Appraisers Getting Death Threats

Appraisers Getting Death Threats for Defending the Appraisal Profession. Several appraisers have informed us that they have received death threats simply because they have been outspoken online refuting the racial bias narrative and the allegations of racial discrimination in the appraisal profession that is being utilized to remove appraisers from the lending equation. Since we have no organized voice and no one to defend us, some among us have taken the task to educate the public about the appraisal process and what we do. And by doing so, they have been attacked, labeled as racist and their safety threatened.

One appraiser wrote (we redacted any identifiable information):

I already have received death threats and racist threatening “gifts” to my house from the article I wrote about (redacted) racial discrimination (redacted). I got racist death threats from black people who said I should be “strung up” by my “KKK robes” on my Facebook page. (redacted) would expose me to even more attacks.

Another stated:

I think that one could really blow up and I’m not looking to get canceled online so to speak… I did get someone email me last week… I am just not equipped to handle the magnitude right now.

And this one said:

Noticed your new POST – Racism. And you probably noted there’s fear of even commenting. However it’s probably read. Keep up the truth! Real estate appraiser need a POLITICAL voice and they do not have one.

It’s understandable why many of us are scared to get involved for fear of being labeled as racist, being blacklisted, canceled, harassed, and/or receiving death threats. It is why we have always published anonymous articles when the author has requested not to be identified. If you would like to voice your concerns but want to remain anonymous, email us your article via our contact page, and include a pen name of your choice.

Truth is becoming a routine casualty as the misinformed public allows itself to be led down a slippery slope, whether it’s an emotionally charged narrative of racism or accepting without question economic policies that could destroy the livelihood of millions.

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125 Responses

  1. Avatar Realist says:

    Zeal without knowledge. This has probably always occurred throughout history to varying degrees, but is especially strong and active now. Many people who don’t have a clue about real estate, real estate valuation or appraising are easily swayed by various supposedly knowledgeable people they think they can trust. This is very dangerous when these trusted people are power hungry and possibly clueless themselves. Because of their irresponsibility, you have their followers making threats of violence against good honorable knowledgeable people. It will only get worse and we powerless appraisers are sitting ducks. And the hellbent politicians enable and encourage such evil. So false accusers – have at it. Our accusers and the instigators egging them on will have to answer for this willful ignorance and wrong intentions to the final judge. Good Luck.

  2. Avatar Cobra says:

    Thank you to all who are speaking out! I want to believe that truth will prevail eventually but until then we shouldn’t let them silence us.

  3. Avatar Xpert says:

    A death threat is a criminal offense that may be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony. Please report these thugs to the police!

  4. Avatar Bruce W Lennick says:

    It’s the left that is pushing this racism thing and if any of you voted for any on the left, you have no one to blame but yourself. This has been going on for 50 years and it literally took Obama a month in office to erase all of the “progress” that was made. These people are only looking to line their pockets with money from threats and intimidation and the longer you all wait the harder it will be to fight these false accusations. I do not care nor, in most cases, know the color of anyone’s skin color when I do an appraisal. I feel sorry for the young appraisers just starting or have 10 or more years in this profession. Too bad I enjoyed the 1st 20 years but the last 15 years, after the Gov. got involved has been nothing short of a shit show.

    • ***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team. Personal attack is edited out because it’s inappropriate within the context of this blog.***

      How do I know the “left” when I see it? Your second sentence makes just as much sense as the first – i.e. zero.

      • Avatar Bruce W Lennick says:

        part of the problem, enjoy it, it will only get worse!

      • Avatar jaydee says:

        Anyone with a (D) after their political name supports this. If you cannot see this by now; you never will. The “D’s” are supporting this intimidation. BLM/ANTIFA “mostly peaceful protests” as they burn down cities and try to set fire on police stations. I repeat myself for possible penetration: Anyone with a (D) after their political name supports this. If you cannot see this by now; you never will.

      • Avatar Dan Williams says:

        The fact that the moderators had to edit out your personal attack tells us all we need to know. Bruce is exactly right. The left is actively trying to destroy this country, and too many are sitting around watching and helping. If you don’t know how to know the left, then educate yourself.

    • Avatar Kay Smith says:

      I really don’t agree. Racism has been a part of our society since the US was formed way back. It became ‘fashionable” and out front after Trump took office. He made it look ok to be racist, hateful toward disabled people, disrespectful toward women, ok to cheat on your wife and pay off the mistress / hooker to keep her quiet, and all sorts of other bad behavior. The quiet racism that has always been here became more outspoken and in-your-face after he took office since a lot of simple minded people look to our leaders to model their behavior. Obama suffered from racist attitudes when he took office. Members of the senate and house made it a point to oppose him no matter what he tried to accomplish. In spite of all that, he did a great job considering what the Bush administration left him to deal with. Racism is not left or right – its a dark part of our country and always has been.

      • Avatar Jaydee says:

        Kay; look in the mirror for a racist. You are the spitting image of it ignorant too. I’m a former NYker. Trump won the Ellis Island Award and was the darling of the democrat party UNTIL he ran against Killary Klinton. Then POOF!!! He was a racist, traitor, spy, etc. and you slurped it up. Try thinking it will do you good.

      • Avatar Will says:

        Kay, since you had to drag politics into the equation, I suggest you read up on your history. It was the Democrats who owned 100% of the slaves and started up the KKK, Jim Crow Laws and poll taxes. The Republican Party formed up in 1854 to eliminate slavery and free the slaves. Trump and the Republicans are not racists but your team sure is and always has been. One more thing, one third of those lynched by your KKK Democrat buddies during Reconstruction were white Republicans. Now back to my appraisal report. Regards, Will

    • Avatar spor says:

      that is the truth. its time to fight back in their own words. they start it u finish it period. its the only way these cowards be it the govt, politicians or whatever they need to be stopped as they are trying to stop u. rid our society of them as they r trying to do it to you.

  5. Hello and Good Afternoon,
    We appraise inanimate and tangible objects, not the people in them. The bank wants to know if what it is lending money on will provide security for that loan. We offer nothing outside of that.
    Good Luck All!

