Help Appraiser in a Coma

Help Appraiser in a Coma...Support Barry Cleverdon - Appraisers BlogsFolks, a colleague named Barry Cleverdon was in a car accident three weeks ago and he has been in a coma ever since. With his wife’s permission here is a GoFundMe to help support him.

Barry Cleverdon has over 35 years of appraisal experience in California and he’s been teaching appraisal classes since 1991. On February 5th while on his way to the Real Estate Appraisers Association (REAA) appraiser meeting in Sacramento he got into an accident with a large truck. After the incident he actually walked to a Walmart, called a cab, and was driven home. But he fell in his front yard and was then rushed to the hospital where he had surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. He has been in a coma since then. He is moving his limbs but not opening his eyes. He is in ICU.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to Barry and his wife Marie right now. With Marie’s permission we are doing a GoFundMe to help with medical bills and whatever the family needs.

If you have any questions, please reach out. Let’s support Barry and his family. Thank you sincerely.

Update 2/27/2019

Thank you so much everyone for your support and generosity. It’s amazing to see everyone come together, and Barry clearly has meant a great deal to many of us. The initial goal is $5,000 and I’m optimistic we’re going to make that. Anything beyond this figure will go to Barry’s wife. They are definitely in a financial need right now, so these funds are a blessing. The family has expressed their gratefulness also.

As I get updates on Barry’s condition I will post here. Thank you again. – Ryan

Update 3/17/2019

I’m so sorry to deliver this sad news, but Barry passed away on Friday. We will miss you Barry. May you rest in peace. Our hearts go out to Marie and the kids.

Thank you everyone for your support. All funds will be used to assist Marie and will be directed as the family needs. You have been a blessing to Barry and Marie during this time and your donations have been very important for their huge expenses. The family has continually expressed their gratefulness throughout these past weeks.

I will keep everyone posted if there is a memorial service planned (I do not know yet). For now we will be leaving this GoFundMe open in case anyone wishes to donate to help cover medical costs, moving costs, and any costs associated with the funeral and such. – Ryan

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Ryan Lundquist
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Ryan Lundquist

Ryan Lundquist

Ryan Lundquist has been appraising full-time since 2003. He handles appraisals for estate settlement, divorce, tax grievances, pre-listing, loans and other types of private matters. He currently sits on the Housing Opportunity Committee (Chair for 2016) and Strategic Planning & Finance Committee through the Sacramento Association of Realtors. Ryan is also a board member of the Real Estate Appraisers Association of Sacramento. Beyond work his passions include woodworking, drinking coffee, and spending time with family.

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1 Response

  1. Mike Richard on Facebook Mike Richard on Facebook says:

    He really put a lot of effort into the appraisal courses I took from him many years back. I’m sad to hear this news. Praying for his recovery!


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Help Appraiser in a Coma

by Ryan Lundquist time to read: 2 min