i what get you through your day….sorry bud, i don’t need an imaginary friend to get through my days….Maybe some of that Demolax trying to deal with people who don’t care about others…
Conservatives……I am ok, i don’t care about others
Liberals….we see there are some problems…lets try to do better…because we care
I wonder what Jesus really thinks of you? Let me know what he says…
Pretty sure “follow the science” states there are 2 sexes.
Hey Chris. Do you identify as a man or a woman?
Do you know how much that surgery costs for the final conversion to a woman?
You don’t have any problems lady, I don’t have any problems, none of us had any problems,
Being born in the wrong body is the biggest problem anybody could ever have, show some sympathy.
If you had any.
You have no idea of the trauma I have suffered as a woman. So please keep your assumptions to yourself. As a white male, yes I’m sure you’ve had it pretty easy. That was not the case for me!
You seem to not understand and I don’t blame you because you’re a man.
I don’t have a problem with transgenders. My cousin is one. I’m all for transgender rights but NOT at the expense of women’s rights. The laws being pushed by democrats are diminishing women’s rights. Disregarding one population, women, to serve the needs of another, transgenders, is not the way. For the same reason, that punishing all appraisers and painting them all as racists to serve the needs of minorities is not the way.
Plenty of jobs out there they can take to save for that surgery. It actually a mental condition.
Mee….so let me ask then…if they get the surgery would you then consider them to be women? And its not mental, I have met post and pre op trans in my travels to Thailand…they are readily accepted in their culture. They know they are girls from such an early age, then if they start the hormones to stop puberty usually they start at the age of 9, those that start that early most will die before the age of 40 because the hormones kill their livers and kidneys. Can you imagine giving up life, being stuck with basically a baby wee wee which is useless, just to have the body of the sex your brain is? The TRUE trans problem results from a biological hiccup at week 9 of development, AFTER the brain brain development.
Its not mental…all that mental stuff comes as a result of having to deal with people that don’t understand or just don’t care about others. The stories I have heard are got retching…the parent end up hating their children…the abuse and teasing at school, no wonder half of them kill themselves..
The trans I know are the same as women due to the hormones, they don’t get muscles like men, no adams apple, little hair and a little tiny wee wee that is useless…..take pity, if you have any inside of you….
Try having that problem…we don’t have problems..being born in the wrong body…..that’s a problem !!
How dare you belittle my problems. I got 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one.
Sounds like you are into some weird shit in your travels to Thailand….
Mee…yes i have had amazing travels…And I was not belittling your problems….But i appears you certainly do…I was trying to make a point about the horrors of being born trans.
All I hear is me me me from so many people these days….funny how your screen name reflects that…LOL
No weird shit, there is enough of that in America these days…Which is why I get out of this country as much as I can…
Newsflash; The born that way argument is thoroughly discredited. Gender dysphoria is more like it.
I read this article this morning. Picked it up from The Liberty Daily (way better than Drudge!), and thought of this thread. Do you understand what an incredible burden it is for parents to have to seek and pay for private school to escape radical indoctrination programs creeping into public schools? Clearly doing more harm than good. You know what else is long overdue; School choice vouchers to include religious schools. My tax money pays for public, but we’d rather port that to a school of our choosing. A place which has reasonably tolerable ideological values that we can agree with. In the act of advocating against discrimination, there is now more discrimination than ever. Because the discrimination is no longer pointed at the minority group, but rather the majority group.
Baggins…you could not be more wrong….The right is trying to destroy public education because they can not control what is taught. The Republicans and religious know they wont be around for much longer as the old church goers are dieing off. They need more brainwashed children to fill their coffers. 4 million young people turn of age to vote every year….the only way for Republican and the religious to survive is to separate our children and indoctrinate them to “their” way of things. This includes dictating the books they can read and what the teachers can teach and talk about when children ask question in class. laws have been passed in red states…laws have been passed about abortions while 60 years ago 3/4 of the states ratified a women has a right o choose….and the new right leaning Supreme court has delayed ruling on these new laws passed by the red states which are now copying Texas’s way of getting around or constitution.
The right keeps talking about their rights al the time, but watch what they do, not what they say….the7uy want abortions banned, they want teachers to wear video camera to “watch them” they have passed laws in red states limiting books and our free speech…
The right currently are the greatest threat to our freedoms in this country at the current time.
Trump brought out the racist, white nationalist out of their basements and the republicans have allowed this for the past 5 years just because they need their votes and money.