  6. Please report to police and send this to the media pushing the other side of this. They need to see that their incomplete reporting (without further investigations into the appraisals involved) is causing Appraisers to get death threats. They need to report that people need to CEASE and DESIST. This is serious business and needs to be reported to the highest levels possible.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Yeah, politics has police hands tied. The problem is much worse than people realize. I listen to a special bail agent talk show on the weekends. Learn for yourself. It’s bad. Police can have solid information on serious crime and still are not even able to effect an arrest. This is a show where real active bail bondsman talk about what’s happening, and they have various sheriffs and other legal professionals on now and then too. It’s bad. There is a new line in the crime enforcement world. Can you afford an independent attorney? If not, too bad and be thankful it was not worse. The radical ‘liberal reformers’ of this country are not just farming homelessness, they’re farming more serious crime and increasing crime right alongside. The way these people behave, it’s very radical, they’re so deceptive. And they never stop, if they sniff out anyone with opposing views, they harass them to no end, destroy their supportive institutions and abolish their protective laws. The things the moderator of this site deals with, you have no idea how purposefully rude and disruptive some of these radical liberals really are. That’s why I listen to and promote independent conservative am radio stations. I like bail talk, present truth, the show that shall not be mentioned, larry elder, cup of joe, gardening hour, and it all started with the patriot trading group news hour which is still my fav. Checkem. Many areas have already rewritten enough rules to the point lawlessness is becoming the norm, get your mind around it.

  7. Avatar Barbara says:

    I have read the complaints about these incredibly differing appraisal values on the same property. I wonder if anyone with real appraisal knowledge, experience and credibility—-has reviewed any of the two conflicting reports and made the conclusions public? The truths of Those conclusions should be shared as widely as the complaints fired by political actors…. Please, give the concerned public a professional appraiser to engage as such! Please have that individual provide an unbiased analysis to the parties feeling wronged—with a true expert and knowledgeably developed opinion on what went wrong between the two reports—one of those two reports may simply be wrong. Be it inexperience, lack of training, or whatever the case may be, I’m betting in most situations, it’s not racially motivated at all. We often have no idea who lives at our next property and that fact is of no consequence to appraisers. Inexperience is all around us in our profession, especially with the AMC’s that refuse to pay for the more qualified appraisers. I can also easily see how the many currently accepted forms of value can be confused with an actual professional appraisal. We’ve never really gotten the full story on any of these hugely disparate appraisal valuations claiming racism. Our industry has been fractured by all of the new regulations…some very good, and some bad with regard to getting new appraisers to enter the profession. A professional appraiser’s analysis of those complaints could provide real visibility into what really went wrong. Instead of claiming a political issue— and if there is one—we all certainly want to know that—let’s do the hard work — and surface the real cause of the discrepancy… it could be a lot less disingenuous and/or racist than what those outside of the profession are trying to make of it.

    • Avatar Tony L Woods says:

      Barbara. that’s the most sensical, responsible reply I have ever heard on the matter. Thanks for your thoughts and input.

  8. Avatar Chris says:

    The truth is we will never know until we see and review the appraisals… until then you people with the (R) shouldn’t point your fingers at the Dems… The 1st thing I heard even before Biden took office was “Biden is GOING to destroy this country… you will see” and all I hear now is Biden HAS destroyed this country… The fact is NO ONE can print 7 trillion dollars and then have another 2 trillion printed… Don’t we all understand the REAL value of our US Dollar and what printing that much money leads too???

    Sure we do, but hey, the low IQ’s don’t.

    Racism, bias and prejudice are real, it’s all around us and has been for 2 million years… It is why our species survived.

    The truth is Trump brought out these low IQ people from their basements and gave them a voice. He used patriotism, fear and hatred… name calling, easier to remember, don’t need facts… lie, lie and lie, repeat, repeat and repeat… Fox media… One America, OAN al the same, none have to do retractions… because they are nothing more then like the National Enquirer magazine…

    Americans came out and said hell NO… and 81 million people told Trump “You are FIRED.” He lost white suburban women, its that simple.

    Biden didn’t even have to leave is basement… What I love about Trump is he woke up the silent majority, not all, but some… and this new abortion thing… just WOKE up a lot more. The Dems plan of just let them keep talking is working out perfectly.

    4 million young people turn of age to vote every year… 65-70% will NEVER vote Republican. republicans have lost an entire generation of voters. We all knew, all the top Republican said in 2015-2016 Trump would destroy the republican party and here we are now… they lost 1000 seats in the 2018 mid terms ACROSS THIS GREAT COUNTRY… HE LOST THE HOUSE, THE SENATE AND THE PRESIDENCY IN JUST 4 YEARS… and was a Democrat his WHOLE life…LOL

    Americans IQ have fallen into the toilet, They don’t even know what critical race theory is. But they know the Dems are trying to ruin this country…LOL Poly want a cracker !

    When Texas goes blue, no republican will EVER be president again…Thank God !!! I WAS a 40 year Republican, but not anymore, nor will I ever be again.

    • Avatar Barbara says:

      Chris, you have no idea how much I agree with you. I’m more Ind. or center D than R these days. Trump never had my vote, I knew he was a carnival barker long before he ran. Anyhow, we do need to see all sides of the ongoing appraisal mess as best we can. I do not believe that the D’s or going down the wrong road on this. I do think its getting politicized unfairly. I also was a R since the 80’s, but they’ve lost me. I don’t get any of what’s going on now in that group. Not much of a political person anyway, but I will never support anyone as rotten to the core as Trump. period. What kind of frightening harm will become of us in 2024?

      • Avatar Barbara says:

        oops, I meant to say that I DO believe that the Dems are going down the wrong road by beating on our poor pitiful profession!

    • Avatar Caleb says:

      And you think people who voted for this guy have high IQ? Aight

      • Avatar Bruce W Lennick says:

        Great Video, thanks for sharing.

      • Avatar Chris says:

        Caleb….See what you FAIL to understand is 81 million Americans would have voted for Minnie Mouse to get rid of tRump.

