Coester Loses in Court!
Gosh… I’m really sad to bring you this news (sarcasm). Brian Coester Loses in Court! About 2 years ago, Georgia appraiser Mark Skapinetz, sued, Inc. and Brian Coester for hacking his email account. The Judge ordered a summary judgement in favor of Mark Skapinetz on all counts.
Excerpts from the HousingWire article:
Coester will likely be forced to cough up damages as a judge ruled against him Monday in a lawsuit brought on by Mark Skapinetz, a subcontracted appraiser who worked for CoesterVMS.
…a two-year legal battle between Coester and Skapinetz, who sued alleging violations of the Stored Communications Act, trespassing, fraud and invasion of privacy. The court dismissed the trespassing and fraud claims but found in favor of Skapinetz in regard to the other charges…
Coester admits to taking several deliberative steps with the singular purpose of obtaining and reading Skapinetz’ email without authorization and to further Coester’s own personal and business objectives, the court’s opinion states.
The judge’s opinion also reveals that Coester’s attorneys filed a request to withdraw from the case, citing a difficult attorney-client relationship and CoesterVMS’ inability to pay for representation. The motion was granted.
Now, Coester may need new representation for a separate trial that will tack a dollar figure to those damages, which will include reimbursing Skapinetz for his legal fees.
Mr. Coester still has active appraisal licenses: MD, expires 10/30/19; WI, expires 12/14/19; MI, expires 7/31/20. It will be interesting to see if any are renewed.

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That’s great news!!!
ONE appraiser was able to bring down one of the most notorious AMCs out there! Great job Mark!
I just sunk your battleship!
How does Coester still have an appraiser license?
That will be the next step for “someone” to inquire to his Board how losing this type of suit with admitted moral turpitude issues still permits a licensee to continue holding a state license?
Couldn’t happen to a better guy. Good luck getting any $$$ out of him. Maybe he’ll give you some stock.
They say what goes around comes around. Payback for all the appraisers who got screwed by him and his company. Payback is a bitch, YEA.
State the lenders specifically which worked with Coester. Only if they’ve moved away from amc’s and are setting up direct assignment panels can anyone other than this one single appraiser claim victory.
Its amazing what can be found when you seek the truth, congratulations Mark. When you have one of the largest AMCs (former) and the head of the snake guilty of such a serious crime, perhaps the powers that be should start listening to what we’ve been saying since the HVCC petition days. Washington Mutual and e-AppraiseIT were guilty in 2008/2009, and 10 years later its more of the same. But you still have others who promote/coach (only work with the A rated AMC’s) and in doing so add support to what has proven to be a criminal enterprise (the AMC system). Can’t wait for the next Datamaster blog while the realities of this profession are ignored, and its business as usual (booth at the expo rubbing shoulders with the AMC devils).
Seek the truth.
He’s a PURE P.O.S
Child abuse? Domestic abuse?
He DESERVES to be gang raped in prison.
What am I missing? How in the world did this dweeb get a license in Maryland as a Certified Residential Appraiser. Don’t all states conduct a background check?
Congrats Mark! Sad though cause he’ll probably just file for bankruptcy protection.
Individual licensing for ALL amc employees, managers, and owners.