Finally, if you think Trans is a mental disorder, you are sadly mistaken and you yourself have been brainwashed by right wing media as millions of Americans have for the past 20 years.
I will not get long winded, but in my travels in Rublicanville of Pennsylvania, I have had conversations with brainwashed for 5 years now while doing my appraisals and travels.
It is easy to see, when asked if they watch democratic and liberal news media they all say no…They are convinced they are being lied too by the left. Trump vilified everyone who was against him, Fox Media (not News) does not have to retractions under their clarification as an entertainment company…..that is how they keep getting away with the lies they tell (I listed to many news agencies in my travels…I know who is telling our people what and who is not…
The republicans have embraced authoritarianism and a large faction of our country have thrown away the unalienable rights bestowed on us by our founding fathers.
Take down the Statue of Liberty, take away free speech, take away books, take away a w omens right o choose…i could go on and on and one…these thing does not apply in the new republican world….the only policy the Pepubs have to to try to “own” the libs..
in 2018 the republican lost over 1,000 seats in government across this country…Wait till you see what happens in 2022 this year…why do you you think they are making voting as hard as possible?
Church and state were NOT suppose to be an issue, but today our politics have been infiltrated by religious money and Authoritarianism dark money.
I did nazi that coming.
You certainly are good at parroting the prescribed narrative…
Sort of stale though. Heard that a million times before.
So you’re saying to me personally that I’m a clear and present danger to America? Wow, I’m learning new things about myself all the time. Maybe I should get off this inalienable rights and self determination thing, give up on manifest destiny. You’ve done it again Chris. Your compelling intellectual arguments have definitely changed my mind yet again. Great job. You go girl.
Baggins….20 years ago our people were being radicalized by ISIS…right???
You guys have been brainwashed that it is the left who have been brainwashed and radicalized….when in fact it is the right who have been radicized by trigger words and name calling…..when the right wing media talk…they dont tell the whole story…they then speak their OPINIONS which are present as facts to the feable minded…
When I ask people on ther right…they never can explian with facts….they just remeber the opinions….I have known this for 5 yearts now and have spoken to several hundred to learn how deep thiws brainweashing has gone in our country.
In the end, they use what6 about isms, they get upset with themselves like little children do when they can not communicate because they know they are not using facts…then some get mad, some get very mad.
Like I said, I have been doing this for 5 years now…
Want to play??? For all to see……
You know I’ve always been fascinated by the effects of propaganda on either side on any front.
Some people either consciously or unconsciously choose to live their lives a parrot in a cage, screeching red blue red blue.
Sounds even more exhausting than nihilism.
Thanks for playing. LOL. I don’t have to put in much effort to win this one.
Baggins…. Are you afraid you might learn something about yourself?
It’s extremely effective brainwashing, your brainwashing will not allow contradicting information to go into your head, I have had people that literally had to run away because they could not deal with facts.
Like I said I have been doing this for 5 years
Five whole years! Give me a minute to lace up my boots and buckle my belt. You’ve called it again. I live in fear of the truth. Extremely effective insight. The term cognitive dissonance comes to mind. That’s when people are so indoctrinated they can’t see past themselves and the programming they’ve personally been exposed to. Nobody said trolling was easy. Try again.
Baggins…. Lace up your boots….
Did you read the four page summary of the Mueller report?
I am observing the likely probability that you listened to the mainstream media’s synopsis on the matter. It’s just refreshing that you’re limiting the rhetoric to one specific talking point, at least for the moment. Feel free to stick around.
Baggins… It’s a simple yes or no question… Did you read the four page Mueller report?…
I am sure you did not, because you do not want to tell me that you did not. That is part of the brainwashing.
What you just replied is what they call deflection.
Don’t break a leg jumping from A to Z. The TDR is strong in you. If I may suggest breathing exercises or some form of stress management program. Again, it may be hard to get through to people if you can’t see past yourself. Worship or demonize the politicians if you want to. I collect meme’s and vote the issue. This is a fun game.
Baggins, you are deflecting again…. Why can you not read the four page summary of the Mueller report?
Cognitive dissonance my friend, that is why you have not read the four page summary of the Mueller report.
Now go do it in the inner city for 5 years. May not last 5 years.
“It is easy to see, when asked if they watch democratic and liberal news media they all say no…They are convinced they are being lied too by the left.” For good reasons. Left or right, MSM is biased and if you believe otherwise, then the propaganda has done a number on you.