        Have you ever listened to Trump speak….Have you read the Mueller Report ? Do you watch news media that actually have to do retractions if they get something wrong….

        I don’t think so……

        • Avatar Caleb says:

          Yo cool your boots! No need to raise your voice (allcaps). I can read.

          Fortunately for you I do watch and read about mainstream news media lies and redactions but seems you are not aware of them. There you go


          And yeah I’ve heard Trump talk but looks like you haven’t really heard Biden speaks. If you’re proud of your guy than you’re no better than the people you are criticizing!




          And here is a bonus video of your guy’s son

        • Avatar jaydee says:

          Well Chris it is apparent that “you don’t think” SO? The Muller report was false as was the whole premise for the investigation. It was all a set up to take down a sitting president. Which is by definition: Traitorous.

          • Avatar chris says:

            Jaydee…..Did you read the Mueller report…..maybe the the 4 page summery???

            If not…why ??? I did….it will make you sick to your stomach.

            Why do you think tRump was interested in Manafort and Gen. Flynn….do some research on both of their backgrounds…..

            Don’t believe opinion articles, stick with he facts……opinions are like arse…everyone has one and theses days they are PAID…..

            Let me know if you even at LEAST have read the 4 page summery…if you haven’t then you suffer for cognitive dissonance….

            • Avatar jaydee says:

              Bet you exclusively watch CNN or MSNBC.

              • Avatar chris says:

                Jaydee…….I drive all day and sit at a desk, I listed to them all, including Fox and all their opinion shows brainwashing our people with opinions and NOT facts, I just keep turning the dial when they start to repeat themselves…

                And have been for more than 30 years now….

                Don’t you want to hear what your enemies are saying ???

                Or do you have cognitive dissonance ???

                Just read the 4 page summery of the Mueller report…..and if you can not, when you lay your head down on your pillow tonight…ask yourself….why you can not.

                It will turn your stomach…..I actually read 3/4 of the report….just didn’t have to time to finish…the last 3/4 is about tRump Jr interactions….they collude over 80 times, int he end the Russians decided the tRumps were just to stupid to get involved with…LOL

                Trump on Air Force one….wrote on a presidential memo and gave it to an aid…she read it, it said “just tell them the meeting was about Russian adoptions” The aide turned it over to the FBI.

                Don’t you think if their was even a hint that Biden was connected with our sworn enemies that he should be investigated ??? Sure you do…..LOL But not tRump.

                And again, research Manafort and Gen Flynn of what they were up for 20 years before tRump hired them…….

                The truth hurts my friend.

        • Avatar Dan says:

          Do you still actually believe the Mueller report? Come on, man!

        • Avatar Patty Jane Sines says:

          Amen to that! Wow what a mouthful, Ole Moron Trump is the last person on the earth that has the qualifications or honest interest in the American People, or public. NEVER TRUMP!

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Scooter.. You just can’t help yourself little troll… Be real Patriot and read the Mueller report.

          Pick a side you independent, being an independent is just a wussy who’s afraid to pick a side.

      • Avatar Kay Smith says:

        Biden is not an exciting person but in my view, during the last election, ANYONE was better than Trump. I would have voted to put a racoon in the white house if he ran against Trump!!!

  9. Avatar That Scott Guy says:


    “I’m gonna kill that appraiser who shorted my value only because I’m black / asian / hispanic / white”.
    Is this where we have arrived?

    Nothing shocks me anymore…

  10. Avatar Juliana Homstead says:

    I have posted on forums as well as Facebook on this issue (no death threats that I know of). I agree that the Biden administration is on the wrong track with its’ approach and that is disappointing. With that said, I don’t believe this is a left versus right issue nor should we make it one. My personal belief is that President Biden is taking his direction and advice from the wrong individuals and appraisers as a group should be trying to educate these individuals and the administration. It is frustrating that we appear to be the last ones they are asking for input on this matter and the majority of individuals involved appear to have little to no knowledge about the appraisal process. How can we change that?

    We have many bright minds in the appraisal profession. Instead of insisting that this is not a problem, my belief is that we should be addressing it head on and trying first to find out if it is in-fact a problem and then determining its’ extent and impact if it is. This country is full of research institutions and intelligent people that could collaborate to do just that. First we must have transparency and open review and discussion of the bias allegations that have been made thus far. We currently have no way (to my knowledge) of determining if there is actual intended bias, racial or otherwise or is one or both of the reports simply a bad appraisal. My guess is that we will not be able to draw a definitive conclusion without a controlled study. We have the resources and capability to conduct a controlled study, so why not design one, fund it and get to the answers! First we must determine if there is actually a problem before we go presenting solutions that may have broader impacts than we have considered.

    • Avatar Barbara says:

      Great response Juliana, you are so correct in all of your points. Honestly, If any of the complaints had been checked out at all, an appropriate response could be provided to educate all involved, and the media too. A structure for handling such complaints should be set up by the appraisal powers that be, and we should be making sure that they are on such important tasks. That type of public education of the consuming public is exactly what they are there for, and paid to do so. Does that make any sense? If so, who we gonna call? Which one?

    • Avatar Mary says:

      Juliana they had an Independent researcher study the Fannie Mae report and in front of Congress, I think his name was Peter, I forget the company he owns, stated there was no inherent bias and that their report was flawed and he gave the reasons why. But all the Democratic Congress people pretty much ignored what he said and focused on the racism, biased aspect of appraisers. So I truly think it is a left versus right issue like so many other things in this country. All they wanted to hear was that there is racial bias and even the appraisal Institute and the appraisal subcommittee chairs were not defending us and none of them said we should really look further into the two appraisal disparities. The appraisal subcommittee guy did say there could’ve been a different scope of work but that was about it.

  11. Baggins Baggins says:

    Juliana, read and share the document.

    Are we still racist? Is this over yet? Fine, so be it. Ask yourself why do you even care? And should you care? If you hire someone to do a job you expect the job to be completed competently, otherwise you take them to court. And don’t take people to court lightly, they’ll counter sue for expenses and defamation if just did not like what was delivered, even though the contractor held up his side for minimum standards of product delivery.

