Coester VMS Bank Accounts Seized!


VaCAP has been informed the bank accounts of CoesterVMS have been seized.

Coester letter

We have received the following email from one of our members.

From: *****>
Sent: Tue, Nov 20, 2018 10:02 am
Subject: CoesterVMS: Accounts Recievables** -I am e-mailing to provide clarity on a letter you may receive from FVC Bank sent by Gilbert Kennedy and Patrick Gil from Shapiro Sher. The letter was sent to provide instructions on account receivables and the proper way of handling them for CoesterVMS as of 11/14/2018. Immediately both Patrick and Gill will be your point of contact for any questions or concerns around the accounts receivables and ensure they handled properly and immediately.

If you have any questions about your outstanding receivables at CoesterVMS, please contact FVC Bank, and or Shapiro Sher and they will handle this promptly. Please send a copy of all receivables directly to Patrick and Gil and please feel free to reach out directly to the numbers below and or reference the letter you received.

Their contact information is below and was included in the letter you received:

Gilbert F. Kennedy
FVC Bank
Office: (240)268-2266
Mobile: (443)299-9297
1600 East Gude Drive
Rockville, Maryland 20850

J. Patrick Gill
Shapiro Sher Guinot & Sandler PA
250 West Pratt Street, 20th Floor
Baltimore, Maryland 21201
Direct 410.385.4236 | Main 410.385.0202 | Fax 410.539.7611 |

If you are owed money from CoesterVMS…..

Please follow the instructions on the letter. There is also a surety bond in place with the Virginia Real Estate Appraisal Board to cover any outstanding obligations owed to appraisers. Please contact the VREAB directly to inquire to the procedure.; or 804-367-8552

opinion piece disclaimer
VaCAP Board
Image credit flickr - Bradley Gordon
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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180 Responses

  1. Avatar RicS. says:

    Where did you file against him. RockvillePD or MCPD

  2. Avatar Vickie says:

    Rockville. Their website is very easy to find the correct forms. They have a self-help center you can call to speak to an attorney if you have any questions. The man I spoke to was very helpful. It really is an awesome service they offer and you can find everything on their site. I made extra copies for the defendant and sent my package with a $34 filing fee and $10 for his copies to be sent Certified Mail. The attorney recommended including everything I could to support my case for the judge to review, so I included engagements, proof of on-time upload, invoices, and and a brief description on the filing form. The form was sent back to me because I missed one signature on it; there are three places to sign. I filed on Jan 11 and they sent my court date less than 2 weeks later, which is in April.

    • Avatar RicS. says:

      What are you suing for? I have unpaid invoices and he wrote me a check that bounced. So I’m possibly looking at a civil and criminal case. Do you have the website address?


  3. Avatar Vickie says:

    I just never got paid, so I don’t have any bad checks. I put the link for the website, and it converted to Small Claims Maryland Courts, so just click on that.

    • Avatar RicS. says:

      Thx. Yea, I have a check dated 12/4 for $750.00 that came back NSF.

      • Avatar Mark says:

        Apparently there is no more office as he held a yard sale at his office to sell all the office equipment this past weekend and there are some creditors involved. His girlfriend now apparently owns a gym they bought (used to be a golds gym and now is called MORFIT) I however have my settlement/Mediation hearing this Friday in DC for my lawsuit i have against them for the email hacking against the business and Brian personally.. We also just filed our Summary judgement with the Federal courts after 2 years and now having all the facts to prevail in the case.

        I wish all that are owed money good luck. There is a long line forming. Many are filing against all bonds they had and many are getting exceeded. There are numerous filings in state courts for money not paid by them.

        • Congratulations Mark. Hopefully IF a settlement is being contemplated that some meaningful guarantee of funds would have to be a part of it. For example a co signed note and voluntary or consent in default judgement from the owner of the Gym as security???

          Otherwise how can you trust him to pay you any settlement? I doubt his E&O covers it.

          • Avatar RicS. says:

            Don’t think he can touch the business. It’s in the GF name alone. But if there is proof that he diverted money to avoid paying vendors and creditors, there may be a course of action…

  4. Avatar Certresidential says:

    Yeah. So interesting about the office yard sale disposing of the assets. I wonder who the creditors on site at the sale were; Myriddean? ($700k) the Feds? ($80k); the state? ($43K+/-)

    Mark, May the force be with you on Friday

  5. Avatar Laydeetee says:

    Heads up guys…check out this email going out about a Lender paying unpaid CoesterVMS invoices to appraisers;

  6. Jim Cochran on Facebook Jim Cochran on Facebook says:

    Who else (AMC) is on the verge of collapsing?

  7. Avatar Mark skap says:

    So I had my hearing last week and there were no major decisions made, so we press on with my lawsuit. I did get to meet him face to face. With that:

    I am Now working on gathering any payment info possible owed to appraisers to put something together, and if you care to share with me the amount of money you are owed, or even if you got some of it back the total that was owed please email me at

    full disclosure: I’m hoping to get enough info together and present it to the right people while also using my story.

  8. Avatar Laydeetee says:

    No matter what you may hear, COESTER VMS is out of business;

  9. Avatar Don says:

    DITECH FINANCIAL has filed for Bankruptcy in march 2019. I received the paperwork from the court in New York. Good thing I have been paid.

  10. Avatar DianaN says:

    And to think how these SOB’s broke appraisers chops over fees and nit picking because their machines and software couldn’t read actual writing in reports. Maybe it’s time lenders went back to ordering appraisals, BUT WAIT do they even remember how? As far as I’m concerned, honest appraisers always did a good job and didn’t bend to pressure I saw this time and again reviewing the appraisals from back then.

  11. Avatar James says:

    Anyone gotten a 1099 from Coester?


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Coester VMS Bank Accounts Seized!

by VaCAP Board time to read: 1 min