The executives, the editors in print media, the senior producers, executive producers in the visual media – these are the people who have the ideological bias and what’s probably almost as important – their personal friendships. They go to the same country clubs, they go to the same dinners, they socialize with a lot of the people that they cover. The mainstream news media, while Americans rely on it daily for the latest reports on world and domestic events, a recent study conducted by the Cronkite School of Journalism indicates that nearly 67% of Americans don’t trust major media for accurate reporting.
Ask Americans specifically why they distrust the media and the answers are generally vague. After all, reports of news media abuses aren’t normally found on the front page or the nightly news. Nonetheless, they do exist. Today, standards in mainstream news reporting had more to do with career enhancement than reporting the truth.
Today the CFR maintains its’ goal is to “increase America’s understanding of the world.” However, the actual objective of this highly exclusive club is revealed by the rare admonitions of the insiders themselves. In the early 60’s, a Georgetown University Professor collects information for a book favorable to the network of powerful men who founded the CFR. For two years, Professor Carroll Quigley is allowed to examine the confidential papers and secret records of this network.
Quigley reveals that these men aim “to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country, and the economy of the world as a whole.” In short, they seek total and quiet control of the entire world and the CFR is the most visible conduit for carrying out that agenda. (Excerpt from the film)
“The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shift in policy.” ~ Carroll Quigley
Floriduh & Texas are backwards….but then you probably support Trump.
Southern red states are where fake conservatives rule in a authoritarian fist of fascism supported by a uneducated white Christian demographic base.
Unless of course its saving people in a worldwide pandemic…then hell with a lousy mask or science. That’s Freedumb!
Follow the science and go get your 4th “booster” shot hammer boy
It’s complicated and some people just do not have respect for others. That’s the problem these days, some people demand we not just understand their point of view, but actually become ideologically aligned with their beliefs. It’s easy to identify people with ongoing psychosis, they’re always angry at any point of view other than their own. Don’t screw this up, a unique time in history where people no longer hide their psychosis but rather are proud of it. I find this beneficial and helpful because we can skip the qualification round and jump immediately into qualified discernment of character.
Hammering…Well Said !!! We are still losing 1,000 republican a day in this country due to the virus….and the red states don’t care…that’s how dumb they are, they are allowing their voters to die….We wont have these problems for much longer, the republican party will be dead in the next decade….and they know it and they are desperate and scared their way of life is over…that is why they are freaking out !!!
All we need is Texas….and no republican will ever win presidency again….its only a matter of time, hopefully Texas goes blue in 22
You don’t say…
It certainly will be interesting to see what transpires from this medical management debacle. Thank you for cheering the deaths of the opposing party. Real class act right there.
Is this your approach to debating people on issues Chris? Pick one thing you’ve focused on and then somehow project and paint a picture that nobody can be credible unless they know all about your one thing, only debating you on your terms? That is not how this works. Perhaps you’ll be more comfortable on twitter where you have additional tools to silence and censor people whom do not agree with your point of view. You have absolutely no control over who is credible and who is not. You only control that for yourself. Don’t stop now.
Baggins…I like talking to you…I don’t use twitter. I hate to break this to you, but the projections in that article you posted used 2020 census data.
That was before Covid wiped out 986,000 Americans (as of today), currently $1,000/day…can you believe we are losing that many when we have a vaccine??? The numbers are coming down, thank the universe, but try to think, who is still dieing…its not us liberals, independents and democrats….
See…We were watching the news back in March and April of 2020 and remember the deaths in New York….. they were dropping like flies.
its almost like some people weren’t watching the news….but they were….guess what news they were watching….first it was a democratic hoax, then there were only a few, then it will go away when the weather warms up…
Then it was about wearing masks…for months later in the year, anti maskers were saying that Fauci said you didn’t have to wear a mask, I saw it over and over again on right wing media and heard it in my travels by repubs… right wing media played it over and over again…..turns out Fauci said that to a nurse in early February when she asked him if she should wear one on a domestic flight….. I will say that again ….Early February !!!!
Then we get the vaccine…..about 500,000 dead by then…..when i thought all will be well again…no…now we got the anti-vaccine propaganda, have to own the libs B.S….
so a year later, today..we have almost another 500,000 dead Americans…..
Its almost like they weren’t watching the news in March, April and May of 2020…..or were they???
