Appraiser Judy Dowdy Needs Our Help!

Appraiser Judy Dowdy Needs Our Help! - Appraisers BlogsOur friend & retired appraiser Judy Dowdy was nearly killed by a distracted driver in mid-October while riding her bike in Oregon. Sustained very serious injuries and spent time in a trauma hospital in Oregon. Now she and partner Ben are temporarily living in his late mother’s home in CA while she recovers.

Joe Lynch posted the message below from Judy Dowdy:

“After the follow up doctors appointment in two more days of driving we made it to the central valley of California in the town of Hanford. I was able to very carefully get in and out of our truck on the passenger side with Ben’s help. It is sunny and warm here about 65° so I can sit outside in my wheelchair for a good part of the day and read a book and do some exercises. The doctor was positive about my healing process and took off all bandages and said all the wounds are healing extremely well, most likely because I was fit and healthy to begin with. Most of the Edema is gone, except for my left hand and arm and the big hematoma has decreased about 50% in size.. He told me to start trying to move my arm and hand now. I said, are you kidding me? It hurts like hell! But, I’ll do it if that’s what it takes to be able to use my left arm again. The x-rays revealed I have 19 screws and three plates in my left arm, no screws and plates and no broken pelvis or ankle (fractures are healing), thank goodness. I never thought I’d be part of the population that analyzes the height of toilets in ADA restrooms! I continue to get many calls and emails with well wishes from people I don’t even know. All of this really helps me try to maintain a positive attitude in this new life both Ben and I have. I am so very fortunate to have made many acquaintances and friendships and bonds with the Appraiser world and I am so very fortunate to have a partner who is now my full-time caretaker. Invisible hugs and kisses to all.”

The GFM account was set up to help defray huge expenses not covered by her insurance.

If you can help Judy, please consider donating. Let’s see if we can get the fund over the $5,000 level by the end of the week!

You can also send Judy a message at:

Thanks everyone!

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Dave Towne
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Image credit flickr - Coralie Charlet
Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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4 Responses

  1. Avatar Aliikoma says:

    Done. Wishing her a speedy recovery!

  2. Avatar Realrose says:

    Judy, I moved from CA to MT then to Eugene. I haven’t met you yet but I hope we can meet some day! I miss the CA weather so please soak up some of that warm sun for me while you are recuperating! If you get bored, between your rehab exercises, please remember there is life after appraising and enjoy every minute of your life! We never know what the future holds! Have a wonderful day! PS I have a story about Hanford for you when we do meet!

  3. Baggins Baggins says:

    That’s very nice and considerate to help appraisers out this way Dave, thank you.

  4. Appraisal Aid on Facebook Appraisal Aid on Facebook says:

    We are sorry to hear that. We are wishing her a speedy recovery as well!


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Appraiser Judy Dowdy Needs Our Help!

by Dave Towne time to read: 2 min