1, 2, 3… Let’s Go!
Your Executive Committee met last week to discuss future events and issues that impact us all in our day to day lives as professional Appraisers.
Everyone of us is an unpaid volunteer working for you on issues that you may not even be aware of.
Bernie Bugg and I met with the president and director of WRVA radio to see how we get our story out there. They were surprised and shocked to hear what is going on in the mortgage Appraisal world. They see the looming potential dangers. We are in negotiations with them now. It looks very promising!
VaCAP memberships/website address (appraiser directory) will be advertised as part of our campaign. Not a member? Your name will not be included or divulged.
We have decided to send representatives to the Association of Appraiser Regulatory Officials (AARO) conference in DC. In conjunction with that we will be attending the Network of State Appraiser Organizations (NSAO) gathering the day before that conference. This is in October.
Virginia has been the beacon of light that has led to 28 states being associated in this Network of State Appraiser Organizations, in less than 5 years!!
We will also attend AppraiserFest on November 1, 2, & 3 in San Antonio, Texas. All Appraisers are invited to attend and that means YOU!!!!
The more of us from Virginia, the stronger our voices will be. This gathering is ONLY for Appraisers. No AMCs, no lenders, just us so we can come together and discuss issues honestly with our peers. This should be a wonderful experience for us all. San Antonio is a pretty cool place. Some great nationally known folks will be attending as well as teaching.
Also the CE offered is approved by The Appraisal Board of Virginia!
Come. Have a good time. Network. Meet new friends. AND get meaningful CE.
Do not forget to renew your VaCAP membership. Get your colleagues involved. Where else are you getting your information if not from VaCAP?
Hope all had a great summer!

- The New Con: Hybrids, Waivers & AMCs Threaten Public Trust - December 16, 2024
- VaCAP Supports Shane Lanham’s Legal Fight - September 10, 2024
- It’s Just Responsible Journalism! - February 21, 2024
thank you for all you do for our profession. Its sad that our world is a constant fight between shortcuts and over compliance and we are caught in the middle. The pendulum is swinging and we are trying to hold on.
VaCAP members and leadership are doing yeomen’s work. Great job.
Do you plan on just attending AAROs meeting or do you intend to challenge them on policies and practices?
1. WHY they refuse to allow non regulators to attend their investigators courses in Florida, so that full course content can be audited by APPRAISERS? Telling us that we must get permission from our state boards to attend is the same as saying “not allowed.” Getting permission from such corrupt state regulatory boards as California’s BREA by anyone that has ever challenged (& defeated) them in court is just not going to happen.
2. Ask them WHY they feel that an investigators appraisal review standard lower than the MINIMUM standards required for all federally regulated appraisals is somehow acceptable when investigators are supposedly determining OUR compliance with USPAP? Dont let them wriggle off the hook by saying “well investigations follow state laws…the whole point of USPAP is a FEDERAL standard and it says within USPAP what compliance is and is not.”
3. Ask them to adopt AT THAT MEETING a new policy or statement of intent to modify policy that ALL REGULATORY INVESTIGATIONSÂ will be encouraged to follow USPAP in all aspects including peer review and peer perceptions.
4. Ask them why appraisers are expected to understand and comply with USPAP while state regulators are not capable of doing so without an unofficial, third party organization for regulators to tell them how?
Good luck!