    They are pushing their worthless cases on the media because they don’t have anything which could stand up in court and the lenders already shut them down. Game over and they just can’t deal with it.

    If they have proof of this alleged racism, let’s see it. Intelligent people demand discovery and we don’t jump for bait. It’s very simple, there is money to be made and corporations seek expanded control of real estate. These issues have nothing to do with racism, these advocates simply need to scoot the independent check and balance out of the way if they are to successfully exploit the housing industry (more than it already is). They are utilizing the fake news media apparatus to perpetuate their propaganda. What’s new?

    As all too many appraisers provide sound basis for continuation of the propaganda with their unwarranted apologies and color coded virtue signaling. Even though no specific problem has been identified and all allegations are mere innuendo, having never been tested in a court of law or any other legally binding session.

    If you need someone on the outside, go to someone you can trust.

    Since people are talking politics. I just ordered the much anticipated long awaited new Dinesh D’souza movie; 2000 mules. It’s just a scientific discovery from cell phone tracking of 2000 people stuffing ballot boxes in key swing states during the last presidential election. It’s a job and who can blame anyone for simply trying to get paid. Wood grain gripping, candy paint dripping, I’m still tipping.

  12. Baggins Baggins says:
    2000 Mules. Watch for free. Link may be only temporary, found it randomly online earlier, but I’m watching now. I bought the DVD too, previous link. Share.

  13. Avatar Klara Lorinczi says:

    The fact is that I voted for Biden only because he was running. Was he the best candidate? not sure, maybe & maybe not. But I would have voted for ANYONE who wasn’t Trump. Trump was bad for our country and a truly mentally imbalanced person with psychological issues. I would have voted for Minnie Mouse too if she ran against Trump – anyone but Trump. So Biden is old and maybe forgets things – as long as he’s not Trump, I’m ok with a little senility and dementia. I think he’s smart enough to have good people around him to help him with his inadequacies. All good presidents have done that. Government is a team effort and not entirely on the shoulders of one person. For example, we do have 50 senators and a boatload of congressman & congresswomen.

    • Avatar Jaydee says:

      Klara;. Trump gave us energy independence, respect world wide for the U.S. again. Made our NATO allies PAY their fair share of the defense burden, All time record high stock market, record low interest rates, had companies that were offshore move them back into the U.S. US Steel starting back up after 35 plus years. Moved the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem as so many others promised but failed to do. Record unemployment for blacks, hispanics, women. Warp drive on the COVID vaccine. And you vote for dementia and who’s running the country no one will admit it’s not Joe. But hey no mean tweets and $5.00+ a gallon of gas and mom’s can’t feed their kids and a tidal wave of humanity cross the southern border daily. As a soon to be unemployed appraiser(s) I’d like to thank you on my behalf and the behalf of soon to be unemployed people in this field.

      • Avatar chris says:

        Jaydee……as usual, The repubs took credit for the Dems work after the last time the Repubs almost destroyed our country. In other words….tRump took credit for other people work, just like he did in every grade when he was in school. Doesn’t want to show is grades, his taxes, a genius who thinks a senile test is an IQ test and brags about it to his low IQ followers who just fawn all over his Con man stick. Greatest Conman in world history, that is all he is, who committed treason against our great country so he doesn’t go to prison….Keep drinking that Cool aide….

      • Avatar Kay Smith says:

        Trump gave us a lot of things but respect was not one of them. He was a running joke on TV everyday, in the news for his idiocy and incompetence. I think the entire world has a much better view of the US since Trump was voted out. I’m not in a position to judge Biden’s performance since taking office because I don’t know what he’s up against but at least he’s not a running joke all over TV, radio and social media.

        • Avatar Jaydee says:

          Kay, Trump was the “running joke” on the communist networks in which you sucked up. Record black unemployment, hispanic unemployment, female unemployment all down. Industry and manufacturing back in the county. Respect around the world. U.S. Embassy moved to Jerusalem. Remember any of this? Please pull your head out of your keester and breath.

        • Avatar Dan says:

          Kay Smith, Yes, Trump was criticized non-stop by the leftist media which you apparently watch and read. His presidency was well-respected and much-appreciated by independents and conservatives. Likewise, Biden is roundly mocked by most of the country, except for the leftist media, which is largely silent, because even they can’t defend many of his actions.

          If you judge a president by what the “mainstream” media says, then you need to learn to think for yourself.

        • Avatar Dan says:

          Your comments are 180 degrees from the truth. I suspect that is due to your biased sources of information. I suggest you expose yourself to various other sources.

    • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

      @ Klara Lorinczi –
      “So Biden is old and maybe forgets things”….. “I’m ok with a little senility and dementia”.

      I wonder if you’d say that about your personal Doctor.
      I wonder if our clients and homeowners would ‘ok’ with the appraiser forgetting things and a little appraiser senility and dementia.
      The man is supposed to be the Leader of the Free World, and he is an incoherent and bumbling embarrassment for America. But as long as there are no mean tweets, right?

      • Avatar Kay Smith says:

        And would you go to a doctor who stays up all night tweeting and eating McDonalds’, like Trump? or paying off mistresses & hookers with your money? I sure wouldn’t!!.

  14. Avatar chris says:

    Compared to tRump, Biden is a genius….I would take Biden over ANY Republican.

    I am a former Rebup….after 40 years of doing nothing for America, just the rich and corps…I signed up with the Dems.

    As soon as Texas goes Blue, there will never be another Rebup President again. Forget the swing states, We can go back to the 1950’s to the 1980’s before Regan started destroying our country for the rich and corps.

    4 million young people turn 18 every year….65% -75% will NEVER Vote Repub…Thank GOD !!! Bye Bye !!!

    • Avatar Dan says:

      Make yourself look foolish in public much? Or, just here?

