Fast, Faster and Really Fast…

Valuing Properties in 5 to 15 minutes Using Photos...Lightspeed Appraisals
Appraiser must be comfortable valuing a property in 5-15 minutes using pictures…

Fast, Faster and Really Fast… Take a look at the ad for an in-house appraiser in the Atlanta area. How many of your are good enough to apply for this job?

Job description

We are looking for Real Estate Appraisers (licensed in GA) to work remotely on an independent contractor basis.. Appraiser will primarily be responsible for valuing properties which are on foreclosure list. Appraiser must be comfortable valuing a property in 5-15 minutes using pictures from field report. The ideal candidate will have experience with valuing distressed properties based on After Repair Value. You can take on the amount of work that you please. We offer generous commission with bi-weekly payment structures. No quotas.


  • Licensed or Certified residential appraiser in the state of Georgia
  • 2 years of active appraisal experience
  • Understanding of ARV
  • Must complete work by deadline

JAR House is a boutique real estate brokerage exclusively representing Najarian Capital LLC, one of Metro Atlanta’s largest residential real estate investment firms. Founded in 2009, Najarian Capital LLC purchases an average of 75 properties each month in over 44 counties statewide. Through the rehabilitation process, Najarian Capital LLC brings properties to life again creating opportunities and value for home buyers to fulfill their dreams of home ownership. From offers to closing, JAR House offers a seamless purchasing experience for real estate agents and their buyers. Each transaction is handled in-house by our sales and pre-closing teams.

Hybrid Appraisals: As each of you know the legality of Bifurcated (hybrid) appraisals has been questioned in Virginia. The VREAB has formed a committee to discuss this issue and provide some guidance to appraisers and appraisal management companies. The date of the committee meeting has not been announced yet. We will share this information as soon as it becomes available.

Skapinetz vs Every appraiser needs to read this court case.

Governor Ralph Northam Announces Administrative Appointments: Released October 12,2018

Real Estate Appraiser Board

    • Kelvin “KC” Bratton of Roanoke, Supervising Appraiser, Office of Real Estate Evaluation, City of Roanoke
    • H. Glenn James of Norfolk, Principal of Commercial First Appraisers, LLC
    • Edythe Frankel Kelleher* of Fairfax County, Executive Director, Southeast Fairfax Development Corporation
    • Robert Rochester* of Richmond, Chief Appraiser, Union Bank & Trust

Congratulations to all the appointees to the VREAB!

See the entire Press Release here. Save the date: October 23rd is the next Virginia Real Estate Appraiser Board Meeting.

opinion piece disclaimer
VaCAP Board
Image credit flickr - J. Richard Link
VaCAP Board

VaCAP Board

Coalition of individual appraisers working together to unite, promote and protect the collective interests of all appraisal professionals in Virginia; to promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting all appraisers in Virginia; to observe and report the actions of regulatory, legislative, oversight, and standards-setting entities of the Commonwealth.

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22 Responses

  1. Lane Leppink on Facebook Lane Leppink on Facebook says:

    … and they offer ‘generous commission’… does that imply a ‘success fee’, or a variable scale of pay?… is it even ethical for appraisers to earn a ‘commission’??

  2. Nicholas Bochicchio on Facebook Nicholas Bochicchio on Facebook says:

    Wow, that’s 4-14 mins too much. I can name that value in 1 picture. Lol

  3. Tim M. Wiza on Facebook Tim M. Wiza on Facebook says:

    What could go wrong!? hmmm

  4. David Samnick on Facebook David Samnick on Facebook says:

    Complete and utter bullshit. Once again if Appraisers don’t rally, come together collectively or scream from the rooftops we are all going to be put out of business. ALL OF US.

    • Retired Appraiser Retired Appraiser says:

      I’ve sat out the appraisal business and waited 9 years to see that happen. I’ll give it another 10 though. One never knows how appraisers will react when it comes to the last two licensees.

  5. Robert P Lutz on Facebook Robert P Lutz on Facebook says:

    This is absolutely crazy !!!

  6. Avatar Diana N. says:

    Wouldn’t touch the assignment with a ten foot pole, and I’ve been appraising  48 years.

