Congratulations AppraisersBlogs

Congratulations AppraisersBlogs - On Behalf of All the Crew at AGA!I just received a phone call that demonstrates AppraisersBlogs has international readership and influence.

About an hour ago, I received a call from an Israeli appraisal software developer asking questions about features that appraisers like and dislike in appraisal software.

Obviously, he got my views – though I tried to be reasonably objective and if he follows up with email as planned, we may all be able to offer input.

My main point though, is to let the Administrators of AppraisersBlogs (AB) know just how far their influence travels. This caller follows AB because it is one of the very few sites where issues and concerns of appraisers are regularly addressed in such detail and topical diversity. Congratulations!

There may (or may not) be sites with more readers, but I doubt there are many with as solid a reputation as being the best source where honest appraiser opinions and concerns are aired without censorship, or site administrators having ulterior motives.

On behalf of all the crew at AGA, well done AB!

Mike Ford

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Michael Ford
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Michael Ford

Michael Ford

Over 28 years appraising all property types and interests, in Southern California real estate. VP/Chairman National Appraiser Peer Review Committee, American Guild of Appraisers, #44OPEIU/AFL-CIO. - Michael Ford on e-AppraisersDirectory

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7 Responses

  1. Matt McCormick on Facebook Matt McCormick on Facebook says:

    Agree 100%100%100%100%

  2. Dina Miller Griffin on Facebook Dina Miller Griffin on Facebook says:


  3. Avatar EJ says:

    The only appraiser site I monitor. Congratulations!!!

  4. Avatar Koma says:

    CONGRATS! Keep up the good work and thank you for letting us have a neutral place to come and discuss our concerns.

  5. Avatar Eric West says:

    This blog continues to be #1 blog by far. This is the only site that consistently covers issues appraisers are concerned about and I love the fact that the owner is not a fan of censorship. Appraisers have a rare gem with AppraisersBlogs because it’s the only meeting place that allows TRUE freedom of speech.

    • Baggins Baggins says:

      This is an appraisal website which is not subject to sponsors content control. Advertisements quantity these days has a direct relationship to reduced journalistic freedom.

  6. Avatar Bill Johnson says:

    Forget about HousingWire dropping the ability to comment, or AppraisalBuzz having open comments UNTIL they become too one sided (disagree with the author), heck even our own (Dustin Harris), seem to want to block those that disagree with their point of views. Thank you AB!

    I’ve learned more from those who share a different opinion than me, compared to those who share my opinion.

    AB is seeking the truth.


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Congratulations AppraisersBlogs

by Michael Ford time to read: 1 min