They thought they were….just not the news…more of a glorified Nation Enquirer.
They were watching Fox, a company designated as an entertainment company who doesn’t have to redaction, under the l;aw, like the real news media has too.
I would love to give you my phone number, dont know how…
These threads are not for this type of discussion, and frankly I hate typing anymore.
I will re read the article you posed about Canada’s research..I read if quickly but had appointments this afternoon..
Oh…so you know, I was a bio/chemistry major in college…and have studied all the science since I was very young…I was born with insatiable curiosity…its a curse frankly…So I am not easily brainwashed and keep up to date….Scientific American magazine is amazing…When I was young I only understood 10% of the articles….today is a different story, now I understand 70-85% and 3 years later they get produced on T.V. which then fills in the blanks so to speak.
In a few months I will retire at the age of 56 and I have a need to finally understand Einsteins equations…..but I will have to start physics 101 again and go through all the classes, its like trying to learn a new language without knowing the alphabet…so to speak….
Anyway…se if there is a way for us to talk or get off this tread….I do like that I can get the word out…put this is not the forum and I will probably be told to shut up sooner or later….
See…I care..I care about others, I care about this country, I care about all of our futures…..I don’t care if you are believe in a higher power, what ever gets a person through their day…..I don’t care you sexual orientation, trans, gay, straight, all the above, color of your skin or party affiliation…we are all int his big shot hole together and need to learn to keep out of others peoples business…basically the back bone of the founding of our country…\
But now today….its my way or the highway for the right these days….and that is what has me so pissed, believe what ever you want, but don’t dare try to put your beliefs on me…..(abortion) religion, politics yada yada yada. That is NOT directed to you in any way…
I will say it again to you, I hold you in high esteem regarding your knowledge of appraisal and the stuff we normal appraisers don’t have time to learn…that’s why I say we are all in this together, that is what makes America the greatest country in the world…
Our diversity !!! Debate !!! But acceptance of others has gone out the window and that is the real problem I have these days with the right.
P.S….I consider appraisal fun for the mentally challenged…I just make a lot of money and be able to be self employed at the same time…
Peace brother, have a good night !!!
Thanks. When I pick these links, it’s often just chop research, because I’ve read that or some version of it many times before. That’s news for you these days, one big echo chamber.
The British are now officially hiding Covid vaccine data – As of today, they have stopped releasing it, and they are lying about the reason why. by Alex Berenson
Until last week, the British government offered the best source of raw data on the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. Each Thursday, the UK Health Security Agency reported the number of new infections, hospitalizations, and deaths by vaccine status.
Since last fall, and especially since the Omicron variant hit, the reports have presented an increasingly dismal picture of vaccine efficacy. Last week’s report showed that in March, nearly 90 percent of adults hospitalized for Covid were vaccinated. And OVER 90 percent of deaths were in the vaccinated:
The importance of these reports is hard to overstate.
They were the single best source of raw data about how well the Covid vaccines were or were not working anywhere in the world. It was a long-running sequential series with clearly defined rules from a large country with high vaccine coverage.
Plus, because the British have national health insurance, the government could determine with near-certainty who had been vaccinated. As you can see, fewer than 1 percent of the people in the reports are called “unlinked” – meaning their vaccine status was undetermined.
The British government is offering the nonsensical excuse that it can no longer provide the figures because it has ended free universal testing for Covid: Such changes in testing policies affect the ability to robustly monitor COVID-19 cases by vaccination status, therefore, from the week 14 report onwards this section of the report will no longer be published.
The British government is lying.
Even if the end of free testing somehow affected its ability to provide “robust” data about infections, it would make no difference to the hospitalization or death figures, which are far more important. Unless Covid patients are going to be hospitalized anonymously, the Health Security Agency will still be able to match their names (and the names on death certificates) against vaccination records.
In fact the British government would be derelict not to continue to collect the data, and it surely will. But the public will no longer see it.
One reason and one reason only. Ever since I mentioned the existence of these reports to Joe Rogan in October, they have become an embarrassment. They are impossible to spin, and the clearest possible signal of vaccine failure.
But hiding the numbers won’t make the vaccines work better. It will just make people less likely to believe anything else public health authorities tell them about Covid and the vaccines – if that’s even possible at this point.
The light at the end of the mRNA vaccine tunnel looks more like a train every day – by Alex Berenson
Through 2020 and 2021, South Korea chased zero Covid with strict border controls, aggressive testing and tracing, and a vaccination campaign that reached nearly its entire adult population with mRNA (and some DNA) shots.