      • Avatar chris says:

        Dan…Got anything intelligent to say my friend ???? Of course not, Repubs never do…

        • Hey don’t generalize, I’m a R, as a matter of fact I ordered a personalized bumper sticker when Ole Dump got elected it said I’m A Republican, I’m From WV, & I hate TRUMP! the best place for him is on the moon!

          • Avatar Kay Smith says:

            Good for you! I’m not pro Dem or Repub, I’m neutral but I’m definitely anti Trump. Its nice to hear from a republican with good judgment.

      • Let him alone he’s doing a marvelous job all by himself, he doesn’t need your assistance. LOL

    • Avatar Eric Kretz says:

      Jeezus, I feel bad for you. Common sense isn’t so common I guess.
      Enjoy your communism.

    • Avatar Jaydee says:

      Ok commrade.

      • Avatar chris says:

        Jaydee..No commi here……our right to vote is paramount…..But Rebups don’t want others to vote…I wonder why??? Oh I know…Cant win if people vote.

        • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

          As a registered Independent, I’ll agree the right to vote is paramount. I just don’t like it when DemocRATS steal elections. Why all the secrecy, ballot harvesting, and voter intimidation from the left? I wonder who can’t win if the election is FAIR.

          Stalin said, it matters not who the people vote for, it matters who counts the votes.

          Curious…I wonder how my grandmother who passed 18 years ago (lifelong Republican) voted DemocRAT the last election?

          • Avatar chris says:

            That Scott Guy… The election with the most oversite in American history was stolen by the Dems… Dems are not that smart brother. And after 3 recounts int he swing states… nobody can come up with the “HOW”

            You want to know why… because tRump lost white suburban women… its that simple

            81 million voters came out and told tRump… “You are FIRED !!!”

            Minnie Mouse could and would have beaten tRump. That treasonous bastard…he tried to over throw our elections and you people double down on him… have you ever even listen to his rallies ???

            Fun for the mentally impaired.

            • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

              LOL, sure thing man.
              Arguing with the ignorant is a futile effort.

              Enjoy your $8/gal gas and $10 ramen that your lord SloJoe and the Ho have bestowed upon us.

              • Baggins Baggins says:

                Please don’t feed the trolls. They can multiply like gremlins, becoming increasingly volatile and irrational if exposed to water, or sensible conservative viewpoints. I paid $75 dollars to top off my Durango, tank was not even close to empty! Thankfully due to political pressure, the I did that energy restriction campaign is being placed on temporary hold.

              • Avatar chris says:

                Thatscottguy… Like I keep saying… you only have insults, don’t take that too personally, its a pattern with you righties… Over and over and over again… just insults

                its ok little rightee… the Dems and Libs still love you…

                • Baggins Baggins says:

                  “Righties”. Oh yes, we love you too.


                • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

                  As mentioned, I’m an Independent who’d like to engage in constructive and meaningful conversations, but again I won’t waste my time trying to rationalize or find common ground with ANYONE from the left.

                  I have no compassion and give no quarter to liberals, progressives, democraps, and commie/socialists. Not because we are ideologically and philisophically different, but because it’s a fools errand. I can disagree with you and still be civil. But to disagree with a leftist you are wrong, get labeled a whatever, doxed and harassed for thinking and feeling the way you do. How tolerant of the left, huh?

                  Be honest with yourself (if you can). Regardless of who is/was POTUS, you cant possibly be better off today than you were 2 or 3 years ago. Food, gas, ect….then use what brain you have and analyze why. Simple regression analysis.

                  I take nothing personal, and you couldn’t insult me on your best day with help. You are nothing to me. The last thing in the world I want is love or compassion from plastic rubes pseudo-intellectuals, and I don’t care if I hurt your delicate snowflake feelings.

                  But I digress, I’m trying to rationalize with the irrational and ignorant.
                  Best of luck, you will need it.

            • Avatar Kay Smith says:

              I’m with you on this! The election wasn’t stolen, the old b….tard just lost and he can’t accept it.

    • Avatar Jaydee says:

      Chris. Trump didn’t take credit for anything Soetoro did. The accomplishments I listed are his solely. And if the criminal democrats would stop stealing elections we can make America Great Again. We need to “DEFUND DEMOCRATS”.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Try a different news brand already, dang. Orange man bad! It’s hard to take this position seriously. And it’s especially difficult to extend people credibility whom knowingly consume than parrot corporate propaganda from either side masquerading as ‘news’.

    • Avatar Uweresayn says:

      Imma just gonna leave this one here for chris!

  15. Baggins Baggins says:

    Did you guys read the cell phone technical links I provided? Specifically if you have time, try to crawl through the first link on creating a iphone signal introspection engine. Go through it slowly even if you don’t understand the exact technical jargon you will eventually get far enough through the article to have an illuminating moment on how advanced the cellular tech is and will in turn learn more about these devices capabilities. I found the final set of information where they actually built the ‘tap board’, had a random tech person install it, showed the little rear led signal analysis graph, absolutely fascinating science. Great presentation too! Bear in mind that’s a 5 year old article.

    Sadly, managing the modern cell phones output signals across their full spectrums will not be quite as simple as Snowden initially theorized; an attachable sleeve which was pliable and adaptable to multiple model phones, with a detailed high function oscilloscope which could integrate into hardware through regular ports and affect software through regular interface, is simply not realistic. And even if there is a ‘silent phone’, you know what, I just don’t want one.

    But darn it all, they actually did accomplish their goals and absolutely proved the GUI functions the user experiences are meaningless, the device is always on, always transmitting. (why you simply can not trust GUI in win10 or 11, and must know how to manage both process and hardware outside of the easy GUI’s, as pc’s exhibit similar behavior with their integrated remote bus, wlan, & bt devices. Check your i/o read write stats.)

    Just when you think you know enough about these advanced mobile cellular items, we learn they blip in the process of transitioning to other functions or even just powering on or getting low battery signals. Damn thing never shuts up, cell phones always phone home, always ping, always transmit packets, or even have delay send packet transmission all at once. All modern smart phones are exceptionally vulnerable to an incredibly diverse range of penetration and external observation. As Snowden stated; a very porous shield for both hardware and software.

