Jan Bellas Needs Our Help

Jan Bellas Needs Our Help - Please Support Her - Appraisers BlogsAs most are well aware Jan Bellas is a very important executive member of the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). She works tirelessly for our members to help get them the results they need without a great deal of compensation for her efforts.

Recently Jan suffered the loss of her husband due to COVID and cancer. With that loss, comes the financial burden associated with it as well as having to take time off from performing her duties at the AGA for all members.

I am starting this fundraiser in the hopes that we all can give back and help Jan get through these trying times. Jan fights very hard for all of our members, she puts in a great deal of time and energy into all cases that come before her and she does it because she cares about the profession and appraisers.

Let’s show Jan Bellas some of that same support and care she gives to all of us by helping her during her time of need: GoFundMe.

Thank you for your support.

Mark J Skapinetz
President AGA

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Mark Skapinetz
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Image credit flickr - BluEyedA73
Mark Skapinetz

Mark Skapinetz

Mark Skapinetz is a Real Estate Appraiser in Marietta GA with extensive knowledge in Residential Appraising.  He is President for the American Guild of Appraisers (AGA). Featured on Podcasts as well as published interviews in Valuation Review. He is the creator of the 100% Real Estate Appraiser Group, Skap The Appraiser and co-creator of Appraisal Forum & Festival (AppraiserFest).

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3 Responses

  1. Avatar Coach says:

    So sorry for your loss Jan!

  2. Avatar Sandy O'Neil says:

    I am truly sorry for your loss Jan. I hope that with time, you will receive the healing that is needed. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Avatar Koma says:

    Sorry for your loss Jan!


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Jan Bellas Needs Our Help

by Mark Skapinetz time to read: 1 min