    • Robert P Lutz on Facebook Robert P Lutz on Facebook says:

      Neither would I !!! Celebrating my 50th year in real estate here in the San Francisco Bay Area, 1968-2018

  7. What’s even crazier is how contradictory this ad is. If there are no quotas and you take on as much work as you want, why do you have to value a property in 5-15 minutes? Will your screen go blank?

    Seems they are implying if you want to make $30 – $50 an hour you would need to complete 4 – 6 in an hour. That means they could be paying as little as $7.50 for a “value.”

    Why not just get monkeys to throw darts at a value chart?


    • Baggins Baggins says:

      Don’t miss the coester briefing at the bottom of the article. A tedious but worthwhile read.

      Attention amc manager; Stipulation! Please provide…. Please answer…. Please justify…

      Shoe on the other foot now.

    • Michael Lund Michael Lund says:

      monkeys don’t throw darts. They throw other stuff.

  8. Becky Lowell on Facebook Becky Lowell on Facebook says:

    Total CRAP crap

  9. Avatar chris says:

    They think it’s like ordering a pizza, but even that takes an hour…lol…. idiots.

    • Avatar Jack Of All Trades says:

      These are the same types of people that sit there and try to break eggs in different spaces to see if there gonna taste better.

  10. Mike Ford Mike Ford says:

    1. Look at their crew on their website.
    2. In my state they would have to be licensed brokers to buy and sell that many properties.
    3. Georgia appraiser needs to look into that.
    4. So, they are asking licensed appraisers to basically do ‘comp checks’ with zero support for anything and they’ll then sell the flipped houses to individual buyers or brokers using the appraisal (hybrid folks)?
    5. It’s not clear value. It appears to be worse (if that is possible)

  11. Baggins Baggins says:

    At 2 minute, 31 second, a field services inspection companies actual screen view from their actual inspection applications. $5.25 for an ‘appraisal’ related inspection, it only takes 5 minutes…

    That is just one of many examples.
    Also I read extensive field inspector employee reviews. Good to know you can buy your way into it with an app, and get to work without ever needing to meet your employer in person or even a phone interview. The benefits of being a 1099 in a completely unlicensed unregulated industry, aka inspection services.
    edited, vid correction, see below.

    Field Inspector Services | Become An Inspector

    • Mike Ford Mike Ford says:

      Great links Baggs!

      I especially like the 200 to 300 per month OR 50 to 80 ‘stops’ a day. Making sure to mess with the gas meter is also really prudent. Trespassing optional. NOTE one of types of inspection IS for FNMA. I’m pretty sure MickyDs employees have more stringent requirements.

      Insurance or bonds? Licenses? NO PMI or MMI insurer should ever make decisions based on these things.

      • Baggins Baggins says:

        Yes, that would be fnma form #30.  For five dollars…

        We might have a problem with C ratings here… Just saying…

      • Nicholas Bochicchio on Facebook Nicholas Bochicchio on Facebook says:

        Lol. This has to be a joke. What moron would drive to 80 diff properties per day for $160 total. Prob waste $30 in gas, $10 in tolls and spend 8-10 hrs. Sounds like a pizza delivery driver to me.

        • Baggins Baggins says:

          As long as they are not held accountable, with no license requirements, they can just take a stab at the complex questions on FNMA form #30…

          Keywords; mortgage services inspection, field services inspection, etc. For a good time, take a look at the disgruntled employee rolls for any given inspection services provider. They are arguing over a ten dollar split. How low can you go.

 – National Mortgage Field Services – reviews

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      The above post linked the wrong vid, there were two vids on that page, my bad.

      This is the one to look at 2 minute, 31 seconds.

      The inspector is cute. Looks just like an appraiser, less the clipboard and decades of relevant experience. Omg, what am I looking at here? Take photo, jiggle natural gas handle. Inspection complete!

      Well, I’ve always got something to fall back on. I’m sure my experience will trump the pizza delivery guy. And that’s where my five brothers reo work went? Sad.

  12. Avatar chris says:

    Trust me, you would make MORE money delivering pizzas !!!


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Fast, Faster and Really Fast…

by VaCAP Board time to read: 2 min