    And you’d better get real about the surveillance industry, it’s very real, indiscriminate, bi-partisan, and they are actively mining and selling all available telemetry. They sold it. The people bought it. All actions have consequences. This is what these idiot fact checkers can’t even begin to get their minds around, D’Souza simply purchased the telemetry data which was already mined, already assimilated, and already available for sale, and then re correlated said available data to ascertain individual movement data in a rather novel way. That genie is out of the bottle and will never be put back in. 2000 Mules is hard evidence and there is no other logical conclusion or sensible interpretation of this data. Unless you are blissfully unaware of the actual technical capabilities of that incredibly advanced device people submissively only refer to as a cell phone. Signal triangulation is a highly exacting science, believe it. Their spy phones tattled on them, no take backsies.

    Then consider how regardless of which political spectrum you find yourself, you continue to play their game, under their terms, utilizing their preferred mediums. Regular citizens will always lose when Americans can not work together under the principals laid forth by the founding fathers, running every action through the simple basis of constitutionality, prioritizing liberty and blind justice. As people gave up their 4th amendment protections, watch their 1st slip away, more pressure on the 2nd again. Willingly departing from the equal protection clause and embracing institutionalized discrimination with mask and vaccine mandates over a communicable disease with a 99.9% survival rate *(unless you were subjected to medical malpractice from incompetent NIH policies at hospitals or took the life health altering vaccine, then you’re cooked). As both sides lie to your face day and night without conscious, safe AND effective.

    Everyone is playing the liability game and now we lose the support of professionals whom could correct course but are unable to do so due to corporate and global systems pressures, fear of being identified as off label if they are personally branded by the opposition. Personal threats and living in fear become the new norm. WHO is seeking a sort of adaptation of the trans antlantic trade partnership with their new iteration of pandemic management being rammed through now. As most Americans tune into corporate news and accept their daily pre programmed psychosis update.

    I’ll tell you what’s really going on; they’ve put a tap board in your mind and are running it how they see fit. Automatons unite! RED! BLUE! If you support the cause, buy the product. If you don’t support the cause, stop paying into those systems. It’s very simple. Vote with your wallet. Vote with your feet. Thanks for reading. I’ve got to run, trying to get this lawn mower tuned up, going to need it.


  16. They are all Appraisal Experts, however. . . . they have never been in an appraisal class, don’t hold a certification anywhere but the “know it all Dept” and they are going to tell us what to do and then…….

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      The TDR is strong in this thread. You people are no different than bible thumpers so fervent and zealous, no line of civil decency which will not be crossed. We’re not even talking about trump, we’re talking about honest vote systems and proven vote fraud. Try actually watching the movie. One day you’ll regret being so susceptible to have been spoon feed the words which come out of your own mouth. We’re simply standing by watching this party destroy itself from the inside.

      • Avatar Chris says:


        The only fraud that was committed was by Repubes, dozens of them….and just recently 1 Dem.

        7 Swing states told tRump “you’re Fired” 81 Million people came out to protect our country from an orange Authoritarian. I like the 4 letter word better.

        Get over it. You talk about TRS, … HE lost !!!

        Proven voter fraud?? Ya, all done by Repubs…..They all new tRump would destroy the party and here we are 4 years later, No House, No Senate and No presidency, 1,000 Repub seats lost across the country in 2018.

        They backed a Loser and got what they deserved…

        Signed by an X Republican

        • Voter. Fraud my a- – spend your time convincing yourself and the other stupid sheep, don’t blow blue smoke up my a- – I was here along with everyone else that moron and his followers are done done done.

          • Patty Sines,

            we encourage lively debate, but ask that you be respectful of others. If you disagree with someone, please express yourself respectfully. If you disagree with an opinion, feel free to respectfully challenge that opinion. Do not engage in personal attacks (including name-calling) on fellow commenters/appraisers. Please keep it professional and conduct yourself as you would within your own organization. Snide or rude comments are not constructive and certainly not helpful. We count on your cooperation and appreciate your support!

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and compare empirical evidence after this next round, specifically in counties where they’ve taken action over the 2000 mules disclosures. You know, a then and know kind of thing. I’ve pre bought several copies for family members. It’s that good.

          For people interested in supporting this sort of informational discovery, you can sign up and support True The Vote. And if you have not seen 2000 mules, what are you waiting for? Fact checkers, don’t make me laugh. Appraisers whom don’t understand conflict of interest issues should really look for a new line of work, it’s like your primary job function.

          I found the former AZ mayor pleads guilty to election fraud story to be quite entertaining. Ballot harvesting. Hey wasn’t that the exact focus of this movie? She slipped up as this was such a normalized activity, went outside the non profit network. And that’s all she wrote. The power of news which is not for sale. That’s why I subscribe to Epoch Times.

          You can get your physical mailed copy subscription here. I just buy this at the local grocery stores every week. Check your news racks.

          I’ll keep going of you guys want to keep going. It’s all good just let me know.

          • Avatar Chris says:

            Baggins… Nothing better to laugh at than right wing propaganda… thanks !!! I need to laugh.

            Nice little pics you use… just like the old news paper comics used to be… perfect for the old Repubs in our great country. Easy to understand, no real reading comprehension needed….

            Make America great again….. LOL

            • Baggins Baggins says:

              Chris there is a saying; the medium is the message. Political commentary in visual form is one of the most effective mediums of communication. It is a preferred medium of intelligent people. Here read up on this concept before drawing such bold and irreconcilable assumptions and presumptions. You’re on a roll today. Art comes in many forms. Diminish the power of art if you want, such diminished perceived worth will only be in your own mind. People whom appreciate all forms of art tend to get a lot more out of life. The particular newsreel photo above was interesting, and was just a portion of I think a 12 pg set of vote objection material at the time. Oh wait, I meant to say; safest most secure election in history. Sorry, I was on the wrong talking point. Where is that daily talking point update already, we’re about to go on air!!!

              • Avatar Chris says:

                Baggins…you crack me up…..the preferred media….ya…for the simple minded.

                Did you watch the 1/6 hearing ?

