Appraisal Forms Redesign

Appraisal Forms Redesign - What's Coming Down the Track?In 2018, the GSEs began working on ‘mortgage lending appraisal forms redesign’, a process they said would take approximately 3 years to accomplish. The effort is currently underway, however they have not announced exactly when the process will be completed, or when the new forms will take effect.

Attached is a PDF of their FAQs through June 2020 which you may want to peruse, just so you become more aware of “what’s coming down the track” not too long from now.

From my quick read of this FAQ document, key items include:

  1. GSE forms are not to be used for NON-MORTGAGE appraisal assignments; they are designed specifically for lending purposes (this applies ‘today’ also.)
  2. In their own words, the current forms will “.be retired and replaced with a data-driven, flexible, dynamic structure for appraisal reporting…”
  3. Redesigned forms will have more internal comment spaces and other designs to allow appraisers to include more info on the basic form, rather than having to rely on a multi-page Addendum. This is related to how UAD/.xml works, which does not transmit Addendum info fully, if at all.
  4. Redesigned forms will incorporate on-board ability to calculate adjustments more easily.
  5. The MC Form will be eliminated, but the redesigned forms will incorporate additional entry fields and comment sections for the appraiser to annotate market info more completely than the current forms do.
  6. The GSE’s intention is to provide training information to the industry prior to the implementation date of the new forms.

If you want to know more about the appraisal forms redesign initiative, use this link.

10. Will the Sales Comparison Appraisal Approach (SCA) grid change?
Yes. The new SCA grid, like the new appraisal report, will be data driven. The support for adjustments will reside in the grid, allowing the reader of the report to understand the adjustments without searching within the text.

11. How will the GSEs collect the updated data?
The GSEs will continue to use UCDP. Adopting an upgraded UAD Specification that reflects the latest MISMO Reference Model will require updates to the UCDP.


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Dave Towne
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Dave Towne

Dave Towne

AGA, MNAA, Accredited Green Appraiser - Licensed in WA State since 2003. Dave Towne on

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3 Responses

  1. Ronny on Twitter Ronny on Twitter says:

    sounds good I was not aware that the addendum didn’t transfer over…more narrative means they intend to keep us around

  2. This is nothing new! They do not give a timeline nor examples of data they intend to include. The Uniform Appraisal Dataset (UAD) and Forms Redesign Initiative FAQs do not provide the reader with any real insights as to the true scope of the changes. In short, there is no substance to the FAQ’s aside from broad open ended statements. It’s like I was reading a letter from my congressman.

  3. Baggins Baggins says:

    New forms… BAD! BAD! Hulk Smash New Forms!


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Appraisal Forms Redesign

by Dave Towne time to read: 1 min