Author: Dave Towne

Appraisers Can Do These Property Data Reports for Appraisal Waivers 32

Property Data Reports for Appraisal Waivers

These Property Data Reports have a higher level or different reporting requirements than ordinary traditional appraisals. Appraisers, on Tuesday 5/24/22, an AMC sent a message to their appraiser panel appraisers asking them if they’d like to ‘help their lender clients’ by doing Property Data Reports (PDR). Let’s decipher what this is all about. Freddie Mac has decided, that as of Sunday, July 17, 2022, they must have a PDR (Property Data Report) completed “by someone” in order for the loan applicant to qualify for an appraisal waiver in conjunction with a mortgage loan. In other words, actual qualified eyeballs must...

A Push to Artificially Raise Property Values Only for Certain People 34

A Push to Artificially Raise Property Values

Now the effort is AGAIN to have ‘us’ artificially raise property values. But the push this times seems to be “only for certain people. A new press release from Class Valuation, one of the largest US based AMCs, scampered across my office threshold on 5/17/22. You can read it here in this link: Class Valuation Appoints EVP Of Valuation Modernization – NMP But if you don’t want to muddle your brain cells very much, here are the highlights: A new CV Executive Vice President has been hired to “focus on removing bias from the “equation” in appraisals.” I added the...

Biased Appraiser? Judging an Entire Profession by Anecdotal Evidence 28

Biased Appraisers? I Don’t Think So

To judge an entire profession by anecdotal evidence is equally both stupid and harmful… The entire emphasis was on “anecdotal evidence” which is not documented or supported. Story after story was told about how appraisers had produced a “biased” report. No documentation and no evidence to support their claims was presented. Folks, after discussing this topic with and learning more about the appraiser who wrote this following essay, I have decided to distribute the essay below as a way to further support what we appraisers do in our work, and to expose the fallacies that have been presented to date...

Census Tract Info Used Against Appraisers 5

Census Tract Info Used Against Appraisers

“Census tract boundaries do not necessarily define the subject’s market…” Appraisers, of all the issues I’ve written about or questioned since 2006, this topic about your knowledge of, and concern about, Census Tracts has overwhelmingly been the largest response ever, several hundred within just a few hours of posting!  To refresh, the questions were these: Do you know where the Census Tracts boundaries are in the areas you work? When you research and select comparables for your reports, do you pay any attention to Census Tracts? Do you know the racial composition of Census Tracts in the areas you work?...

Sales Comparison Approach is Racist, as per Academics 26

Sales Comparison Approach is Racist

“…the modern appraisal industry perpetuates racial inequality through its continued use of the “sales comparison approach”… the sales comparison approach persists as the dominant method of assessing home value… the sales comparison approach — the most used method for contemporary residential appraisals — perpetuates inequities through maintaining historical hierarchies and current racialized definitions of comparability…” Appraisers, here’s a YouTube video that you MUST view. This person’s, Dr. Elizabeth Korver-Glenn, PhD, work is one of the key reasons why there is so much chatter about racist appraisers in the US. Her discussion of her book ‘Race Brokers‘ begins at the 8:30...

Refuting the Negative Race Bated Accusations 12

Refuting the Negative Race Bated Accusations

We will sink under the weight of all the so-far unproved accusations. Appraisers, Tobias J. Peter, Assistant Director, AEI Housing Center Research Fellow, American Enterprise Institute (AEI), has weighed in on all the negative press and faulty ‘studies’ (by both GSE’s and others) that have been promulgated about how appraisers, as a whole, have systemic racism built-in when doing property inspections and appraisal reports. Faulty Evidence and Misdiagnosed Solutions Why centralizing appraisal standards and criteria under a new federal agency as proposed under the Fair Appraisal and Inequity Reform Act is not justified His well-written report, as testimony in a...

Solving the ANSI Measuring Dilemma - A Simple Work Around 39

Solving the ANSI Measuring Dilemma

…a brilliant ‘work around’ to solve the subject & comps adjustment issues, which Fannie Mae thinks is no big deal… Appraisers, I was chatting with an appraiser buddy last week about the ANSI measuring dilemma we all face when doing Conventional lending reports, which ultimately will wind up with Fannie Mae. In my view, my appraiser buddy has a brilliant ‘work around’ to solve the subject & comps adjustment issues, which Fannie Mae thinks is no big deal, but we all know will cause considerable consternation among users of our reports, and with appraisers trying to figure out how to...

First Known Racial Bias Court Case Against Appraiser 28

First Known Racial Bias Court Case Against Appraiser

It may mean that this will turn out to be the bellwether test case for other similar lawsuits against appraisers… Folks, a San Francisco, CA US District Court Judge has ruled that the bias suit against an appraiser can proceed. This link has the story: Judge finds plausible race discrimination in Black couple’s lawsuit over lowball appraisal | Courthouse News Service Appraiser Janette Miller with Miller and Perotti Real Estate Appraisers was hired by appraisal services company AMC Links to do the inspection in January 2020. The Austins’ lawsuit, filed this past December, claims Miller valued their home at $995,500...

Is This Room a Bedroom? 3

Is This Room a Bedroom?

I often see discussions on various forums about “is this room a bedroom”, or similar comments. In case you’ve never seen the IBC requirements, I found this on a set of building plans for a new house: IN EVERY SLEEPING ROOM, PROVIDE AN EMERGENCY EXIT WINDOW WITH MIN. HT. OF 24″ AND MIN. WIDTH OF 20″ AND NOT LESS THAN 5.7 SQ.FT. OF OPENABLE AREA AND NOT MORE THAN 44″ FROM FLR. TO SILL So to decipher: A BEDROOM egress window sill must be no more than 44” above the floor. The opening height of the window must be no...

PAVE May Pave Over Appraisers. The Blame Game Against Appraisers 19

PAVE May Pave Over Appraisers

The blame game against appraisers is continuing the fast and furious start, evidenced by the PAVE report. A synopsis is in the link: PAVE task force delivers plan on appraisal bias – Lexology Key info from the PAVE report. “Relevant agencies have also committed to addressing potential bias in the use of technology-based valuation tools through a rulemaking related to automated valuation models (AVMs), including the addition of a nondiscrimination quality control standard in the proposed rule.”  And, “In the coming months, the Task Force will assess: (i) the “expanded use of alternatives to traditional appraisals as a means of reducing...

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