                Or is that just like the summery Mueller Report?

  17. Avatar Patty Sines says:

    Ah baggins put it in the bag! If you can’t take the criticism sit on the sidelines. Haaaa haaaaaa

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      This is an upstanding position I can really get behind. TDR and juvenile triggering attempts.

      Thanks for playing. Don’t stop now.

      It must be just a coincidence the corporate news media has you in a stir on this particular day.

      I’ve always wanted to know, what’s it like to be a parrot in a cage?

  18. Avatar That Scott Guy says:

    Liberalism is a mental disease. Stay away from me, it might spread like monkeypox…

    • Avatar Chris says:

      Scott….Conservationism is the disease….What does that really mean these days ??? What I hear is…keep America White and women barefoot and pregnant.

      81 Million came out and voted for Liberalism.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Less the millions of voter mule fraudulent ballots. You people are true believers!

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Baggins….Millions ??? Sorry Bud…..The Dems are not that smart to pull something of that magnitude off….LOL No one is.

          What comes next will blow your mind? Ya…. another $20.00 ..

          A fool and his money….

          And that is truly the only thing tRump is great at…..taking fools money.

          And destroying the Repub party.

          • Baggins Baggins says:

            You might want to brush up on the financial clout of the non profits and tech companies backing them. They did after all, rake record contributions for political spending. Nobody is that smart? Vote fraud is as old as voting itself, there are a million and one ways to do so organized and individually. I did post the hundreds if not thousands of cspan hours on congressional hearings for those interested. True The Vote was smart enough to catch thousands in the act with strict peramiters, that’s something. The tech is so far advanced, people have a hard time getting their minds around it. Which is why even if people do not agree with the conclusions or principals behind that effort, they should watch this particular documentary anyways. It’s guaranteed to be educational in one faucet or another. You can find it free all day if you want.

            What’s most interesting is how many people readily digest and disseminate propaganda these days. If you ever wondered how it happened in the past, one need look no further than today. The line is voluntarism, in case people are confused about where the line should be, respecting voluntarism. Good ideas do not require force.

            Freedom. Liberty. Justice. Words to live by. Take heart, supporting the war effort, use of government force, ever increasing spending, taxation, corporate welfare, a non partisan effort we can all rely on. Hearts and minds is where people go astray yet hearts and minds is where they can come back together again. One should be able to readily consume any propaganda from any side and recognize such material for what it is, directive not objective. Sadly, many are led rather than asked to provide objective opinions. With us or against us, a primary ailment of modern society. I’m still on old talking points, like in pursuit of commercialized free ad free spaces.

            One day when people learn to have better control of their emotions we’ll figure it out. I’m more inclined to think decades of massive pollution, emf field exposure which provides pervasive disruption to electrical and chemical processes in the body, non degradable pharmaceuticals which are known to be in our water supply, their sister chemicals the pesticides, all of that, is having severe detrimental effects on the human condition in general.

            Which is why I support CHD Childrens Health Defense fund with RFK Jr. You know he originally set out to deal with safe water and river management. But as corporations run the world and our governance these days, what independent groups whom withstood the pressure now have more on their plate than ever. It’s in the water…. Our latest endeavor is trying to get plastic out of our lives.

            • Avatar Chris says:

              Baggins…so you actually think the Dems stole an election from tRump…right???

              Then how come ALL the other Repubs won on the same ballet.

              Don’t you think the Dems would have stolen their elections as well at the same time?

              Good God man….try to think. Like you do with your appraisals…

              or is it that right wing media fills your head with B.S. that your ego/id/super id needs to hear?

              tRump lost…..its that simple. 81 million Americans came out and said “you are FIRED”

              Actually he lost white suburban women…its that simple….

      • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

        I really wanna tee you up, but I don’t want to get banned and make you cry.

        Answer my question from the last thread:

        Are you better off right now or 2 years ago? I know its hard, but don’t lie….

        • Avatar Chris says:

          Scott….I did answer that question…you know what happens when the government prints 9 TRILLION imaginary dollars a few years later…and here we are.

          Thanks tRump and conservatives for practically destroying our country in only 6 years.

          • Avatar That Scott Guy says:

            Chris, please stop. Your embarrassing yourself. You can’t answer a simple question without spinning it into CNN blather! As I’ve said, I won’t engage liberals, it’s the definition of insanity. Peace be with you….

            • Avatar Chris says:

              Scott… you asked me… I answered… you got nothing intelligent to say… you never do my friend…

              Tell me I am wrong at least, tell me how I am wrong… tell me something instead of “its just CNN blather.”

              You just cant engage us my friend… you just intelligently can not.

              Want to know why you can not?? Because you have been brainwashed by right wing media.

          • Baggins Baggins says:

            Um, Chris. Just a quick factoid for you here; The Federal Reserve has been devaluing currency in this country, creating unsustainable boom bust cycles, since 1913. Over a hundred years of not being federal, and not having any reserves. Again, it’s a non partisan effort, controlling the money supply. They don’t even try to balance the budget anymore, they’re all guilty.

            Looks like we’ll jump back to Article 1 Section X.

            • Avatar Chris says:

              Baggins..Scott and I were talking about current events of the last 5 years…9 trillion of imaginary money was printed…..only a fool could not foresee this inflation we now have..

              tRrump printed 7 trillion, Biden at least printed 2 trillion for infrastructure and job creation…after a disastrous 2 year virus tRump completely mishandles…oh wait he did tell the scientist to hurry up…

              And again tRump wanted glory for something other people did…as usual, just like in high school and his college years….same old, same old..just.a spoiled rich kid with major mental issues without 2 brain cells to rub together.

              And they want him to run again after losing the House, the Senate and the Presidency…

              And i am the one who is confused…LOL

            • Avatar Patty Sines says:

              ***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team. Profanity and personal attacks were edited out.***

              Hey y’all save your breath baggins is the moderator and an ****. Charge of course he thinks The election was stolen he’s a trump ***. With his ****, please block me I don’t have time for your ****, and tell baggins it it spelled summary. Not summery

  19. Avatar Patty Sines says:

    ***This comment was edited by AppraisersBlogs Team for compliance with TOU and our commenting guidelines.***

    • Patty Sines, we encourage lively conversation but we do insist that you follow our guidelines. Threats, the use of hateful language, or personal attacks is a violation of our guidelines. Going forward, your comments will be moderated before being approved.

