Support Texas Appraisers

Texas Appraisers Affected by Harvey Flooding Need Your Support!Help Texas Appraisers!

Over the weekend, we received word that a group of appraisers started a fundraising campaign using GoFundMe, which will be used to help appraisers affected by the flooding of Hurricane Harvey in Texas. Some of our fellow Texas appraisers have been harmed by Hurricane Harvey. Please consider making a donation and help spread the word.

This fundraising campaign is co sponsored by Mark Skapinetz (What’s It Worth Appraisal Services), Joe Mier (Joseph Mier & Associates), Lori Noble (The Noble Appraiser), Jonathan Miller (Miller Samuel Inc. Real Estate Appraisers & Consultants) and Phil Crawford (Voice of Appraisal). For more information contact one of the sponsors.

As of this writing they have raised a little over $6,400 from more than 80 donors. Two appraisers have donated the cost of an appraisal fee.

Here is the link you can use to make your donation to support Texas Appraisers in need.

So it’s come to our attention that some appraisers are in need of help that were impacted by the flooding of Hurricane Harvey in Texas. We are an amazing group of people in this profession and group and we all know the hardships we face on a daily basis on any ordinary day. Well now some of our very own have even more of a hardship than we could ever imagine. Please take the time to donate anything you can so that we can help them out. Let’s show our support and flex our muscles yet again. Thank you all.

This is co sponsored by Mark Skapinetz, Joe Mier , Lori Noble, Jonathan Miller and Phil Crawford.

Help spread the word!

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9 Responses

  1. You folks are outstanding! Great job.

    AGA has contributed to hurricane disaster relief through OPEIU but I encourage all to support Mark, Lori, Joe, Jonathon and Phil’s efforts as well. I certainly will try to do so too.

  2. Baggins Baggins says:

    They’re calling it a thousand year flood.  Flood insurance costs are likely to move upward substantially.  Well at least this will help define where the 1000 year flood risk is into the future.  Next up, Florida.  They’re saying this next one may not shear down and could land at over 200 mph.  My Colorado mind can not grasp such a thing.  I viewed a spider that appeared to have lived through winter and I nearly died of a heart attack due to it’s medium size.  The benefit of the high country is critters die out every winter and we’re literally so high we can never flood, not like that.  Downside is Texans and Floridans typically have a lot more recreation days than we do, usually better weather and without the insta sunburn attributable to high altitude.

  3. I went through dozens of 100;  500 & 1000 year “events’ so far in my life including 3 typhoons and even more tropical storms. The favorite lament of the ill prepared incompetent bureaucrats in Redondo Beach, CA  (pre 1988) was that “no one could have predicted when these events hit.” It turns out the year intervals are probabilities that are essentially meaningless. You can have a 100 year storm two or three years in a row and then skip a couple years and then have the 500 year event.

    Oddly, when we were at sea in Marine Corps; or in sailing the ocean in civilian life we ALWAYS knew the weather.

    Your odds of “winning” (being hit by) one of these rare events are far great than winning in Las Vegas or a $100 winning lotto ticket.

    FEMAs flood map and elevation related risk rating is seriously flawed…to the point of being deceptive. It has been subjected to so much political lobbying over the years as to be largely meaningless. There are signs they may be moving away (San Francisco studies ongoing as of 2015) from traditional risk rating methods. I hope so.


    • Baggins Baggins says:

      On a related note, there is a growing body of scientists who disagree with the results of carbon dating.  There is speculation that the world as we know it evolved in a much shorter time period and there are many more species overlaps than previously thought, and these major environmental events happen with much higher frequency than most carbon dating documentation would suggest.  This latest footprints in the beach fossils help add fuel to that.  Then of course we’d have to redefine evolution, yet again.  The powers that be worked so hard to put that in place as an alternative theology, they won’t let it go easily.  One speculates with the frequency of these events that shifting conditions are more likely the normal and we’ve been living in a rare few millennia of relative stability compared to the bigger picture.

  4. Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

    Those poor little AMCs will have to raise their fees to $200.01 in Texas and Florida in order to have their orders accepted.

  5. Baggins Baggins says:

    One wonders how many appraisal orders will require an appraiser. When you’re into severe area wide damage, don’t they use insurance people and the broader array of unlicensed property reviewers? I don’t know Retired, you’ve been around longer. More bpo’s? Lots of drive by’s and PIR’s? Or perhaps a dry spell since it’s hard to refinance a flooded home and the insurance guys will stay the most busy? Is this one of those rare opportunities to drive to another state, claim temporary license reciprocity, and run PIR’s day and night, live out of the car? I might be game.


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Support Texas Appraisers

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min