Missing HUD Tag # on Manufactured Homes
Sometimes NO HUD Tag number can be found…
Regarding Manufactured Homes (MFH), sometimes NO HUD Tag number can be found on, or in, the MFH. However, this number is required to be entered on the 1004C appraisal form. Loans for MFH’s cannot be processed without these numbers.
The HUD Tag is the metal plate(s) attached to the rear of each section. Numbers are usually sequential, with three letters as the prefix. Inside the home, someplace, should be a paper ‘Data Plate’ with the home serial number, HUD Tag #’s, and other data. But often the Data Plate cannot be found, and sometimes the HUD Tags are removed when a home is re-sided, remodeled, etc.
In such cases, include the PDF form embedded below in your report. Put this 2 page form AHEAD of the 1004C, so that the underwriter sees it first when examining the report. Then add commentary in the report that the required numbers could not be found anywhere on or in the home.
THE APPRAISER DOES NOT HAVE TO SUBMIT THIS FORM TO ITBS or pay the submittal fee. It is a lender responsibility.
NOTE: This attached 2012 ITBS form replaces the older form, which is now out of date, and should not be used. Tip: include this new form in your MFH report templates. If you find the required numbers on the home, just remove the form from the report.
NOTE #2: HUD Tags are used on MFH manufactured homes built June 15, 1976 and after. Before that, you may not find any tag, and technically an older home is a MOBILE home (for description purposes), not a manufactured home.
NOTE #3: Do not confuse manufactured and mobile homes with ‘modular’ homes. Legally, MODULAR homes are built to the Uniform Building Code standards and can be compared to regular site-built homes for comparable use. Manufactured and Mobile homes are built to codes different from the UBC. For report purposes, the different types should not be mixed as comps unless local sales are extremely limited.
If you have this kind of housing in your market, I encourage you to take a CE class on appraising factory-built housing. You will learn lots!

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Dang Dave. Just yesterday I was in this scary little scuttle for a manufactured, digging around in the dirt around spiders to try and find the hud tag which was apparently set just over the scuttle, I could see the square outline of where it was supposed to be. One lender I worked with had a mandatory policy every manufactured home came with a follow up engineer report which was really great for me as an appraiser. It would be nice if that was standard process for all lenders. Depreciating boxes? They go 130k-160k for huge ones delivered, set, and certified, available to purchase right online. I’d also suggest appraisers who review these also make a point of comparing their off the shelf comparative new cost as well, it’s as easy as bouncing to a producer sellers web page. Thank you Dave.
It’s not my problem if I can’t find them. It’s the lender’s problem. I just put a statement in the field on the form that I can’t find the numbers.
Do you stop your appraisal and condition it can’t be finished until the Lender does their job?
Appraiser is to recommend Lender reject the property for loan until HUD certification is verified.
That is
In my areas the owners pop them suckers off asap and typically put shelving in the closet right over the paper work. And in one subdivision some agents do not even state that the house is MF in the MLS. Took that CE class already and it was a good one. One borrower got mad when I called his house a manufactured house, he stated because it had an electrical box on the side it was no longer a mobile home…lol Took a few minutes to explain the difference then went on to finish my observation.
The h&b use of a manufactured home is meals on wheels. Dang, I showed up for that comp pic and they had just scraped and removed it. Only in manufactured. Will HUD approve them with old tin wrap for crawl cover?
I’ve done hundreds. Missing all of the time. Data Plates too.
Brian: I am doing a manufacture home with no hud tag. IBTS said they can not locate the label because the affidavit did not have correct make and manufacturer. Any suggestions?
Were you able to come to any resolution on this? I am in the same situation as well.
We first tried to look on the axel for the serial number which was the suggestion of IBTS. This information was not able to help IBTS. Next, I contacted the state. In my case, Arizona Department of Housing and thankfully the home was manufactured in this state and they were able to provide me with a letter with Hud Label and Serial number which worked for the lender requirement.
I am glad to hear you were able to resolve your situation.
Our verification letter from HUD said “Subject: Verification for HUD Label Numbers IDA212218 and IDA212219
The following information is provided pursuant to authorization by HUD. According to our records, the home built by Fleetwood Homes of ID #04, Nampa, ID, with Serial Number IDFL404A/B26115-CY13 was reported to us as damaged. The home was wrecked, therefore can no longer be considered a HUD home.”