The country didn’t quite get to zero. Infections and deaths rose slowly last year. But it came close enough that the usual highly credentialed public health experts held it up as a light among the nations.
On Thursday, South Korea reported 600,000 new Covid infections – the equivalent of more than 4 million in the United States. In a single day.
Covid deaths are skyrocketing too. South Korea reported 429 deaths Thursday, the equivalent of about 3,000 in the United States. That number is all but certain to skyrocket – cases have risen so fast that deaths have not had time to catch up yet. No one should be surprised if South Korea reports more than 1,000 daily Covid deaths in the next month.
South Korea, even more than Hong Kong, shows the world what happens when Omicron hits a densely populated region that has no prior Covid immunity at the wrong time, as the mRNA shots fail in unison.
The mRNA shots have negative efficacy against Omicron infection within months – meaning that vaccinated people are more likely to become infected. Data from Canada, Britain, Scotland, the United States, and other countries all agree on this point. I’m not sure anyone serious even argues it anymore.
In New Zealand, for example, unvaccinated people now have even lower infection rates than those who have received boosters:
So South Korea finds itself exactly the wrong place in the Covid cycle.
It vaccinated its citizens mostly from June through October 2021. It started boosters in November, and the people who who received the third jabs first were the elderly and frail. The reason South Korea has the highest rate of new Covid cases any country has ever seen is not despite but because it is so highly vaccinated. The failure of the shots is accelerating the rate of infection and transmission.
Hospitalizations and deaths are rising too, though they have not reached the overwhelming levels that the case figures would suggest. The vaccine advocates – clinging to the last plank of the rapidly sinking SS MRNA – insist this is proof the vaccines are working. Or at least not failing catastrophically.
Maybe. Maybe not. Several factors complicate the picture around hospitalizations and deaths. Omicron is more contagious but milder. Treatments have improved in the last two years, and doctors now do everything possible to keep people off ventilators (in Britain, for example, the number of ventilated patients in Britain has almost completely decoupled from hospitalizations).
Also, South Korea has some of the thinnest people in the world (it is so focused on keeping its citizens thin that it uses a BMI standard of 25 for obesity, rather than the international standard of 30, to make its numbers look worse and encourage citizens to view obesity as a crisis). Obesity is a critical risk factor for Covid, so South Korea’s relative thinness makes cross-national comparisons even more difficult to make.
Finally, at this point no one can know how many hospitalizations and deaths South Korea will have in the next couple of months. By the time the counting is done, though, the world’s attention will elsewhere and the advocates will be onto Shot Five (this time it’ll work, really!).
Meantime, as cases and hospitalizations and deaths take off, South Korea is doing –
Well, pretty much nothing. The country has been loosening restrictions for months and says it will continue to do so.
As the Times wrote Thursday:
With the vast majority of its adult population vaccinated and about nine out of 10 of those 60 and older with a booster, South Korea is pushing ahead with plans to ease social distancing measures, relax border restrictions and learn to live with the virus’s risk, even as it is experiencing some of the highest per-person infection rates anywhere in the world.
The reality is that the South Koreans can’t do anything else. They’re not going back into lockdown, and they’ve already given boosters to basically everyone who might get any short-term benefit from them.
Devi Sridhar laid out what was supposed to happen (and what she thought had happened): lockdowns would be the bridge to vaccines which would be the tunnel to freedom! Good countries like South Korea would win and mean nasty selfish countries like the United States would lose.
Mistakes have clearly been made in both the UK and US – in particular, a cynical fatalism that no scientific solution would emerge, that mass infection was inevitable…
But biology is not a morality play. Science doesn’t always win, even if Pfizer pinky swore that it would:
We’re all Team Reality now, folks, even if some of the bluechecks still haven’t caught up. The only question left is not how much good but how much damage those miracle shots have done.
Wished he could have skipped the religious twist but the theory is interesting none the less. I watched the brighteon interview not the peters one.
