Donation Fundraising for Louisiana Appraisers
Donation Fundraising for Louisiana Appraisers Affected by the Great Flood of 2016
I have received word today that the Louisiana Real Estate Appraisers Coalition (LAREAC) has started a fund raising campaign using PayPal, which will be used to equally provide donated funds to affected appraisers who are suffering as a result of the massive flooding last weekend. PayPal is being used because its administrative fee is less than another more-well-known crowd funding web site.
There are approximately 8-10 presently known appraisers who have had their homes nearly destroyed in the flood.
Here is the LAREAC announcement and the link you can use to make a donation:
Fellow Appraisers, the Great Flood of 2016 has harmed some of our fellow appraisers. Please read and consider making a donation today.
As we pull together as a state we have members of our Appraisal Profession that have been impacted by the Great Flood of 2016.
We are reaching out to appraisers and real estate partners to ask for support in helping our colleagues during this very difficult time.
If you would like to make a contribution to this fund please know that 100% of these funds will be used to assist appraisers and their families that have homes and or businesses that have flooded. There are immediate needs that need to be addressed, so please donate today.
You can click here and donate directly to LAREAC
If you are a member of the Louisiana Realtors Association you can also apply for disaster assistance by filling out the LAR application.
If you are a member of The Appraisal Institute you can apply for disaster assistance by submitting this application.
Download AI Disaster Application.
Thank you,
Joseph A. Mier
President of LAREAC

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Nice gesture.
Do not forget, there has been several floods. First – start in my home Parish of Grant Parish and, surrounding Parishes within the abutting region and central region. Then, there were scattered Southern Parishes and towns that flooded. Now, the Baton Rouge area.
Actually, it is the great floods (plural) of 2016. Grant Parish hasn’t seen a flood like it had (twice) since the early 20th century.
The northeast region may be next. Who knows. God is in control.
I also want to say CONGRATULATIONS to the DOJ for removing “Private Prisons,” which was a 80 billion dollar industry relying on incarceration as the incentive. Very sick! This was done during the immediate aftermath of the flooding so no one would notice, except for those affected by the move. BYE-BYE 80 BILLION DOLLAR INCARCERATION INDUSTRY 🙂
Better get a reverse mortgage on those prisons, YO!
Did you pick up that article reference on Drudge? I looked into that as well and although inspirational, if we’re talking about the same recent story, the wind down of said private prisons is limited to only a handful of them, and the majority of them will remain in operation.
For the flooding, that’s too bad. I read that the prez finally set down the golf clubs and paid attention.
I did not pick up on that article. I will do so immediately. I assume it has to deal with downsizing in an economical manner.
Yeah, too bad. What else can one say, really? One may pray if they are a Christian, or hope for the best if they are not Christian.
From my perspective, location and position: I have not seen anything from the President I can criticize. You hear a lot about optics and/or how a person, event or situation is perceived. Optics could be better, but he has the power of the pen and FEMA did in fact jump and, people in LA will tell you that the regulations are horrific. Majority of people in LA do not want to see the President. They wanted to see Trump. I think Obama could have done better, but as an Appraiser we are very critical when it comes to certain things. There will always be pitiful people in the world. I have yet to find something to criticize across the board. Any real RE Appraiser knows he could have done better, but Obama is not a RE Appraiser and Congress is not either.
I swear I can hear Appraisers think to themselves; if they do this and that…(and, most of them are correct)
I believe Obama was genuine, overall.