Author: Dave Towne

North Dakota Appraisal Waiver Granted 8

North Dakota Appraisal Waiver Granted

News ‘hit the fan’ a few days ago that the Appraisal Subcommittee (ASC) granted the requested waiver to North Dakota, but only for ONE YEAR, not the FIVE that was requested. What does this mean? A. It does not apply to ‘all’ appraisals. B. It applies to portfolio (in-house) loans granted by lenders, NOT to loans which eventually will be re-sold to the GSE’s or other agencies – which will require a fully compliant appraisal signed by a licensed appraiser. C. The ND ‘waiver’ appraisals still must comply with USPAP, but the appraisal does not need to be signed by...

Coester Risen from Ashes? - Homeowners to Provide Data for Evaluation 26

Coester Risen from Ashes?

Has Coester risen from the ashes? Apparently, per a message on Twitter on July 9, 2019, Mr. Brian Coester is now in the real estate sales biz. The photo image used on the big T is the same one he used to use on his defunct AMC website. More information here for re-posts of articles not written by him. Meanwhile, there appears to be a new twist in Evaluation appraisals. This is the first I’ve seen about an AMC or any other company using ‘the homeowner’ to supply interior photos which will be used in a bank evaluation. See this...

Didja Know... Zillow is Better than Eyes! - Discern Quality Using Photos 33

Didja Know… Zillow is Better than Eyes!

How in the heck is Zillow supposed to discern QUALITY of these homes, and then magically produce a presumed value, when there is no actual data upon which to base a decision? Maybe it’s done with smoke and mirrors, rather than eyes? Appraisers, I was busy churning out reports, and didn’t have time to send out this bit of news about Zillow earlier: Zillow is watching: New algorithm uses photos of your home to check quality and curb appeal. Zillow is now claiming “it” can discern QUALITY of a home, just by looking at various photos they obtain from various sources! They...

Game Over Coester! Mark Skapinetz Wins & Coester Loses in Court! 13

Coester Loses in Court!

Gosh… I’m really sad to bring you this news (sarcasm). Brian Coester Loses in Court! About 2 years ago, Georgia appraiser Mark Skapinetz, sued, Inc. and Brian Coester for hacking his email account. The Judge ordered a summary judgement in favor of Mark Skapinetz on all counts. Excerpts from the HousingWire article: Coester will likely be forced to cough up damages as a judge ruled against him Monday in a lawsuit brought on by Mark Skapinetz, a subcontracted appraiser who worked for CoesterVMS. …a two-year legal battle between Coester and Skapinetz, who sued alleging violations of the Stored Communications...

MLS System under Cyber-Attack 3

MLS System Under Cyber-Attack

Appraisers, I belong to several appraiser forums, with active participation among appraisers. On Wednesday June 12, 2019, per a forum posting, the MetroList MLS (which uses Rapattoni data) was hit from an outside cyber-attack. This MLS provides service in central California around the Sacramento region. The cyber-attack caused property data to become unavailable via web sites – to appraisers and real estate agents. The MLS posted this message: The MetroList computer network that supports Prospector MLS is down as a result of a cyber-attack. The MetroList team is working at a very fast pace to resolve and restore services as...

What Makes a Next Generation Home? - Appraisers Blogs 5

What is a Next Generation Home?

What makes a Next Generation home? Appraisers, both FNMA and FrMAC, in concert with manufactured housing builders and the Appraisal Institute, are promoting a new type of MANUFACTURED home, and CE classes to teach appraisers about them (and typical MFH). If your appraisal service area has manufactured homes, and you appraise them, you may want to peruse this essay. The name generically applied to these new manufactured homes is Next Generation (NG). Each GSE has a different name for their LENDING program, see below. Why is this happening? Up until relatively recently, the two GSE’s didn’t purchase manufactured home loans from...

Will the Cost Approach be Required in the Redesigned UAD Forms? 50

Returning to Requiring the Cost Approach

…the Cost Approach is the most INACCURATE of the three current ‘Approaches’ we use… Appraisers, for the past few weeks, emails have been sent by a third party asking appraisers to complete a survey about the appraisal process and the current forms. I did so; you should also. But I wanted to expand on one aspect of the survey. Two separate questions, on different survey pages, related to the Cost Approach (CA). These questions wanted appraisers to state their opinion about 1) if the forms provide adequate detail to develop a CA, and 2) if it is or is not...

Commercial Appraisers Livelihood Threatened by NCUA 6

Commercial Appraisers Livelihood Threatened

Commercial appraisers may want to open this link, and read it. Your livelihood is possibly threatened by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). You may want to send a letter to the NCUA Board of Directors. Proposed Appraisal Rule Provides Relief, Clarity As part of the NCUA’s regulatory relief agenda, the Board approved a proposed rule (Part 722) to amend the agency’s real estate appraisal requirements for certain transactions. The proposed rule would provide a measure of regulatory relief and increased clarity by: Increasing the threshold for required appraisals in non-residential real estate transactions from the current $250,000 to $1 million; Reorganizing...

Desktop Appraisals, the be-all end-all of Valuation Hype by non-Appraisers 29

Desktop Appraisals Hype

…attempts to make readers believe desktop appraisals are the be-all, end-all of property valuation… Folks, a ‘white paper‘ was put out by a company in the property title, escrow and servicing sectors, tied to mortgage lending. It does a reasonable job of explaining what Hybrid appraisals are… which they call “desktop” assignments. Then this puff piece put out by Clear Capital, attempts to make readers believe these products are the be-all, end-all of property valuation. Both of these are typical PR pieces, designed to provide information while promoting a specific brand. Interestingly, neither mention anything at all about the interest...

Beware of Appraisers Point Solicitations 65

Beware of Appraisers Point Solicitations

Appraisers, a new ‘company’ with “Appraisers Point” in their name has been marketing their services via emails across the fruited plain lately, encouraging appraisers to sign up on their web site and pay an annual fee so that ‘you’ can get on a list to be presented to, or accessed by, unnamed lenders, who might, or might not, want your service. They have a very slick looking web site that makes them look legit. Appraisers Point has no location shown on their website, so in reality, it could be anywhere in the world. The email messages show a location in...

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