Losing smell for a month with a flue that would not break, and other symptoms which shall not be mentioned. It was something else. I brought home gift flowers and nobody in the house could smell them. That’s when we knew, we had been bit. Beat it with elderberry, D, zinc, multi vitamins, colloidal silver, a weak steroid in nasal spray, spirulina, mega dosing high quality C, lung tonic, coq10 specialized mix, and many others. We had already been consuming a highly elevated supplement volume to be ready and then it happened. The nicotine receptor thing did not seem to matter, as I’m a smoker and mine lasted a few weeks longer than others. I may want to look at kidney health more with this new information. This is why we subscribe to food is medicine. Skipped the mask and vaccines entirely so we actually picked up one of the earlier more dangerous strains. Natural immunity achieved. No vaccine necessary. We think we had it again with a new strain but it came and went so fast, not a big deal. We did not normalize for months and months, it was indeed something else. ‘Covid’ is over for us. Sadly, our relatives and friends whom took this concoction, they are dying left and right or having major catastrophic health outcomes. We tried to warn them this was a possibility but they had been long since conditioned to dismiss any preference to distrust for profit systems of this magnitude rather than be skeptical of them. If in doubt; opt out.
It was sort of a great time though. We had roads and stores to ourselves. Instead of bothering us the workers ran away and left us alone. It was peaceful and nice. But it was disconcerting and it still is, to watch fearful people with no understanding of natural immunity desperately seek a pharmaceutical solution and believe whatever ‘experts’ tell them. All those people could have kept their businesses and jobs, subsidy relief did not need to be issued, massive fraud need not occurred, government force need not have been used, markets need not have been disrupted, social distancing and school changes which harmed children need not have happened. This is what happens when people blindly ‘trust experts’. And when ‘the experts’ use different standards and methods people are not well versed on, they are even more susceptible.
This plays back to the ANSI argument, no one person or group should ever be considered the absolute expert. We can achieve better outcomes when people work together and are on the same page more often than not. The longer a sensible guideline or rule can hold up without alteration, the better. Science is never settled and round table consensus without force is rare. Even if there is consensus, someone should always be tasked with the role of the antagonist to explore what ifs and discover unknown variables.
Now go do it in the inner city for 5 years. May not last 5 years.
You watching CNN fake news again?
Didn’t she say she had become complacent and killed someone? This in no way is a reflection of the Appraisal industry. Iatrogenic death happens over 200k times a year per some articles. You think there should be no repercussions if you tell on yourself!? I don’t think “killing a sale” and “killing a human” are in the same league.
Bryan…well said !!!
I’m not so sure Bryan. This is a harbinger of things to come perhaps. The position of professional licensing is supposed to come with some innate protection. We’re not always perfect all the time and mistakes happen. That’s why we have insurance and there are general immunity rules which distinguish between gross negligence and happenstance sort of negligence, those rules play out on a state by state basis even with an industry as big as medicine. Forgive me for not knowing the exact legal terms on this matter.
Came up short on value? Pay the difference out of pocket or go to jail. Imagine the consequences. And I do agree these events can and will change medicine. If covid is any indication, they way they keep pushing these deadly shots despite the mountain of disclosure, it appears the medical system apparatus is falling apart at the seams, devoid of reasonable checks and balances. That’s what happens when doctors lose control to insurance companies and bottom line profit focused corporations whom basically pull the strings of government puppets. Highest cost for healthcare in the world, as our ranks of health based outcomes continue to fall. It is actually illegal to prescribe non gmo foods to patients suffering from bio toxic accumulation of what’s in the gmo foods. You can’t make it up. They tried to outlaw vitamins and supplements.
This is quite similar to appraisal in it’s own right. Appraisers are no longer in control of their practice as big corps utilize government connections to force their operational mechanisms upon all of us at once. I detailed a rather interesting comment about this with USPAP references in relation to ANSI. It’s just really really important to recognize when the protective mechanisms of your own industry start falling away in favor of litigious behavior and dictatorial non negotiable mandates. Ambulance chasers at our heels. Strike that, appraisal service chasers. It’s an emerging industry. You think an ibuyer with aggressive pricing is going to bother with an ROV when they already have squads of lawyers at their back and five hundred deals going at once? These big corporations are going to do what they always do, seek to send a message, teach anyone resisting them a lesson. The model of the appraisal services industry is predicated upon specific definitions; acting in good faith with equal representation and adequate understanding, something like that. The notion of a one on one exchange, fairly describing market activity and the market itself. Not anymore! If anyone can explain how a singular sole proprietor appraiser is properly equipped to provide unbiased value services while being set against international tycoon corporations sweeping up housing sight unseen with billion dollar flex budgets and 10 other industrial service businesses running alongside their home buying efforts, I’m all ears. It’s going to be the david goliath thing just like with amc’s vs 1099’s, but much much worse. Food for thought.
