Category: ASB

Evaluations Concept Paper, Bringing Evaluations Under USPAP Umbrella 5

Bringing Evaluations Under USPAP’s Umbrella

Evaluations: Concept Paper, Webinar, Public Meeting In early August, The Appraisal Foundation announced that the The Appraisal Standards Board would be considering adopting standards for evaluations in the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). On September 3, 2019, they announced three opportunities to learn more and share your insights. Concept Paper The Appraisal Standards Board is seeking your feedback on the concept of developing standards for performing evaluations in USPAP. Submit your comments to The comment period closes on October 11, 2019. Read the evaluations concept paper here Webinar Wayne Miller, chair of the Appraisal Standards Board, and...

We Need Pat Turner, The Gladiator Appraiser - Call to Action 5

The Gladiator Appraiser, Pat Turner

Regulatory reform is needed in the appraisal profession and Pat Turner is the right appraiser to help move it forward! This is a CALL TO ACTION. Please listen to Phil Crawford’s Voice of Appraisal Show released yesterday morning. He has put out a call to action to every appraiser to write a letter of recommendation for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board: Time to stand up again! Pat Turner, “The Gladiator Appraiser”, from the Great Commonwealth of Virginia has applied for a position on the Appraisal Standards Board at The Appraisal Foundation! Now more...

Competitors on State Appraisal Boards - NSAO Supports HR 3619 6

Competitors on State Appraisal Boards

Phil Crawford has a new Voice of Appraisal show. This is one of the best shows Phil has ever done. He touches on issues with Bifurcation, Board competitors and even mentions VaCAP and our “Other Side of Things” article that received a lot of attention on Appraisers Blogs last week. Phil encourages support for VaCAP President Pat Turner to be appointed to the Appraisal Standards Board. The show is 36 minutes, so please take the time to listen. You might even get a good laugh out of some of the humor displayed. Listen to the show below. Board Competitors? VaCap,...

USPAP or Not Mueller REO report 36

Mueller REO Hybrid Appraisal Report

Another Mueller Report has surfaced. The report is a Mueller REO Hybrid Appraisal Report and it was given to an appraiser as a sample. This one raises more questions than the last one! The photos from the property inspection do not tell the appraiser one thing. The photos are dark and the repairs the inspector states are needed, simply are not seen in the photos. It begs the question, does the appraiser have adequate information to complete a credible appraisal? Now take a look at the Mueller REO Hybrid Appraisal report. Pull up the report and follow along. Some things have...

Another Draft to a USPAP Draft! Everyone Should be on Their Toes... 13

Another Draft to a USPAP Draft!

Well, don’t toss your reading bifocals in the wastebasket just yet. Apparently, there were so many negative issues with the THIRD exposure draft to the 2020-21 version of USPAP, that the ASB jettisoned it, and will move forward with a FOURTH draft. Everyone should be on their toes, ready to peruse this stellar document when it is released not long from now! Can’t we, please, establish a set of reliable and understandable procedures, and leave them in place for 5 years minimum? Please! Here’s the announcement issued on February 8, 2019, after the ASB meeting in Scottsdale, AZ: (From the Appraisal Foundation)...

Regulators, Appraisers & AMCs Working Together, Appraisers Take on DC 3

Appraisers Take on Washington DC

Hybrids were a big topic & many regulators are concerned about their compliance… Independent Fee appraisers representing 15 different states were well represented in Washington DC this past weekend. Appraisers from  Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia, Ohio, Louisiana, California, Illinois, South Dakota, Michigan, Utah, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland and Washington State joined together in DC for several gatherings. To sum it up simply… Positive Unity among all. On Friday, three members of VaCAP attended the Appraisal Standards Board Meeting. This meeting was live streamed, so hopefully you were able to watch live. Lots of discussions on the proposed changes to the 2020-2021...

If It’s Not an Appraisal, What Is It? Doing Away with Reporting Type? 4

If It’s Not an Appraisal, What Is It?

…do away with specifically ‘naming’ an appraisal report as to the “type” it is… Folks, the Second Exposure Draft of proposed changes to the next USPAP was released by the Appraisal Standards Board on August 23. See embedded PDF below. The ASB is encouraging all users to review this document, and provide commentary back to them on/before October 10, 2018. One item of note is there is a proposal in the Draft to do away with specifically ‘naming’ an appraisal report as to the “type” it is. If it’s not an ‘appraisal’, what is it?? Currently we have “Appraisal Report”...

Road to Perdition, Paved with IVS by The Appraisal Foundation & IVSC 2

Road to Perdition

It looks like USPAP and IVS are finally going to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. Didn’t Coca Cola already do that? It’s been awhile since I’ve harped about the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and the International Valuation Standards Council, or their inappropriate influence on USPAP. Perdition Road paving compliments of The Appraisal Foundation under sub contract to MISMO. Unnecessary Bridging from USPAP to IVS provided by TAF. For those unfamiliar with what (IVS) or who (IVSC) they are, the following link may help. Scroll down to the corporate sponsors section. THIS is who the ‘international sponsors’ are....

At or During? Time Period of an Appraisal Assignment - Appraisers Blogs 5

At or During?

“At the time of assignment” refers to the time period commencing… Last month, the Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) provided the ‘first draft’ of the proposed changes to the 2020-21 USPAP, which I circulated. One of the points they mentioned is a goal to make USPAP easier to read and more understandable. OK, commendable. Then on June 27, 2018, the Appraisal Foundation and the ASB released the latest USPAP Q&A “suggestions.” (The USPAP Q&A’s, AO’s, and FAQ’s are not directives, or even a ‘legal’ part of USPAP. Instead, they offer independent commentary on how a particular issue could be handled or solved, but may...

Are Bifurcated Appraisals Legal in Your State 95

Are Bifurcated Appraisals Legal in Your State?

Lately there has been a push for bifurcated (hybrid) appraisal products. Those promoting these questionable products claim it will reduce the amount of time to obtain an appraisal. Most appraisers are screaming foul play, and for good reason. It is because of bad players doing questionable things that licensing became mandatory in Virginia. Mandatory. Licensing of appraisers protects the public trust. We all know splitting the process will not save time, but rather create delays. The only reason for this questionable product is the profit of the amc, nothing more. And then there is the quality of the information being...

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