That confirmed the report from Fleetwood that our ‘home’ had hit a bridge in transit. The dealer did not disclose the information and he later sold the declared “salvaged” unit with no HUD tags, to the public. The insurance paid it off for the original owners, and the dealer scammed the public.
My husband and I are now dealing with the title insurance folks, who say they only insured the 5 acres, not the structures on the land.
We have been told our situation may be the first case like this reported in the U.S. Any thoughts?
Any help on how to find the HUD tags with only the year built and the address?
I’m currently in a situation where the previous owner of my Patriot Mfg home did an extensive remodel & no HUD tags or labels are to be found. Someone crawled under house for an hour searching beams. We paid cash for house so this issue did not arise. Buyer is going FHA and we are at a standstill. Just venting. Working with my realtor and a title agent trying to resolve. Will probably lose this buyer. Gotta hang in there.
Hi. Where you able to resolve this issue?
I’m a buyer researching this because I’m about to get stuck with over $700 in inspection cost because the lender and realtor just realized there is no HUD tag to be found on the Manf home I’m working to purchase. The home wasnt even listed as Manf on mls and has been extensively remodeled. Now the bank is washing its hands of it and sticking me with the Bill’s unless I can come up with the cash to purchase outright. What a joke!
Did you come up with a solution? I am having the same issue.
Tell the general public to leave them on. There – done.
Nope, I never was able to get around this conundrum. The bank did happily give me a higher interest loan and reminded me that there was no hope for refinancing in the future. If I could have located the Hud tag I would have qualified for a conventional mortgage at the lowest rate. I have an excellent credit rating also.
Just did a single wide with an addition that was larger than the original MH. Lender bounced.
I did something similar for a refi. Did my research b4 hand, got there stated it was a manufactured house and the borrower stated no it’s not because the addition was bigger than the manf. portion. Asked him one question…where’s the kitchen? It was of course in the manufactured portion. End of story.
We discovered when applying for a HELOC that our manufactured home had been wrecked in original transit. Dealer didn’t bought salvage unit and didn’t disclose it when he sold to the public. We were second purchasers.
We are now preparing for litigation and looking for an expert witness. We have the Fleetwood wreck reports and the IBTS decertification letter.
Lender knew there were no HUD tags and didn’t follow up and title insurance refuses to pay claim even though property was insured.
🙁 Dishonest dealer started a nightmare chain of events.
I am having the same problem that Rose Johnson mentioned above. There was damage to the doublewide in transport. The transport company’s insurance paid for it then sold the doublewide back to the transport company who then repaired it and sold it. It has a salvage title and I paid cash for it and was not aware of the problem until I went to sell it. I know there is a principle in real estate: “buyer beware” which requires buyers to do their due diligence. So, I am not sure if the previous owner or the transport company who sold the home to them have any liability. One thing I am wondering now is if there is anyway for someone to get a loan on this doublewide which no longer has a title, the title was eliminated and is now part of the land? I thought if a bank were to hold the paperwork rather than bundle and sell it – that perhaps they might be willing to do a loan.
We have been told by multiple sources that refinancing is out of the question. VA confirmed it would NEVER had guaranteed the initial had it known the true history of the ‘for salvage’ structure.
We are now in litigation. We are told this may be the first case of this type of mortgage fraud brought to the courts in the entire United States.
Seller knew (or should have known), the property was not federally eligible to them. Lender knew there was no HUD Label Certification. Appraiser knew there were no HUD Labels on the structure. Engineer said he didn’t disclose in his report so not to “kill the loan”. (He didn’t do us any favors by covering up the fraud). Insurers gave Lenders Endorsements for the manufactured structure. They should have issued MOBX01 to exclude the manufactured structure — and we would have then terminated the contract at the inception.
The whole matter started with a mh retailer who used the counterfeit, void MCO to file with the County, claiming the structure “new” when he set it on a piece of land he bought. He did not ever disclose the true history. We fell into that pit of quicksand after seeking a HELOC, and began on a mystery uncovering of fraudulent records.
Had ANY of the professionals who were paid to assure legality done his or her duty, the fraud would have been revealed. But, instead, they each covered and continued the fraud.
We now hold an empty equity bag that we have been pouring money into for several years.