Bryan is right, the author of the article is comparing apples to orangutans. It brings to mind the old saying about the price of tea in China.
Why are you always on about orangutans, and what is the real deal with the price of tea in china?
Folks, please keep remarks about the topic at hand, & PLEASE avoid personal attacks.
This weekend a dwindling number of us will celebrate one of the most important events to date in history. Rescue is available to anyone simply by believing in the One – the reason for celebration. This is not off topic because it is the one thing that would make great strides to cure the evil being thrust on the appraisal world and the world in general. I well know and can predict most of the terse responses this post will generate.
Happy Easter
Happy Easter!
If appraisers had lobbyist like the AMC”s we would never be in this position.
That got me thinking Tony. Where are the REVAA earning numbers at lately? Searching REVAA is no simple task.,454238569/
If this is accurate, over 700k a year to burn.
REVAA’s EIN number is found in the above link: 45-4238569 /
Then you go here to the IRS site to research 501C tax exempt organizations for more.
Just pop in the EIN, and there are multiple things to review.
Check this out, I’m reviewing REVAA’s 2018 tax return. See for yourself.
Anyone good at auditing? Am I reading this correctly? The head dude earns $185,000 a year. That’s a cool payday for screwing appraisers over.
Oh lookie there; / REVAA’s lobbyist firm is named Troutman Sanders Strategies, 434 FAYETTEVILLE ST Suite 1900 RALEIGH NC 27601. Guess how much they were compensated from this ‘non profit’; $312,872. For one year. That’s quite the payday, year over year.
PDF pg 10 is interesting. Quite the expense list. And they seal it up nicely spend nearly every dollar. Oh lookie here a few pages later, he’s even got a retirement fund going. Wish I had one of those but most of the available opportunity along my line of practice went directly to the amc pockets. Hundreds of thousands of dollars lost. Cumulative loss for the licensed appraiser industry is many many billions by now. If anyone successfully challenged the erroneous interpretation of the CFPB safe harbor rule on C&R fee provisions in Dodd Frank Reg Z, that could become the largest class action in history. $10k/$20k daily, the elusive fine which should have been applicable to the nearly every single amc in the amc industry every single day since the implementation of Dodd Frank.
Can anyone hire an auditor for 501C’s? I’m not qualified to interpret any of this, I’m just good at chop internet research. I’d like to find the breakdown of which amc’s gave how much. Is that also publicly available information?
I’m simply out of time for now. What I had really wanted to do was cross reference this lobbyist company with the ANSI group and FNMA, see if there is discoverable information there. That task will be up to someone else. I’ve ran quite behind over the past week here and better get back to it.
Dare to look how much this person gets paid to change our industry forever, driving so many of us out of such substantial opportunity and forcing us to pay into the amc model if we want but a small slice of what should have been our whole pie. Someone should assemble a list of how much all amc’s have given to these trade groups over the years, how much total income all the amc’s have raked, so we could finally have a solid figure on how much money the amc industry has raked from the appraisal industry in cumulative total. Because every last dollar an amc takes in is income lost from many licensed appraisers point of view. Because all this time later, amc’s still have NOT found a way to bill for their services separately from the appraiser, and do not return cost savings to consumers, despite not being licensed to provide appraisal value analysis services. The unlicensed managers pay ratio compared to the appraiser is severely imbalanced. Take a minute to research possible conflict of interest with company entanglement too. Who else do they work for? Who knows what you’ll find.
The life of an appraiser. With helpful trade groups like this, who needs enemies?
Good work Baggins – just scratchin the surface of the AMC cash grab since HVCC. If anyone in the US is owed reparations in the past 50 years it is the Independent Real Estate Appraiser. We were flipped from Professionals to AMC Chattel thanks to Dudd-Fwank.
Who is REVAA?? Click below
Can Chris be banned or be suspended for bringing his non-appraisal related political transgender agenda onto this site please? It is against the “right to a particular view about the topic” standard for comments. Talk about off topic, hateful, full of criticism, waste of time, creating negative atmosphere for something that does not impact 99.5% of the human population. Could it be more off topic? No it cannot.
Agreed. There are countless blogs available and suitable for debate on that topic.
I don’t understand why appraisers can’t band together to stabilize and protect their profession….. Oh wait… I get it now.