  20. Folks, our goal is to focus on thoughtful discussions as a part of a valuable online community. Debate is welcome, but not bullying, personal attacks or telling someone to “get a life.”

    We encourage contributions from everyone who shares our goal and wants to participate in a healthy, constructive, and professional manner.

    Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, insulting, derogatory, or demeaning conduct or speech; written, verbal, or other abuse; trolling; personal or political attacks; other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting; and failing to obey our Terms of Use.

    Unacceptable behavior will not be tolerated. Anyone engaged in unacceptable behavior will be asked to stop the unacceptable behavior immediately.

    Per our TOU, we reserve the right to delete or take other action with respect to comments (or parts thereof) that we believe in good faith violate our TOU and/or are potentially unlawful. If you violate our TOU, we may, in our sole discretion, delete the unacceptable content from your comment, remove or delete the comment in its entirety, issue you a warning, and/or terminate your ability to post a comment.

    At the end of the day, just remember why we’re all here: to talk about our profession. While debates are bound to become heated at times given the passion of appraisers, it’s important to be respectful and civil toward each other. More than anything, just keep this in mind: Treat others as you would want to be treated.

    • Hello AppraisersBlogs Team and Good Afternoon!

      Freedom of Speech is powerful.

      A lot posts on here appears to violate the behavior norms that are set forth above; “Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to: intimidating, harassing, abusive, discriminatory, insulting, derogatory, or demeaning conduct or speech; written, verbal, or other abuse; trolling; personal or political attacks; other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting; and failing to obey our Terms of Use.”

      Geez! Poster’s threatening lives or crazed acts of destruction need to be reported to peace keeping law authorities.

      Let us decide what to read and not to read. Most appraiser’s I have found are fairly rational and can separate the grain from the chaff!

      Thank you for your “Appraisers Getting Death Threats” article and I did comment on May 6th, spending my two cents!

      • Hi John,

        as stated in our About page “We ask posters to be civil but ultimately it is the collective conscience of the blog readers and commenters that set the tone. This is a public forum. We try very hard to follow the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution though we have and will debar purely disruptive entities after explaining WHY. Post at your own risk of rebuttal.”

        We have been getting a lot of emails from appraisers complaining about some of the inappropriate comments on the blog not being moderated. Name calling and hate filled messages have no place in this forum and is driving away some of our best and brightest from posting.

        Our blog is also being followed by regulators, politicians, reporters, lenders, lawyers, realtors etc. Is this how we want to be seen and represent our profession?

        Please understand that we are appraisers first and only doing the blog voluntarily. We rarely babysit the blog and don’t usually edit or find the need to edit comments considering we are all professionals. We rather appraise than monitor comments or play the part of the referee. Time that we spend on the blog takes time away from doing appraisals.

  21. Avatar Realist says:

    Except for a few minor temporary victories and limited temporary pushback efforts, the right-wing is going down in flames. It is past the point of no return and is now inevitable. So Chris and the couple of other left–wingers so vocal in this comment section should be thrilled and doing victory dances. You are the part of (the soon to be former) America that is assisting in paving the way for the coming hybrid world that is a mix of marxist-socialist-communist-fascist-anti-God of the Bible global (central government) world that is very quickly taking shape. So sit back and relax, and let us paleo right wingers eke out our last gasps. We will check back in 5 years and see how it all turns out for you. Maybe the real big picture will be different than you expected. Too late!

  22. Avatar Jaydee says:

    Realist; you are correct in your summation about the left taking over the world / government. This was predicted in the Bible over 2000 years ago. The anti-GOD faction does “win” for a short time. But eternity is forever and Satan has lost the battle. I know many don’t believe this but the Bible predictions have come true 100% of the time with 100% accuracy. So, I do believe this is going to continue with it’s accuracy. Stay frosty.

    • Avatar Dan says:

      Realist and Jaydee, I agree. Sadly, the anti-God left does not know what they are doing. There is still time for individuals to figure it out, and I hope many like our leftist appraiser friends do, but we know where it’s all heading. Thankfully we also know the ending.

    • Avatar Realist says:

      Jaydee and Dan,
      I agree with both of you. It is good to know we are not alone. I am in tears thinking about the indescribable future of far too many; some of which are family members and friends. Thank you for your bold, kind, and wise responses.

  23. Folks,

    Appraisers and others who contribute to our blog almost always have great insight and useful things to add to the conversation.

    But in the comment section of this article, earlier today and yesterday, one commenter with terrible grammar started attacking others with rough language and needless name-calling. After some consideration, we decided to delete the comments in addition to the back and forth attacks.

    Criticism is perfectly valid and we encourage healthy, even heated discussion. But name-calling and other ad hominem attacks will now be deleted.

    We also reserve the right to delete comments that go significantly off topic. They provide no real use in the comments section, which we hope to keep a place of intelligent discussion and debate.

    • Avatar Bruce W Lennick says:

      Thanks for that, it was nauseating to say the least. Ignorant statement on both sides. I for one supported what Trump was trying to do, and I think given any other person would have quit with all the false accusations and impeachment trials. Now I probably would not have sat down with Trump and had a beer with him. He is not my type of person or that I would want to hang out with, but I do believe that he had the nation’s best interest at heart. Biden on the other hand can’t even finish a thought or sentence. Is this really who you want leading the nation. Seriously, you have to get over what the media is telling you and think about the larger picture. And throwing insults because you happen to be on side or the other accomplishes nothing. And honestly you cannot change the mind of someone that believes what they believe, no matter how many facts are given. So, let’s concentrate on what affects our profession, and leave the snide remarks and bad grammar at home


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Appraisers Getting Death Threats

by AppraisersBlogs time to read: 1 min