Tagged: Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice

Highest and Best Use - Dead in the Water - Appraisers Blogs 4

Highest and Best Use

Appraisers, I had a recent discussion with a review appraiser, who discussed a ‘situation’ with me. It involved Highest and Best Use (H&BU), and the appraiser’s reluctance to re-do a report so that a loan could be made. The appraiser had checked the H&BU question box on page 1 of the 1004 form as “NO”, which immediately stops the lending process. This H&BU topic is sometimes difficult for appraisers due to many variables which need to be analyzed. The twisted part of this situation (which influenced the appraiser’s H&BU reporting) is the property is in an area where some, not all,...

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession... Preserving the Public Trust 12

Reconciling the Erosion Within My Profession

The continued reliance of unregulated aggregators and bifurcated products continues to erode the public trust at the expense of discarding the profession specifically intended to promote the public trust. How does this protect the public?… On June 14, 2005 Steve Jobs told a class of graduates, “you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward” Around the same time, I was appointed as the sole residential member of the appraisal licensing board of my state. Little did I realize that this 2005 governor-appointed position would eventually lead me to sharing a stage in 2018 with...

Standards Rule Proposed Revision Undercutting the Appraisal Profession 7

Undercutting the Appraisal Profession

Proposed Revision to STANDARDS RULE 2-2…a change that would undercut the appraisal profession in a major way… Comments on the proposed changes to the 2022-23 USPAP are needed. The proposed changes to the reporting requirement of Standard 2 may impact the profession negatively and confuse the public on who we are and what we do. We ask that each and every one of you pause for a moment and comment by July 30th. Below is what was sent out to the Arizona Association of Real Estate Appraisers by Joanna Conde. Virginia also requires anyone using the title appraiser, be licensed....

Appraisal Report Corrections Protocol 27

Appraisal Report Corrections Protocol

For some time, appraisers have written or called me, asking about how to do report corrections, or respond to client requests – after an original report has been sent in. I decided to distribute these suggestions to encourage a uniform procedure across the appraiser universe. I don’t recall ever seeing anything published about this topic. Disclose, don’t bury – modifications, corrections or responses to the original report, or even subsequent changes. I have seen too many reports where the appraiser hides changes within the body of the report as if those were part of the original, when in fact they...

Why is Residential Appraisal in trouble? Is Residential Appraisal Finished? 29

Why is Residential Appraisal in Trouble?

Why is Residential Appraisal in trouble? Is Residential Appraisal Finished?… There will soon be no need for residential appraisers. I remember years ago, doing education for my merging AIREA/SREA chapter(s) in San Diego. AVMs were just coming to our attention. I invited a MAI who happened to also be a PhD in economics, Phil Mitchell. The room was full. Someone asked about those “automated algorithmic computer calculated appraisals.” Could a canned program do as well as an appraiser? Without hesitation, he answered: “Not only will these models be able to appraise – they will do it better!” That was 24 years ago. He was right, partially. I...

Pandemics Do Not Give Us a Get Out of Jail Free Card - Convoluted Times 25

Not a Get Out of Jail Free Card

It is not misleading to use a 1004 form for a desktop or a drive-by because, during these convoluted times… In talking with Tim Andersen, a USPAP instructor and long-experienced appraiser, I was reminded that, even in the time of C-19, USPAP applies, and appraisals must still be credible. Reports must still not mislead. USPAP has never required the appraiser to inspect the property. That is a lender construct. So long as your scope of work is clear relative the level of inspection you provided, and why that was your scope of work, you should not have a problem. Note...

Pandemic Exacerbating Anxiety & Depression in Some - Appraisers Blogs 8

Pandemic Exacerbating Anxiety & Depression

Medical professionals who understand human psyche have been sounding alarms about personal actions relating to how this pandemic is being managed… Folks, this was tough to write, but it’s important. Yes, that’s my opinion! The current state of affairs in this country, and globally, is the worst we humans have seen in generations. Most of us were not alive during the last major pandemic in the early 1900’s, or even during WWII, when living situations were very trying for many people. In later years, pandemics have occurred, but governments’ reactions and actions to those were much more mild as compared...

The Appraisal Community, an Asset During These Challenging Times 20

Appraisers Continue to Be an Asset

The appraisal community has come together… stand strong, be resilient and continue to be an asset to your clients during these challenging times… The appraisal profession came about because of the Great Depression and our relevance is still strong today. Exceptional circumstances such as the current pandemic create a need for temporary allowances for information gathering for the valuation of collateral. The appraisal community has come together to insure our clients’ needs are met. Be it extra precautions with masks and gloves or owner assisted property inspection software. Appraisers have once again adapted to market conditions in order to provide...

Biden's Claim of Racial Bias in Appraisals Faces Criticism from Appraisers 33

Biden Claims on Racial Bias in Appraisals

Over the past week or so, Presidential Candidate Joe Biden publicly called for more regulation and oversight over appraisers to combat racial bias. He specifically cited the Brookings Institute Study ”The Devaluation of Assets in Black Neighborhoods, The Case of Residential Property”. If you are unfamiliar with this study, in a nutshell, the findings accuse appraisers of undervaluing properties in black neighborhoods. The study is an easy read and can be found here. We will warn you, much of the data used in the study carries very little weight as Census Bureau (self-reported data) and information from Zillow were used....

Borrower Class Action Against LandSafe Appraisal Settled for $250 Million 8

Class Action Against LandSafe Settled

…alleged that the lenders conspired with LandSafe to inflate appraisals to increase the size of mortgage loans sold on the secondary mortgage market… Believe it or not, cases are still being litigated in relation to events during the mortgage meltdown years. After nearly seven years of litigation, a settlement (subject to court approval) has been reached in the borrower class action filed in 2013 regarding appraisals managed by defendant LandSafe Appraisal Services between January 1, 2003 and December 31, 2008. The other defendants in the suit include Countrywide Home Loans and Bank of America and various affiliates. The central premise...

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