Category: USPAP

2014-15 USPAP Modifications 0

2014-15 USPAP Modifications Released

2014-15 modifications to USPAP become effective 1/1/2014 In preparation of the new 2014-15 modifications to USPAP effective January 1, ASA’s Ethic’s Committee has prepared a brief summary outlining the modifications. The Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) 2014-15 modifications to USPAP become effective January 1, 2014. These modifications include: Revisions to the DEFINITIONS of “Assignment Results” and “Scope of Work” — Based on comments received, there was a need to clarify the definition of ‘Assignment Results.’ In an appraisal assignment, assignment results currently include more than just the appraiser’s opinion of value, as the appraiser is responsible not only for the opinion...

House Five Acres Appraisals 3

House and Five Acres

Five acres where? . A house and five is a typical rural/agricultural assignment throughout Illinois. Appraisers who perform these assignments are quick to point out that, “I get these assignments all of the time.” What does USPAP state in the FAQ? 178. APPRAISING PHYSICAL SEGMENTS (5-ACRE PORTION) Question: A local lender has asked me to appraiser only a 5-acre portion of a 62-acre parcel. Am I permitted to comply with this request? Response: Standards Rule 1-2(e)(v) states that the subject of an assignment may be a physical segment of a property. However, appraisers must also comply with any laws, regulations,...


Appraiser Confidentiality vs Common Courtesy

When reviewing complaints submitted to the Division, or when taking calls from people who are upset about an appraisal, I often observe that a good portion of the concern expressed is from a lack of response from the appraiser.   Specifically, this occurs when the appraiser will not address “issues” the person has with the appraisal and/or appraiser. Having a third party call to discuss an appraisal report creates a difficult dilemma for an appraiser. Under USPAP’s Ethics Rule – Confidentiality, the part relevant to this discussion states “[a]n appraiser must not disclose: (1) Confidential information; or (2) assignment results to...


FDIC Lawsuit Against Appraisers in CO

Federal Court Rules on USPAP Confidentiality Issue in FDIC Lawsuit Against Appraisers in Colorado On September 5, 2013, in a professional negligence case against two Colorado appraisers by the FDIC, a federal court ruled on an issue concerning USPAP confidentiality.  It was a simple issue, but it’s one of the very few court decisions relating to USPAP’s poorly written confidentiality rule (this previous post here explains why the rule is poorly written).  This is the rule: An appraiser must not disclose: (1) confidential information; or (2) assignment results to anyone other than: the client; persons specifically authorized by the client; state appraiser...

Borrowers to Refinance with No Appraisals 3

Knowing When to Say NO

I wish I never took that assignment One comment often encountered when investigating a complaint is “I wish I never took that assignment”. Another is “I should have walked away when I saw the property.” How can you avoid that uneasy feeling when completing an assignment? If this is a typical residential mortgage transaction, things may go fairly smoothly. If the assignment involves appraising a property in a divorce, estate, tax appeal, or anything that might end up in litigation, you should meet with your client to assess whether there could be trouble ahead. One way to avoid this type of surprise is to not consider assignments as being routine. Each assignment regardless of purpose or intent has...

Review Appraisers Need to be the Voice of Reason 9

Will the Madness Ever Stop???

Review Appraisers Need to be the Voice of Reason Having spent the day commiserating with my fellow appraisers, I have to admit the policies and procedures of most reviewers, underwriters and lenders have finally crossed the line from insane to inexplicable. It was bad enough, 23 years ago when an appraiser was asked to document two independent sources of data or to provide interior photographs to show each room. Then not to long ago some appraisal management companies started to believe that when FHA asked for two photos to show an oblique view, they actually meant the appraiser had to...

Alternative valuation products 1

Alternative Valuation Products & USPAP

Alternative Valuation Products and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice The Appraisal Foundation has drafted a white paper on Alternative Valuation Products and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). The white paper is intended to provide information to assist appraisers, users of appraisal services, and others, with a greater understanding of Alternative Valuation Products and their use in the marketplace. The paper also attempts to view these products in light of an appraiser’s USPAP obligations. All interested parties are encouraged to comment in writing before the deadline of December 31, 2013. Send comments to TA… Introduction In...

The Appraisal Complaint National Hotline 2

The Appraisal Complaint National Hotline

Jim Park, the Executive Director at the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC), gave an informative presentation at Valuation Expo this past June. In this session, Jim reviewed the functions and oversight duties of the ASC and current status and regulatory issues with the States. One of the more interesting topics covered in Jim’s presentation regarded the Appraisal Complaint National Hotline, which was established in accordance with the Dodd-Frank Act, put into law July of 2010. TThe National Hotline, which began taking referrals in March of 2013, acts only as a facilitator for complaints. In other words, the National Hotline identifies the Agency(s)...

Statute of Limitations for Appraisers 2

Statute of Limitations Against an Appraiser

The Statute of Limitations for a Claim Against an Appraiser Why You Should Keep Your Workfile for 7 to 8 Years In 2013, many lawsuits against both residential and commercial appraisers continue to relate to appraisals performed years ago at the peak of the real estate price bubble, 2005 to mid-2008. These lawsuits are filed by borrowers, lenders, investors or the FDIC and typically allege that an appraiser’s inflated value resulted in the plaintiff borrowing, paying or loaning too much money.  The plaintiff blames its loss on the appraiser and sues for damages. When reporting a claim like this to...

Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow - Disservice to the profession 6

“Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow” Shocking News?

“Hiring of Trainees to Remain Slow” This is ‘Shocking News?’ According to a recent survey conducted by the Appraisal Institute, “trainee hiring will remain relatively weak for the next one- to two-years.” Um, I hate to disagree with the results of what I am sure is a credible survey, but this is just a gross underestimation. One-to two-years? How about FOREVER unless something drastically changes in our industry? Most know me as a fairly optimistic voice in the appraisal world. I am not usually one of those on the sidelines calling “foul” at every supposed indiscretion and ‘unfair’ practice that...

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